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AIIMS MBBS 2019 Result (Released)

AIIMS MBBS 2019 Result has been announced on 12th June 2019. Candidates can check their results in online mode through the official website of AIIMS. Candidates must take a printout of the result and keep it safe until the admission process. It is important for the candidates to know that only the ones who have successfully attempted the examination will be able to check the declared result on the official site. To check the result candidates will have to enter their registered ID along with the secured password.

AIIMS MBBS 2019 released in the form of PDF and the candidates can check the overall rank list and category wise rank list of AIIMS MBBS exam 2019. These categories are segregated as Rank-wise Results, Roll Number-wise Results and Individual Results. The announced result consists of details like name of the candidate, marks secured section-wise, total marks, roll number, the category of the candidate, etc. Each test taker who claims result must check for these details as any missing detail might create problems for the candidate in the later stages of the Counselling Process of AIIMS MBBS 2019.

The Result of AIIMS MBBS 2019 is prepared on the parameters considered in the normalisation procedure. This consideration has been adopted as the examination will take place in two shifts per day. AIIMS MBBS 2019 Cut-Off list has also been released on the official site. These shortlisted candidates will then be called for the Counselling Process with the required documents. The counselling process will determine the admission of students in various AIIMS Colleges in India.

Note: Candidates will not receive any result related communication on phone or by any other means individually.

AIIMS MBBS 2019 results can be accessed through its official website, i.e.,

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AIIMS MBBS 2019 Result Important Dates



AIIMS MBBS 2019 Exam Date

25th & 26th May 2019

AIIMS MBBS 2019 Result Date

12th June 2019 (Released)

AIIMS MBBS 2019 Rank-wise Results

The Rank-wise AIIMS MBBS 2019 Result defines the result of candidates on the basis of their secured ranks. These ranks will be decided on the basis of the marks scored by the candidates in the examination. The marks of all the test takers will be summed up in this list as per their ranks. The Rank-wise list will consist of names of the test takers in the decreasing order starting with the name of the candidate who will successfully secure the highest rank on the top of the rank list. Checking the rank will now become easy and simple with no extra effort other than downloading the result in a proper and defined way. The rank-wise AIIMS MBBS 2019 will consist of the secured overall ranks, roll numbers, percentiles of different subjects, overall percentile, category, etc.

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AIIMS MBBS 2019 Roll Number-wise Results

The AIIMS MBBS 2019 Roll Number-wise Result list will declare the result according to the roll numbers allotted to the test takers. The declared result will include a separate column for the roll numbers of the candidates who successfully attempted the examination and secured qualifying marks in it. The column consisting of the roll numbers will be organised in a mixed order as the order will be maintained as per the marks or percentile secured by the test takers of AIIMS MBBS 2019. The list will consist of overall ranks of the candidates, roll numbers, percentiles subject-wise, overall percentile, the category of the candidates, etc.

Steps to Check AIIMS MBBS Result 2019

  • Go to the official website of AIIMS MBBS.

  • Click on the link available to access the results and provide the relevant login credentials.
  • Click on the 'Submit' tab once the details are filled.
  • There will be two result PDFs available on the site. One will contain the rank-wise list and the other will contain the roll-number-wise list.
  • Click on the PDF that you want to check and find out your percentile score and All India Rank.
  • After that, download AIIMS result and take its printout for future use.

AIIMS MBBS Scorecard 2019

AIIMS MBBS Scorecard 2019 will be an important document, which will be required at the time of counselling. Following details will be mentioned on the scorecard.

  • Roll number
  • Registration number
  • Marks obtained in AIIMS MBBS
  • Rank 
  • Category of the candidate
  • Qualifying Status of AIIMS MBBS Result

AIIMS MBBS Merit List 2019

The AIIMS MBBS merit list 2019 will be issued by AIIMS New Delhi and contain the list of candidates who qualify the exam in order of their final scores. The AIIMS merit list will only be prepared for the qualified candidates who clear the AIIMS cut-off and only those candidates who obtain a rank in the AIIMS MBBS 2019 merit list and are invited for the counselling process.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided above is based on AIIMS MBBS 2018 exam. It will be updated as and when an official notification on AIIMS MBBS is available.

AIIMS MBBS 2019 Normalization Process

For the calculation of AIIMS MBBS score of the candidates, the exam authority follows the normalization procedure. As a part of the normalization process for AIIMS MBBS scores of the candidates, the analysis of AIIMS MBBS exam in the two shifts will be considered. The difficulty level of AIIMS MBBS exam among the two shifts. Therefore, the normalization process is adopted to maintain equivalency in the score of the entrance exam. No candidate will face injustice in terms of their score in AIIMS MBBS entrance exam due to the normalization process.

The normalized scores of the candidates in the AIIMS MBBS entrance exam 2019 will be used to decide the inter-se merit or ranking of the candidates. Usually, the normalization process for the AIIMS MBBS exam 2019 is completely based on the percentile of the candidates in the entrance exam.

What is a Percentile Score?

The percentile score in AIIMS MBBS exam is based on the relative performance of the candidates who appear for the entrance exam. The marks obtained by the candidates in the AIIMS MBBS entrance exam 2019 will be transformed into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each shift of exam takers. The topper of each shift of the AIIMS MBBS entrance exam 2019 will be given 100 percentile to maintain equivalency. The marks obtained between the highest and lowest score of AIIMS MBBS entrance exam are converted to appropriate percentiles.

How Percentile Score is Calculated?

Usually, the percentile score in the AIIMS MBBS entrance exam is calculated to 7 decimal places with an aim to restrict bunching effect and reduce ties. The below example will help you to understand the process of AIIMS MBBS entrance exam 2019 percentile calculation.

Example: Let us assume that the AIIMS MBBS exam was conducted in four shifts. The highest score secured by a candidate in each shift is 90, 89, 88 and 87 respectively. All the four candidates who have secured the highest score in each shift will be given 100 percentile in the entrance exam to maintain equivalency. This policy is adopted as the difficulty level of each shift varies.

For more information on the normalization process, you can check the PDF file below -

AIIMS MBBS Entrance Exam 2019 Normalization Procedure

AIIMS MBBS 2019 Tie-Breaking Criteria

The order of rank in the merit list will be determined by considering tie-breaking factors in case two candidates score same overall percentile in the entrance exam. The same order of priority will be followed as mentioned below:

Percentile in Biology:

Candidatesโ€™ percentiles in Biology subject in entrance exam will be considered. Those candidates who have scored higher percentile score in Biology will be placed higher in the order of merit.

Percentile in Chemistry:

If the tie persists after considering Biology percentile, then the percentile of the candidate in the subject of Chemistry in AIIMS MBBS entrance will be taken into consideration. The candidate whose percentile is higher in Chemistry will be placed higher in order of the merit list.

Percentile in Physics:

Even if a tie still persists, then, candidatesโ€™ percentile in Physics subject will be considered. Candidate with higher percentile will be placed higher in the order of merit.

Percentile in General Knowledge (GK):

If a tie still persists, then, candidatesโ€™ percentile in General Knowledge will be taken into account. Candidatesโ€™ with ha igher percentile in GK will be placed higher in the order of merit.


The final factor of age will be considered, if a tie situation still persists between two candidates even after considering all above factors. Candidate senior in age will be placed higher in order of merit.

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