What details will be available in the XAT answer key 2026?
Some of the important details mentioned in the XAT answer key 2026 are the correct answer to the question, question paper ID, and name of the examination. Students should match the answers as soon as the answer key is released to predict their XAT scores.
Who will release the XAT answer key?
XAT answer key has been released by the conducting body of the exam i.e XLRI Jamshedpur. The answer key provides huge relief to candidates who can assess their performance. It is uploaded on the website of the XAT exam and can be easily downloaded.
What is the fee to challenge the XAT 2026 answer key?
You will not have to pay any fee to challenge the XAT 2026 answer key. It can be done free of cost. However, make sure that the objection raised is valid and that you provide sufficient proof to challenge the XAT answer key.
Can I challenge XAT answer key?
Yes, if you feel that the existing answer in the XAT answer key is not correct, you can raise an objection. You will have to enter some details such as Question ID, Name, XAT ID and Evidence to support your objection in the email.
How to raise objection against XAT answer key?
Previously, objections to XAT answer keys were filed via email; however, as of 2023, objections must be filed through login. XLRI does not charge for XAT answer key challenges. Candidates must fill in the objection form after logging into their XAT account in order to raise objections. They have to upload a supporting document in order to raise an objection. Candidates may also email the question ID and response to which they object, along with evidence to back up their position. However, there is a deadline for sending the mail.
How can I download the XAT answer key?
You will have to log in to the official website of XAT in order to access the XAT answer key. Once you log in to the website, you can click on the link “XAT 2026 answer key” to view it.
When will XAT 2026 answer key be released?
XAT 2026 Answer Key will be released in January 2026, once the exam is held in January 2026. Students can keep visiting the XLRI website two to three days after the exam to find out if the answer key has been released.
What is XAT answer key?
The XAT answer key will contain the written answers to all the questions that will be asked in the XAT exam. You can utilize the answer key to match your answers with the correct answer and find how many answers are right or wrong.