XAT 2026 Answer Key - Date, Download Answer Key PDF Here

Updated By Intajur Rahaman on 19 Mar, 2025 11:24

The XAT 2026 answer key will be released in January 2026, on the official website. The preliminary XAT 2026 answer key will be released first and the objection window will be open for a few days. Find the direct link to access the XAT answer key right here!

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XAT 2026 Answer Key

The XAT answer key 2026 will be released inJanuary 2026, on the official website - xatonline.in. The XAT 2026 answer key includes all the correct answers to every question asked in the XAT 2026 question paper. The XAT answer key objection window will be open for a few days. Candidates can submitted their objections against the provisional answer key on the official website using their login. The direct link to download XAT answer key 2026 and raise objections will be updated here:

XAT Answer Key 2026 PDF Download Link and Objection Form (To be Activated)

XLRI Jamshedpur first releases a provisional answer key against which students can file objections if they find any discrepancies or wrong answers. The objection window is available for a few days during which candidates submit their objections. Once all the objections are submitted and reviewed, the conducting body releases the final answer key. Along with the answer key, the exam authorities also release the XAT 2026 response sheet which contains all the answers marked by a candidate. XAT 2026 will be conducted on the first Sunday of January 2026, and the XAT result 2026 will be made available in January 2026., on the official website. Candidates who appeared for XAT 2026 can get complete details about the XAT answer key 2026, including the steps to download it, how to calculate the XAT score, and more.

Also Read: How to Challenge XAT Answer Key 2026?

XAT Answer Key 2026 Dates

Check the table provided below to know the important dates for XAT 2026 answer key. 



XAT 2026 Exam Date

January 2026

XAT Answer Key 2026 Date

January 2026

XAT 2026 Response Sheet Date

January 2026

Updated XAT 2026 Final Answer Key Release Date

January 2026

XAT Result Date 2026

January 2026

How to Download XAT 2026 Answer Key?

To check the correct responses mentioned in the XAT 2026 official answer key, candidates are required to follow the below-mentioned steps:

How to Download XAT Answer Key?

Step 1: Visit the official website of XAT i.e. xatonline.in.

Step 2: Login by using the XAT ID and Password.

Step 3: A link indicating “XAT 2026 Answer Key” will appear on your screen. Click on the link.

Step 4: After clicking on the link, a PDF format of the XAT answer key 2026 will be displayed on the screen. 

Step 5: Download and take a print copy of the XAT 2026 answer key for future use.

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Information Mentioned on XAT Answer Key 2026

The XAT answer key 2026 is an important piece of documentation that candidates will require in various stages of their admissions process. There is a lot of vital information provided on the XAT answer key. The XAT 2026 answer key/response sheet includes the following details:

Information Mentioned on XAT Answer Key

  • Candidate's Name and XAT 2026 ID
  • Section-wise questions and their corresponding answers
  • Responses marked by the candidate
  • Unanswered questions by the candidate

Que: What is the significance of the XAT Answer Key 2026?

Ans: The XAT Answer Key 2026 serves the purpose of providing candidates who took the exam with a provisional solution to the questions posed in the XAT 2026. It includes the correct answers, enabling candidates to estimate their scores and assess their performance in the exam.

Que: How do I calculate my score using the XAT answer key?

Ans: To calculate your score using the XAT answer key, assign one mark for each correct answer. Deduct 0.25 marks for every incorrect answer in part 1. No marks will be subtracted for incorrect answers in part 3. For unanswered questions beyond 8, deduct 0.10 marks for each. Sum up your marks following this pattern and convert the total to percentile.

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How to Challenge XAT Answer Key 2026?

Candidates who find any discrepancy or any wrong answer in the released XAT answer key 2026 can raise objections against the same before the deadline. They have to produce adequate proof for the raised objection. The period in which the candidates can raise will be updated on the official website of XAT. Here's how to challenge XAT answer key 2026.

How to Raise an Objection Against XAT Answer Key

  • Visit the official website of XAT, xatonline.in, and go to the login page.
  • Enter XAT login credentials (XAT ID and Password).
  • Now click on the “Candidate Response/ Raise Objection” tab.
  • Enter the Question Paper and Part Name, Question ID, Selection Nature of Questions, and Remarks.
  • Upload the supporting documents against the raised objection and click on the “Submit” tab. (It is mandatory to upload adequate proof/ document without which the objection will not be considered.)

How to Calculate XAT 2026 Score Using Answer Key

As per the marking scheme of the XAT 2026 exam, a +1 mark is awarded for every correct response, and -0.25 is deducted for every incorrect response. If a candidate has not attempted more than 8 questions, then -.10 is deducted. To calculate the XAT 2026 score, you first need to compare the system-recorded response and the correct answers provided by the panel.

Calculate the total marks you scored from each correct response. Now, deduct the marks from the sum as per the incorrect responses and unattempted questions. This way, you can calculate your XAT score using the answer key and estimate how much percentile you can score in the exam. Here's the formula to calculate the XAT 2026 score.

XAT Score = No. of Correct Answers - No. of Incorrect Answers

How to Calculate XAT 2026 Percentile?

A percentile score is a measure used to evaluate a candidate's performance in the XAT exam, relative to the performance of other candidates who took the test at the same time. The percentile score is calculated based on the candidate's raw scores in each section of the exam. 

To determine your XAT percentile, you need to first find out your rank in the exam. Your rank refers to the position you secured in the list of all candidates who took the test. Once you know your rank, you then need to divide it by the total number of candidates who sat for the exam. Finally, you need to multiply the outcome by 100 to get your percentile score.

For instance, if you are among the top 10% of candidates who took the XAT exam, your percentile score will be 90. The formula to calculate your XAT percentile score is as follows:

XAT Percentile = Candidate’s XAT Rank/ Total Candidates x 100

Candidates can use our XAT 2026 Percentile Predictor to get an estimate of their percentile based on their raw XAT score. 

XAT 2026 Percentile vs Marks

XAT 96 Percentile Marks 2026XAT 95 Percentile Marks 2026
XAT 97 Percentile Marks 2026XAT 93 Percentile Marks 2026
XAT 94 Percentile Marks 2026XAT 92 Percentile Marks 2026

XAT 2026 Good Score

XAT 2026 VALR Good ScoreXAT 2026 DM Good Score
XAT 2026 QA & DI Good ScoreXAT 2026 GK Good Score

Marking Scheme of XAT 2026 Answer Key

To estimate the probable marks scored in the entrance exam and analyse the XAT answer key 2026, it is important to have a detailed knowledge of the marking scheme of XAT 2026.

  • For every correct answer, 1 mark is given to the candidate.

  • For any wrong answer, 0.25 marks are deducted.

  • 0.10 marks will be deducted for more than eight unanswered questions (consecutively).

  • The General Knowledge section of XAT will have no negative marking.

  • The scores of the General Knowledge section will not be considered for calculating the XAT score.

Type of Answer


For Correct Answer


For Wrong Answer


For No Answer/Unattempted Question


For 8 Consecutive Unattempted Questions


Final XAT Answer Key 2026

After the XAT exam is conducted, the authorities release the provisional answer key, which contains the correct answers to all the questions asked in the exam. Once the provisional answer key is released, candidates can check their responses and compare them with the answers given in the answer key. If any candidate finds any discrepancy or error in the provisional answer key, they can raise objections against it within a given period.

The exam authority will then review all the objections raised by the candidates and assess their validity. If any of the objections are found to be genuine, the XAT 2026 answer key will be revised accordingly, and an updated key will be released. This revised answer key will be the official answer key, which will be used to calculate the final results of the exam.

The final XAT answer key 2026 will be made available for download on the exam website once all the objections have been reviewed. If no objections are deemed to be valid, the XAT 2026 final answer key won't be announced separately, and the results will be calculated using the provisional answer key that was previously made public.

It is important to note that no objections will be entertained against the exam results, which will be based on the XAT 2026 final answer key. Therefore, candidates are advised to carefully review the provisional answer key and raise any objections they may have within the stipulated time frame.

Important Points to Remember about XAT Answer Key 2026

Aspirants who appear for the XAT 2026 exam must be aware of all the necessary details about the XAT answer key so that they are not confused about it when it is released. Candidates can take a look at the important points to remember related to the XAT answer key mentioned below:

  • The XAT answer key is released only by XLRI Jamshedpur which is the exam conducting body of XAT. Candidates who appeared for XAT can access the answer key online using their login credentials on the official website only.
  • The XAT answer key is released along with the XAT question paper and the responses of candidates for each question that appeared on the XAT exam.
  • The XAT answer key is released for only three sections of the XAT exam which include the Verbal & Logical Ability; Decision Making; Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation as they are counted for percentile calculation in XAT

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FAQs about XAT Answer Key

What details will be available in the XAT answer key 2026?

Some of the important details mentioned in the XAT answer key 2026 are the correct answer to the question, question paper ID, and name of the examination. Students should match the answers as soon as the answer key is released to predict their XAT scores. 

Who will release the XAT answer key?

XAT answer key has been released by the conducting body of the exam i.e XLRI Jamshedpur. The answer key provides huge relief to candidates who can assess their performance. It is uploaded on the website of the XAT exam and can be easily downloaded.

What is the fee to challenge the XAT 2026 answer key?

You will not have to pay any fee to challenge the XAT 2026 answer key. It can be done free of cost. However, make sure that the objection raised is valid and that you provide sufficient proof to challenge the XAT answer key. 

Can I challenge XAT answer key?

Yes, if you feel that the existing answer in the XAT answer key is not correct, you can raise an objection. You will have to enter some details such as Question ID, Name, XAT ID and Evidence to support your objection in the email.

How to raise objection against XAT answer key?

Previously, objections to XAT answer keys were filed via email; however, as of 2023, objections must be filed through login. XLRI does not charge for XAT answer key challenges. Candidates must fill in the objection form after logging into their XAT account in order to raise objections. They have to upload a supporting document in order to raise an objection.  Candidates may also email the question ID and response to which they object, along with evidence to back up their position. However, there is a deadline for sending the mail.

How can I download the XAT answer key?

You will have to log in to the official website of XAT in order to access the XAT answer key. Once you log in to the website, you can click on the link “XAT 2026 answer key” to view it.

When will XAT 2026 answer key be released?

XAT 2026 Answer Key will be released in January 2026, once the exam is held in January 2026. Students can keep visiting the XLRI  website two to three days after the exam to find out if the answer key has been released. 

What is XAT answer key?

The XAT answer key will contain the written answers to all the questions that will be asked in the XAT exam. You can utilize the answer key to match your answers with the correct answer and find how many answers are right or wrong.

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