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BHU UET Admit Card 2022

Candidates who have successfully registered for the entrance exam can download the admit card of BHU UET 2022 from the official website. The BHU UET 2022 Admit Card will be released in online mode as the same will not be dispatched via post or any other method. The admit card for BHU UET 2022 will consist of candidates' details, test centre details and exam day instructions. To access the admit card of BHU UET 2022, candidates will have to log in using their Registration ID or Email ID. The direct link to access the admit card of BHU UET 2022 will be mentioned here.

It is mandatory for the candidates to carry the BHU UET 2022 admit card to the exam centre. Candidates not carrying their admit card will not be allowed to appear for the entrance exam. Additionally, before printing the admit card, candidates must verify all the details mentioned on it and contact the university in case of an issue.

Note: Candidates must also note that the admit card/hall ticket of BHU UET 2022 should not be damaged and should be kept safe until the exam procedure is complete

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BHU UET 2022 Admit Card Important Dates

Candidates who are going to appear for BHU UET 2022 should be well aware of the important dates related to the BHU UET exam date, admit card/hall ticket release date etc. In the table given below, candidates can check all these details:


Important Dates

Release of Admit Card

To be Notified 

Date of BHU UET 2022 Examination

To be Notified

Result Declaration of BHU UET 2022

To be Notified 

How to Download BHU UET Admit Card 2022

In order to download the BHU UET 2022 admit card, candidates can go through the steps given below:

  • Visit the official website of the university.

  • Click on the link that displays โ€œBHU UET admit cardโ€.

  • Fill in the details such as Registration ID or Email ID.

  • After entering the details, BHU UET admit card 2021 will be displayed on the screen.

  • Cross-check all the details mentioned on the BHU UET admit card 2022.

  • Download and take a print-out of BHU UET 2022 admit card.

Important Instructions Regarding BHU UET Hall Ticket 2022

  • No candidate will be allowed to take BHU UET 2022 without the admit card.

  • The admit card of BHU UET will have details like Name, Roll Number, exam centre, etc.

  • Candidates are advised to verify all the details mentioned on the admit card.

  • Candidates must follow all the instructions mentioned on the BHU UET 2022 admit card.

  • Candidates should avoid tampering with the BHU UET 2022 admit card.

  • Candidates must keep the BHU UET 2022 admit card safe for future reference.

Details Mentioned on BHU UET 2022 Admit Card

The following details will be mentioned on BHU UET admit card 2022:

  • Candidateโ€™s name

  • Roll number

  • Fatherโ€™s and Motherโ€™s name

  • Date of birth

  • Test date and time

  • Category

  • Registration Number

  • Test Centre Code

  • Candidateโ€™s Photograph

  • Candidateโ€™s Signature

  • Exam Centre

  • Exam instructions

What Should Be Done In case of Discrepancy in the BHU UET Admit Card 2022?

While downloading the BHU UET 2022 admit card in online mode, it is mandatory to check all the details that are mentioned in the admit card of BHU UET 2022. In case the candidates find any discrepancy in the admit card of BHU UET 2022, they must contact the Universityโ€™s official help desk before the entrance examination. Candidates must note that if any candidate fails to report the discrepancy within the stipulated time frame, then the  University officials may not consider the same. Therefore, it is advisable to the candidates to download their admit card as and when it is released, otherwise, the authorities will not consider or will entertain any late intimation.

How One Can Retrieve Forgotten Login ID Credentials While Downloading BHU UET 2022 Admit Card?

While accessing the admit card of BHU UET 2022, candidates might tend to forget their โ€œRegistered passwordโ€. However, by following the steps given below, candidates have an option to retrieve the login ID credentials for BHU UET 2022. Check below:

Step 1: Log in to the official website of Banaras Hindu University and click at the option of โ€œUET admissionsโ€

Step 2: After visiting the website of BHU, candidates will have to click on โ€œSign inโ€ option. 

Step 3: Now, the candidates will have to click on โ€œForget Passwordโ€, and they will be required to enter the registered E-mail ID.

Step 4: Candidates must note that they will receive a  Password message on their officially registered mobile number.

Step 5: Now,  with the help of BHU UET  โ€œNew passwordโ€, candidates can sign in and access the admit card of BHU UET 2022.

What are Some of the Important Items Candidates must Carry to Exam Centre of BHU UET 2022?

Candidates appearing for the entrance examination will be required to carry some of the important items inside the examination hall on the day of the entrance examination apart from carrying the admit card of BHU UET 2022.

  • Blue/Black Ball Point Pen
  • An Identity Authentication document as mentioned on their admit card

What Items are Prohibited Inside BHU UET Exam Hall?

All the candidates who will be appearing for  BHU Undergraduate Entrance Test (UET) conducted by the Banaras Hindu University offering admission to their various programmes must take a look at the following items that must be carried inside the exam hall:

  • Calculator

  • Geometry/Pencil Box 

  • Writing Pad 

  • Scale

  • Electronic Gadgets

  • Earphones 

  • Bluetooth 

  • Health band

  • Microphone

  • Camera

  • Watch/Wristwatch 

  • Handbags

  • Wallet 

  • Goggles

  • Pen drives 

  • Eraser 

  • Electronic Pen/scanner

  • Cardboard

  • Log Table 

  • Mobile phones 

  • Notebook

What if Candidates Don't Receive BHU UET 2022 Admit Card?

  • BHU UET 2022 admit card is one of a verification document that provides admission entry to the candidates to the examination centre. It has all the necessary details regarding examination venue address, timings, candidate details etc. 

  • The admit card of BHU UET 2022 will be issued to all the appearing candidates in online mode. Candidates can access the same from the entrance test portal with the help of their registration ID created at the time of registration.

  • Candidates may note that they will not receive the admit card of BHU UET 2022 via post or any other offline methods. They will be provided with a provisional BHU UET 2022 entrance admit card.

  • If any candidate is unable to download the admit card of BHU UET 2022 admit card till three days before the examination, then, in that case, they must contact the BHU university officials immediately.

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FAQs about BHU UET Admit Card

What do I do if I forget the password to download my BHU UET admit card?

If you forget your student portal password, you can retrieve it by clicking on "Forgot Password" given under the option of signing in.

Is anything else required for the exam apart from the BHU UET admit card?

You have to carry an identity proof like aadhar card, passport, driving license, etc along with your BHU UET admit card to the exam centre.

What should I do if there is an error in my BHU UET admit card?

If you find an error in your BHU UET admit card, write and email to the authorities immediately, informing them about the issue. The contact information in case of a problem will be given on your admit card itself.

Should I keep my BHU UET admit card even after the exam?

Yes, you should keep your BHU UET admit card even after the exam because it might be useful in further admission rounds.

Is it mandatory to take my BHU UET admit card to the exam centre?

Yes, it is absolutely imperative that you take your BHU UET admit card to the exam centre. You will not be allowed to enter and take the exam if you do not have your admit card.

How can I download my BHU UET admit card?

To download your BHU UET admit card, you will have to visit the official website and log in using your email ID and password. If your application was submitted successfully, you will find the option of downloading the admit card on your student portal.

What is mentioned on the BHU UET admit card?

The BHU UET admit card contains the candidate's name, photograph, signature, roll number, application number, course applied for, exam applied for, test center, exam timings, reporting time, subject code, and instructions that are to be followed while taking the exam.

When is the BHU UET admit card released?

The admit card of BHU UET is released at least two weeks prior to the exam.

Should I keep my admit card safe after the completion of the BHU UET exam?

Yes, it is always better to keep the admit card of BHU UET safe after the completion of the exam as it may be required in the further rounds of admission.

Is a calculator allowed in the exam centre of BHU UET?

No, calculators or not other electronic gadgets are allowed in the exam centre of BHU UET.

What else should one carry to the exam centre along with the admit card of BHU UET?

An individual must carry a valid id proof and blue/ black ballpoint pen along with the admit card of BHU UET to the exam centre.

Is it possible to retrieve the forgotten password to access the BHU UET Admit Card?

Retrieving the forgotten password is possible to view the BHU UET, Admit Card.

What details should I enter to check the BHU UET Admit card?

To check the admit card of BHU UET, an individual must visit the official website and enter the log-in id and password.

What happens if I find a discrepancy in the admit card of BHU UET?

If an individual finds a discrepancy on the admit card of BHU UET he/she must immediately bring it to the notice of the help desk.

Are the photograph and signature mentioned on the admit card of BHU UET?

Yes, both signature and photographs are provided on the admit card of BHU UET.

From where can I download the admit card of BHU UET?

An individual can download the admit card from the official website of BHU UET.

Why is the admit card of BHU UET important?

The admit card of BHU UET is important as without it an individual is not allowed to sit for the exam.

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