What After Declaration of KIITEE MBA 2025 Result?
After the declaration of results of the KIITEE MBA Entrance Exam results, a merit list of candidates is created. The merit list is used for the selection of candidates for the second stage of MBA admission at KSOM i.e Group Discussion and Personal Interview (GD / PI).
Apart from the KIITEE MBA Entrance Exam, scores from the following entrance exams are also used for shortlisting of candidates for GD / PI round at KSOM:
The shortlisted candidates are then invited for a GD / PI round, which takes place at Bhubaneswar, New Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Jamshedpur.
A final merit list for admission of candidates to the MBA course at KSOM will be prepared on the basis of performance in the GD/PI round. A candidate's academic performance, KIITEE Management exam score, and GD/PI score are considered during the MBA final selection at KSOM. The selected candidates receive an admission offer letter containing the terms and conditions of the admission.
The selected candidates must confirm and accept the offer with the terms and conditions for taking admission to the programme through the "Acceptance Letter" in order for the admission offer to be valid, after carefully reading the contents of the admission offer letter.
All applicants who have been granted admission offers are required to pay the fees mentioned in the admission offer. If they fail to do so, the next person on the waiting list would take their place.