IAI ACET Previous Year Question Papers with Solutions and Answer Keys PDF

Updated By Debanjalee Sen on 07 Oct, 2024 14:52

ACET previous years' question papers are provided by the conducting authority along with the ACET answer key. After attempting the questions, the students can refer to the answer keys to assess their performance.

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ACET Previous Years' Question Papers

ACET previous year question papers are released by the IAI along with the official answer key. Candidates can access the past year question papers from the official website. By solving the question papers, they will get a feel of the difficulty level of the examination and understand what are the major topics from which questions can be expected.

It is ideal to work through the questions after completing the syllabus. The ACET 2024 for the October term will be held on October 13, 2024. We will update the below table with the relevant link, once the ACET question paper for the October session is issued -

Download ACET Question Papers Here (October Session) - TBA

ACET Previous Year Question Papers Overview

Check out the key highlights of the Actuarial Common Entrance Test (ACET) previous year question papers -

Exam Name

ACET - Actuarial Common Entrance Test


Previous Year Question Paper

Conducting Body

IAI - Institute of Actuaries of India

Exam Level

National Level

Official Website


How to Download ACET Previous Years' Question Papers

Students can readily obtain ACET past year question papers from this page. To accomplish this, follow the steps below -

  • Open the official site of the IAI ACET.
  • Move to the Actuarial Studies tab and find the "Question Papers and Solutions" option.
  • Candidates will find the previous year's question papers of ACET listed year-wise, right from 2016 to 2022.
  • They need to choose the appropriate year and download the question papers.
  • Candidates can take a printout of it and answer the questions if they want.

For the help of candidates, we have listed them in the below table for direct download.

Types of Questions Asked in ACET Question Papers

The ACET exam will include five components that students must complete. Candidates' Mathematics, Statistics, Data Interpretation, English, and Logical Reasoning skills will be examined. Candidates should review the past years' ACET question papers listed below, as well as the most recent question paper (posted above), to obtain a sense of the sorts of questions that may be posed.

ACET Previous Year's Question Papers Download

Here are the previous year's Actuarial Common Entrance Test question papers (ACET) - 

Top Commerce and Banking Colleges :

Advantages of Solving ACET Previous Years' Question Papers

There are numerous benefits to studying ACET previous year question papers. Some of the benefits are as follows -

  • Students will be able to identify their strong areas and topics that require more attention by using ACET previous year's question papers, allowing them to correct their faults well before appearing for the entrance examination.
  • Previous years' ACET question papers / ACET sample papers will also provide them an understanding of the exam pattern, and by practising them, they will be able to manage their time more efficiently.
  • Even before taking the exam, students are presented with a large number of questions. These sample papers will assist them in developing an effective exam preparation and exam plan.
  • They can deduce the degree of difficulty of the entrance test based on the difficulty level of these question papers.
  • The more ACET question papers students solve, the more confident they become for the exam. They can self-evaluate and gain a thorough comprehension of the ideas they are preparing for the entrance examination by tackling ACET's previous year's question questions.

Preparation Tips for ACET

Here are some preparation ideas for ACET that will help candidates do well on the exam -

  • Some ACET exam specialists and toppers believe that people who begin their ACET preparation beforehand are more likely to pass the law entrance exam. 
  • Beginning exam preparation early will provide candidates with adequate time to develop a solid exam strategy, which is one of the most crucial elements to consider when studying for the entrance exam, and time to revise all the topics they have learnt.
  • To effectively prepare for ACET, students should attempt to solve as many ACET previous years' question papers and online mock test series as possible to understand the questions and their difficulty level that may appear in the paper.
  • Make certain that you cover everything in the syllabus. Each portion is significant in its own right.
  • Students must put in as much practice time as feasible. Solve past years' question papers, practise tests, and so on so that they know where they fall short and can work on them regularly.
  • They must pay close attention to each area because they are all equally important, and if they get stuck on any aspect, they should attempt to take notes on it. Highlighted points are easier to recall during tests.

ACET Question Paper and Answer Key

The official set of ACET 2023 question papers and answer keys will be provided by the exam conducting authority within a few days of the exam. Many coaching institutes may also provide unofficial ACET 2023 answer keys pre-hand. Students can use these answer keys to evaluate how well they did on the exam.

Best time to Start Practising ACET Previous Year Question Papers

Although ACET exam participants must attempt to answer as many prior year queries as possible, it is also vital to understand when it is suitable to begin answering ACET previous year question papers.

Candidates should begin solving prior year ACET issues at least 30-40 days before the exam, according to exam experts. Before attempting the previous year's ACET papers, candidates must have completed the entire syllabus.

Want to know more about IAI ACET

FAQs about IAI ACET Question Papers

How can students use the ACET’s previous year question papers for preparation?

Students can use the ACET’s previous year question papers for preparation by replicating the environment for taking the test, reviewing the examination taken and working on how they can improve their performance.

When can candidates begin solving the ACET previous year question papers?

The correct time to begin solving the ACET previous year question papers is one or two months before the examination. Candidates must complete the syllabus in advance and then attempt the ACET previous year question papers.


What are the main segments of the exam for the ACET previous year question papers?

The main segments of the exam for the ACET previous year question papers include Mathematics, Statistics, Data Interpretation, English, and Logical Reasoning.


Is there any possibility of getting repeat questions from the ACET previous year question papers?

There is not much possibility of getting repeat questions from the ACET previous year question papers. However, students can get a glimpse of the category of questions they may get in the exam.

Are the ACET previous year question papers available free of cost?

Yes, the ACET previous year question papers are available free of cost. These can be obtained from IAI’s official portal.

Does solving the ACET previous year question papers help the candidates understand the exam format?

Yes, solving the ACET previous year question papers helps the candidates understand the exam format. 


What are the advantages of using the ACET previous year question papers?

Some advantages of using the ACET previous year question papers includes becoming acquainted with the variety of questions, their strengths and weaknesses, and how to enhance their preparation for the test.

Where can candidates download the ACET previous year question papers?

Candidates can download the ACET previous year question papers from the official website of IAI. They have to open the site and move to the Question Papers and Solutions tab, where they will get the past year question papers along with indicative solutions.


What are ACET previous year question papers?

ACET's previous year question papers are the questions from the earlier year question papers.


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