AIAPGET 2025 Marks vs Rank - Check AIAPGET Qualifying Scores, Detailed Analysis, and How to Calculate

Updated By Vandana Thakur on 12 Dec, 2024 18:15

Registration Starts On April 01, 2025

AIAPGET mark vs rank 2025 is the numeric representation of students' performance in the form of a rank that is relative to their scores. Check details here!

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About AIAPGET Marks vs Rank 2025

AIAPGET marks vs rank are the representation of the performance of a candidate in the exam. It is released in the form of a rank relative to the score secured in the entrance exam. The candidate with the highest score is given the rank of 1, and the next ranking is allocated from there based on the scores of the remaining candidates. AIAPGET marks vs rank helps students to estimate their rank relative to their scores. The All India AYUSH Post Graduate Entrance Test (AIAPGET) is a national-level entrance exam conducted for admissions to various postgraduate courses in Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy specialisations. Several factors play a vital role in the estimation of rank relative to scores. On this page, know in detail about the AIAPGET marks vs rank 2025, determining factors and more.

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Detailed AIAPGET 2025 Marks vs Rank

AIAPGET 2025 Marks vs Rank analysis will be released soon after the exams are conducted by the exam authorities. Students can go through the AIAPGET 2025 marks vs rank details given below. 

AIAPGET 2024 Marks (out of 480)

AIAPGET All India Rank (Expected)







363- 352




320- 265







10001- 15500

Factors Determining AIAPGET Marks vs Rank

AIAPGET marks vs rank analysis are prepared depending on the AIAPGET results that are released by the exam conducting body after the exam is held online. There are several factors based on which AIAPGET marks vs rank is conducted. Students can find the factors determining the AIAPGET mark vs rank 2025 given below.

  • Total Number of Appearing Students- The rank obtained in AIAPGET is related to the total number of candidates appearing for the exam. If for a particular year, more students are appearing in the examination then the competition for that year is tougher or vice versa. In such scenarios, a slight difference in the scores creates a significant difference in the rank.
  • Exam Difficulty Levels- The difficulty level of the AIAPGET exam plays an important role in determining the AIAPGET marks vs rank. If the exam is tough, the cutoff marks are likely to be lower, resulting in higher ranks for the same marks.
  • PreviousYearCutoff Scores- AIAPGET previous year cutoff is used to determine AIAPGET Marks vs Rank analysis. Based on the previous year's cutoff, the potential ranking can be expected.

Steps to Calculate the AIAPGET Marks vs Rank

The steps to calculate AIAPGET 2025 Marks vs Rank has been provided below: 

  1. Step 1: Find the candidate's score from the AIAPGET exam results.
  2. Step 2: Note the total score as determined by the exam authorities.
  3. Step 3: Look for the official ranking data released by the exam conducting body (NTA for AIAPGET).
  4. Step 4: Check if the data is presented as a percentile or in a rank list.
  5. Step 5: Calculate the percentile score.
  6. Step 6: Access the previous year's rank vs. marks data from official reports or coaching institutes' analysis.
  7. Step 7: Compare your score with this data to estimate your expected rank.
  8. Step 8: Check if the exam scores are normalised due to multiple sessions with varying difficulty levels.
  9. Step 9: Understand the normalisation process to see how it affects your score.
  10. Step 10: After normalisation and percentile calculation, refer to the final rank list.
  11. Step 11: Compare your normalised score or percentile with the rank list to determine your rank.

Want to know more about AIAPGET


How many students appeared for the AIAPGET exam?

As per exam statistics, 37,980 candidates appeared for the AIAPGET exam.

What is more important in deciding AIAPGET rank, mark, or percentile?

The AIAPGET percentile plays an important role in determining the AIAPGET rank. 

Where to check AIAPGET 2025 marks?

Candidates who have appeared in the AIAPGET exam 2025 can check AIAPGET marks on the official website. 

What is the importance of AIAPGET?

AIAPGET marks are required for admission to various state/private/central universities through their cutoff score.

What after AIAPGET marks vs rank analysis?

Once the students have checked the AIAPGET cut-off scores and analysed their rank, they may move to the next phase of the selection process which is-

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