CA CPT 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Diksha Nautiyal on 21 Apr, 2021 18:51

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How to Prepare for CA CPT 2021

CA CPT exam is a gateway to enroll in Charted Accountancy (CA) course offered by ICAI. Therefore, CA aspirants must focus on CPT exam so that they can gain eligibility for CAT course. In recent years, ICAI prescribed minimum qualifying marks for CPT exam, and only qualified students can get into the CA course. Cracking CPT in the first attempt is not difficult, and it is easy with perfect preparation. In other words, a dedicated preparation for 45 days will help you crack the CA CPT exam without much pressure.

When you register for CA CPT Exam, you will receive four textbooks from ICAI along with two mock test books that comprise of 30 model papers. ICAI CA CPT Study Material is the best source of knowledge, and it will help you with effective exam preparation. If you are able to cover the syllabus prescribed in four textbooks of ICAI, there is no need for additional study material.

In order to help the CA CPT aspirants, we have listed down some of the significant preparation tips for CA CPT Exam.โ€‹

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CA CPT Subject-wise Preparation Strategy

CA CPT Exam covers four subjects as Accounts, Business Law, Micro Economics, Maths and Statistics, and Macro Economics. The preparation strategy for all four subjects is elaborated below.

Accounts: Accounting is the key subject of CA CPT. If you are good at the basics of Accounts, it is very easy to clear the exam. Accounts syllabus of Class 11 and Class 12 play a vital role in exam preparation, and it is mandatory to have a strong base in the subject. Revise the concepts, stick to the basics and practice mock tests. You must practice at least one mock test once a day or twice. The success of the candidates in the Accounting subject of the CPT exam depends on their command of the basic concepts.

Business Law: Business Law is a new subject in CPT, and most students face difficulty with regard to questions asked in the exam. Most of the questions are not directly given from the textbook, and a good understanding of concepts will help the candidates achieve a better score in this section. Read all the concepts prescribed in the ICAI CPT Study Material carefully, understand the concepts, and practice enough mock tests to achieve success.

Micro Economics: Economics syllabus of Class 12 is the basis to achieve a better score in the Micro Economics part of CPT. Refer to the topics associated with Micro Economics from Class 12 textbooks and ICAI textbooks. While practising mock tests, remember the concept of graphs and create your own answers. Practice enough CPT mock tests to attain perfection.

Maths and Statistics: Most students take this subject, as they feel that Maths and Statistics are difficult to understand. The assumption of most students is wrong, as the subject is easy if you are good at Mathematics up to Class 10 level. Basic knowledge of Mathematics is very important for CA aspirants. Get a CPT test series of books from the nearby bookstore or online store, and start practising enough mock tests. Just revise the Mathematics syllabus of Class 10, and you can achieve a better score.

Macro Economics: Macro Economics part of the CPT exam is theory-based, and you must learn the concepts to achieve a better score in this subject. Usually, Macro Economics has weightage up to 25 marks. While learning the concepts, note down the important points and revise them constantly. Prepare enough mock tests to attain a perfect score. Prepare according to the latest syllabus

General Tips & Tricks for CA CPT 2020-21 Preparation

The number of candidates who wish to become Chartered Accountants is on the rise in India. In order to pursue CA in India, students must give the CPT or CA Foundation exam conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) after the 12th standard.

With just three months left to prepare for the CA CPT December 2020-21 exam, candidates should focus on covering the entire syllabus and keeping enough free time to practice for the exam. A month-wise preparation plan is something that candidates could consider as part of their strategy.

Candidates can follow these general tips & tricks to prepare for CA CPT 2020-21 exam:

Make A Study Plan: Before starting with your exam preparation, you should first create a timetable that guides you and keeps you focused to attain your goal. Your timetable should include all the topics that you have to study on a daily basis. You should spend more hours on the tough subjects, and go easy on the ones that are not so tough. In addition, do not forget to include sufficient intervals/breaks in your study schedule.

Keep Stress and Fear At Bay: Fear and stress are two of the major factors that tend to negatively affect your overall performance. However, you should try and stay calm while preparing for exams. Staying calm and composed will not only help you relax your mind and body but will also boost your confidence eventually.

Don't Cram, Make Notes: If you are aiming to crack a competitive exam like CA CPT, then you should let go of the cramming of subjects. If you are cramming everything, then the chances of forgetting everything that you have learnt increase. Instead, you should prepare short notes from the beginning while studying for exams, as it will certainly help you recall all the points at the time of revision.

Prepare According to the Latest Syllabus: Preparing according to the latest and prescribed syllabus of CA CPT is important. Studying beyond the syllabus of the entrance exam will not help you much as the prescribed syllabus of CA CPT is quite vast. Therefore, devote your precious time to preparing the topics that are included in the CA CPT syllabus in order to crack the entrance exam

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How to Prepare for CA CPT Exam in 45 Days?

Before starting your preparation for CA CPT Exam, prepare a schedule for 45 days. Your timetable must include the number of hours allocated for each subject, time for revision, the time allocated to practise mock tests etc. Prepare a study plan that covers exam preparation of all subjects on a weekly basis or daily hour basis. Study with planning and success is yours. Some of the steps that will help candidates with CA CPT Exam preparation in 45 days are elaborated below.

Step 1 โ€“ The primary step in the exam preparation for the CA CPT exam is learning and understanding. Open a subject textbook, pick up a topic, read the concept, understand it, note down important points and practice mock tests from the respective topic. After the end of each topic, you will find some questions, and attempt all those questions to test your understanding of the concept.

Step 2 โ€“ You should not leave a concept after learning, and it is necessary to revise them from time to time. A perfect revision will help you achieve a good score in CA CPT.

Step 3 โ€“ The revising of concepts should be followed by practising mock tests. It is an interesting task, and you can practice as many as mock tests you can. After practising a mock test, analyse your mistakes and work towards improving on weak areas. Apart from mock tests, practice previous year CA CPT question papers to understand the exam pattern, the nature of questions and difficulty level of the exam.โ€‹

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Important Instructions for Exam Day

On the day of the exam, you must follow the below instructions:

  • Reach the exam venue at least one hour before the stipulated time to avoid the last-minute rush.

  • It is mandatory to carry CA CPT Admit Card to the exam centre No candidate will be allowed into the exam centre without the admit card.

  • Do not carry a mobile, calculator, or any other electronic devices into the exam.

  • Refrain from communicating with fellow examinees.

  • While answering questions, do not panic or rush. Think peacefully and answer the questions.

  • Do not lose confidence or give up if the paper is tough. Try to solve the known questions first and then proceed with tough questions.

  • Do not leave any questions and try to answer all the questions.

  • Follow the instructions given by the invigilator from time to time.

  • If you face any problem in the exam hall, report to the invigilator immediately.

  • Refrain from using washrooms during the exam unless in an urgent situation.

  • Maintain decorum in the exam hall to ensure smooth conduct of the exam.

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