CU (Calcutta University) Entrance Exam 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

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Calcutta University Entrance Exam - How To Prepare?

Admission in Calcutta University (CU) is basis merit and an entrance exam for UG programmes. For PG & Ph.D programmes, the admission criteria may vary from subject to subject. Since CU is considered to be amongst the top state universities in India, students from not just West Bengal, but north-eastern states and rest of India also seek admission. However, Calcutta University reserves 60% of its total seats for students belonging to the state domicile and the remaining 40% for the rest of India. 

Besides UG, PG & Ph. D programmes Calcutta University also offers Certificate & Diploma programmes. Admission to all degrees may require the university level entrance exam score, so if you are interested in appearing for any of the programmes offered at Calcutta University, you must know how to prepare for Calcutta University entrance exams. For your benefit, we have listed the best preparation strategy to crack Calcutta University Entrance Exam effectively. Amongst different strategies, our top tip for preparing for the entrance examination at Calcutta University includes developing a custom time-table and strategy, uniquely designed to benefit you in clearing the exam. 

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How to Prepare for Calcutta University Entrance Exam 2022?

Since the entrance exam conducted by Calcutta University is a University level entrance examination which is applicable for various courses across multiple disciplines, the entrance test will be designed to calculate the aptitude of a prospective student, rather than their knowledge of particular subjects. Therefore, in order to clear the exam, all aspirants are advised on certain steps for the preparation for the Calcutta University Entrance Exam 2022.

Here are some of the steps you can take on How to Prepare for Calcutta University Entrance Exam 2022.

  • Understand the Syllabus: The syllabus for Calcutta University Entrance Exam is expected to consist of General English Language, General Knowledge, Logical Reasoning and Mathematical Reasoning/General Mathematics. The University may release the official notice on the syllabus for Calcutta University Entrance Exam 2022. 

  • Set a Schedule for Studying: While it may seem tasking to prepare a timetable or set a schedule for studying, scheduling your preparation for the exam can help reduce a lot of the stress you may face while preparing for the exam. A good time table can help you prepare in an efficient and effective manner as well. 

  • Collect Best Books for Preparation: The Calcutta University entrance exam is expected to be more like an aptitude test, there are several books that you can refer to while preparing for the same. Books such as;

    • A New Approach to Reasoning: Verbal and Non-Verbal

    • A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by RS Aggarwal

    • Objective General English by RS Aggarwal

    • General Knowledge by Arihant Experts

  • Attempt Mock/Sample Tests: One of the better methods of truly calculating your knowledge over a subject is by taking tests. Sample Tests and Mock Exam papers for Calcutta University or even Aptitude Tests, in general, can help you understand your weaknesses and strengths, in terms of knowledge.

Previous Year Question Papers: This might be a more difficult task to complete as you will be required to search for the previous year question papers of the Calcutta University entrance exam. However, while attempting mock or sample tests can help you gauge yourself, attempting the previous year question papers will help you understand the kind of questions that are commonly asked during the Calcutta University Entrance Exams.

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