CG PAT 2025 Physics Syllabus PDF - Download CG PAT Physics Syllabus Topic wise

Updated By Shagun Bhardwaj on 06 Nov, 2024 10:15

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CG PAT Physics Syllabus

Students looking for the latest CG PAT Physics Syllabus 2025 must either download the latest version of the CG PAT exam 2025 brochure from the official website of the university or inspect the content given in the following sections. Students should also read the CG PAT 2025 exam pattern as they prepare for the exam. 

On this page, you'll find the CG PAT 2025 syllabus PDF, which will help you make your CG PAT 2025 exam preparation strategy.  

Download the CG PAT Physics Syllabus Official PDF from the link provided below:

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CG PAT Detailed Physics Syllabus

The CG PAT physics syllabus covers topics such as Work, Energy, Power, Force, Electrostatics, Gravitation, States of Matter- Solid & Liquid, Light, Electromagnetic Induction, Waves and Oscillations, Dimensional Analysis, Kinematics, and Thermodynamics. 

Check the CG PAT syllabus for Physics below: 

1. Units and dimensions: Dimensional analysis, S.I. Units, motion in two dimensions. Cases of uniform velocity and uniform acceleration, General relation among position and velocity. Uniform circular motion, Force and inertia, Newton's laws of motion, conservation of momentum and energy Static and kinetic friction.

2. Work energy and power: Elastic collisions, Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy and its angular conversion to kinetic energy. The potential energy of a spring. Rigid body rotation and conservation of its momentum, Moment of inertia, theorems of parallel and perpendicular axis, (Moment of inertia of uniform ring, disc thin rod and cylinder only).

3. Gravitation: Acceleration due to gravity and its variation. The universal law of gravitation, geostationary satellites escape velocity.

4. Mechanical Properties of Solids and Gases: Hookes law, Young's modulus, shear and bulk modulus, surface energy and surface tension, kinetic theory of gases, gas laws, kinetic energy and temperature.

5. Thermodynamics: Specific heat at constant volume and constant pressure, Mechanical equivalent of heat isothermal and adiabatic processes.

6. Heat Transfer: Heat conduction in one dimension, convection and radiation. Stefan's law and Newton's law of cooling.

7. Waves: Periodic motion, simple harmonic motion, Oscillations due to spring. Wave motion principle of superposition, progressive and stationary waves, beats and Doppler effect. Wave nature of light. Interference, Young's double slit experiment, the velocity of light and Doppler's effect in the light.

8. Optics: Reflection, refraction, total internal reflection, curved mirrors, Lenses, mirror and lens formulae. Dispersion in prism, absorption and emission spectra. The human eye, defects of vision, magnification and resolving power of telescope and microscope. 'e' and 'e/m' for an electron, Einstein's photoelectric equation, photocells.

9. Electrostatics: Bohr model of the atom, Hydrogen spectrum, Composition of the nucleus, atomic masses and isotopes, radioactivity, laws of radioactive decay, decay constant, half-life and mean life, Mass-energy relation, fission, X-ray: properties and uses. Coulomb's law of electrostatics, dielectric constant, electric field and potential due to a point charge, dipole, dipole field, Gauss's law in simple geometrics. Electrostatic potential, capacitance, parallel plate and spherical capacitors, capacitors in series and parallel, energy of a capacitor.

10. Electric Circuits: Elementary ideas of conductor, semi-conductor and insulator, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, pn junction as a rectifier. Electric current, Ohm's law, Kirchoff's laws, resistances in series and parallel, the temperature dependence of resistance, wheat stone bridge, potentiometer. Measurement of voltages and currents. Electric power heating effects of currents, chemical effects and law of electrolysis, thermoelectricity, Biot-Savart law, Magnetic fields due to a straight wire, circular loop and solenoid

11. Magnetism: Bar magnet lines of force, torque on a bar magnet due to magnetic field, earth's magnetic field, tangent galvanometer, vibration magnetometer. Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field (Lorentz force), magnetic moment of a current loop, effect of a uniform magnetic field of a current loop, forces between two currents; moving galvanometer, ammeter and voltmeter.

12. Electromagnetic Induction: induced emf Faraday's law. Lenz's law, self and mutual inductance, Alternating currents impedance and reactance growth and decay of current in I.-R circuit, elementary idea of dynamo and transformer.

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FAQs about CG PAT Syllabus

What types of questions are there in the CG PAT exam?

The CG PAT exam consists of a total of 200 MCQ (Objective Type Questions) based on three subjects. You'll get 1 mark for every correct answer. There won't be any marks deducted for wrong answers.

What is the CG PAT 2025 Exam Pattern?

The CG PAT exam is conducted offline in both English and Hindi. The exam will have three sections for both Agriculture and Science groups. All questions will be objective type (MCQ). The duration of the exam is three hours, and the total marks are 150.

How to prepare for CG PAT?

To prepare for CG PAT exam Prepare a schedule for each subject and cover the important topics from the syllabus. Get the books and study material. Practice mock test papers/ online mock tests.

What is the syllabus for CG PAT?

The CG PAT exam syllabus is divided into three sections depending on the candidate's group selection: The agriculture section covers science, mathematics, crop production, horticulture, animal husbandry, and poultry farming.

What is the physics syllabus for CG PAT?

The CG PAT physics syllabus covers topics such as Work, Energy, Power, Force, Electrostatics, Gravitation, States of Matter- Solid & Liquid, Light, Electromagnetic Induction, Waves and Oscillations, Dimensional Analysis, Kinematics, and Thermodynamics. 

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