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The admit card for IGRUA 2022 will be uploaded on the official website of IGRUA in August 2022. Candidates will be required to carry the admit card for the written test and also at the time of the interview. The admit card will have all the details along with the information regarding the examination venue for IGRUA 2022. Also, after downloading the admit card/hall ticket of IGRUA 2022, candidates should take its printout and retain it till the time of admission for further reference.
Candidates who have successfully submitted the application form will only be eligible for downloading IGRUA admit card 2022. IGRUA admit card will have all the necessary details such as the name of the candidate, application number, roll number, course name, date and the time of the exam, centre allotted for the exam, important instructions to be followed on the date of the entrance. If any of the details are found to be incorrect then it is the duty of the candidate to report it to the exam conducting body immediately so that a new admit card with modifications is issued to the candidate before the entrance exam.
The table provided below contains the important dates for IGRUA 2022 admit card.
Events | Dates |
IGRUA 2022 Admit Card Availability Date | August 2022 |
IGRUA 2022 Exam Date | August 2022 |
To download IGRUA admit card 2022, you need to follow the steps given below
The IGRUA 2022 admit card will have the following details
It is compulsory for the candidates to carry admit card to the exam hall along with the following:
Want to know more about IGRUA Entrance
Candidates who have registered for the IGRUA entrance exam may download the admit card of the exam.
No, you will have to carry a hard copy of the IGRUA admit card. Candidates who are carrying the soft copy will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.
IGRUA admit card is released by Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademy (IGRUA)
Yes, you can carry an Aadhaar card on IGRUA exam day. You can also carry the Driving License, Pan Card or Voter Card.
Yes, you will have to carry the IGRUA admit card to the exam centre. No candidate will be allowed to enter the exam centre without the admit card.
Candidates need to carry one ID proof along with the IGRUA admit card on the exam day. No other document is allowed on the exam day.
You can download the admit card of IGRUA from the official website of IGRUA. You will have to enter your login details to download the admit card.
Some of the details mentioned on the IGRUA admit card are the Candidateโs name, category of the candidate, date, time and venue of exam.
The IGRUA 2020 admit card will be released on 20th Aug 2020. It will be available only on the official website of IGRUA.
You can download another copy of IGRUA admit card from the official website. However, you should try to keep it safe until the examination process is over.
Important instructions mentioned on the IGRUA admit card will provide you with all the necessary details required to give the exam. You are advised to go through the important instructions mentioned on the admit card.
Any candidate who is without the IGRUA admit card will not be allowed to sit for the exam.
You can check the IGRUA exam timings and date from the admit card of the exam.
No, you will have to carry a hard copy of the IGRUA admit card.
You can download the IGRUA once the admit card has been uploaded on the official website. The admit card will only be available for the candidates who have submitted the application form before the last date.
Yes, you will have to carry IGRUA admit card on the exam day. You will not be allowed to sit in the examination hall without the admit card.
You can download the IGRUA admit card from the official website of IGRUA 2020. You will have to enter you login details in order to view your admit card.
Admit card of IGRUA will have some important details such as Name of the candidate, Application Number, Registration number, Gender and Exam Date and time.
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