IIMC Entrance Exam 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

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How to Prepare for IIMC Entrance Exam 2023

Wondering how to prepare for the IIMC entrance exam 2023? Well, IIMC Entrance Exam is an examination that has tough competition. It is an examination that every mass communication aspirant aspires to compete for. The aim of the examination is to churn out candidates for the different mass communication courses offered by the institution. To help you crack the IIMC 2023 exam, we have come up with a preparation strategy and timetable given below.

How to Pepare for IIMC 2023: Preparation Strategy & Tips

To get a good command of the language of the medium (Hindi, English, Odia, Urdu, Marathi, and Malayalam) and the topics asked, one needs to start preparing for the Entrance Exam of IIMC well in advance. Listed below are some ways that will help you prepare for IIMC Entrance Exam.

Have a General Awareness

The aspirant must also have a general knowledge of social and media history; polity; economy; international developments and Indiaโ€™s relationship with the world. Focus more on the cultural aspects of the topics from the Freedom Movement. It is also required to learn about the Indian Constitution to answer questions based on the rights of citizens as these kinds of questions are generally asked either directly or indirectly in the Entrance Exam conducted by IIMC.

In the preparation for the IIMC Entrance Exam for advertising and public relations, the general awareness part focuses on developmental and public issues. The topics of social consciousness and marketing strategy are the ones from which direct questions are asked. Brand awareness is also a very important part of the IIMC Entrance Exam preparation. Once you know what exactly this means, assume 10 percent marks are in your pocket. 

Stay Updated About the Current Affairs

Almost 70% of the IIMC Entrance Exam contains questions that are based on current affairs as it is the key area. So, being updated with what is happening around is a crucial step in the preparation for the IIMC Entrance Exam. Not only do the questions related to whatโ€™s happening in the country are asked in the exam, but also whatโ€™s happening around the globe (if it gathered the attention of the global media) and how it affects India. A journalist should have sound knowledge of issues outside the country.

Practice Values and Ethics Section

While preparing for IIMC Entrance Exam, one should keep this thing in mind that ethics and values are the two most important characteristics of a journalist. This is the first thing that is taught to journalism students. At any time, no matter how adverse the situation is, a journalist must not lose his/her ethics. Hence, questions based on ethics and values, and media laws are asked in the Entrance Exam that IIMC conducts.

Develop a Reading Habit

Good writing comes from good reading. A habit of reading various magazines and newspapers will help your answers sound smart. Donโ€™t just stick to only one type of newspaper or magazine. Going through the articles from different newspapers helps to explore all the aspects of a topic and gives you a thorough understanding of it. While preparing for the IIMC Entrance Exam, one doesnโ€™t need to stick only to newspapers or monthly magazines on general knowledge. aspirants should also prefer reading novels as not only does this help you build your vocabulary but also gives a break to your mind.

Read Opinions and Editorials

Having thorough information on a topic is important but the aspirants must also have an opinion about it as opinion-oriented questions are frequently asked in IIMC Entrance Exam. To prepare for such questions, one should prefer reading editorials from various newspapers that are present in the market and popular personal blogs on the same topic. 

Develop a Good Command of the Language

IIMC provides journalism in Hindi, English, Odia, Urdu, Marathi, and Malayalam. Aspirants preparing for the entrance exam of IIMC in any of the above-mentioned languages should have proficiency in it. One must also be very well aware of the grammatical rules. questions on words that often confuse (especially during exams) like homophones or homonyms are asked in the exam.

Practice Mock Tests

Mock tests serve chiefly as practice for future exams. It gives a clear idea of what the actual exam would be like. Sometimes aspirants get confused as to what the question demands as an answer which makes the answer sound deviated but going through several mock tests would help to develop a clear vision and idea and prepare you well for the Entrance Exam conducted by the Indian Institute of Mass Communication.

Set Up a Study Plan

Having a comprehensive study plan for IIMC exam preparation will help you manage your time and attain your targets. While preparing the schedule, you must ensure that your timetable is in tune with your schedule and daily needs. Therefore, set up a study plan for yourself that will help you crack the entrance exam.

Plan Your Exam Strategy

Having a good preparation strategy is important to structure and manage your preparation time. A good exam strategy is to have a study schedule that is following the subjects you have to study and the time available for it.

Get the Right Study Material

You must get the right study material when it comes to entrance exam preparation. To prepare well for the IIMC entrance exam, you should have good books that help you understand the fundamental concepts of the subject matter so that you can prepare easily and effectively.

Practice Through Mock Tests

Mock tests sequentially incorporate all the exam-related information. It exposes you to a large variety of questions, which give a brief idea about the level of difficulty of the actual exam. By taking mock tests, you can prepare for the IIMC entrance exam in a better way. By practicing mock tests, you will know your strong areas and weak areas that require more attention.

Stay Fit and Take Rest

It is of the utmost importance to stay fit and healthy when it comes to entrance exam preparation. Along with the exam preparation, it is suggested that you exercise daily and sleep well to keep your mind and body fresh on the day of the exam.

IIMC Entrance Exam Study Plan/Time Table 2023

In order to crack the IIMC entrance examination, one surely requires a good preparation strategy and a proper timetable for effective exam preparation. Before IIMC aspirants begin with their IIMC entrance examination preparation, it is indeed ideal for them to take a look at the IIMC entrance examination 2023 timetable and preparation strategy. 

Here on this page, candidates will find all the details regarding the study plan and preparation schedule which can be helpful for the candidates who are preparing for the entrance examination. Candidates can take a look at the below study plan and time-table and can use it as a reference to prepare their own timetable for the IIMC entrance examination 2023

Candidates can check out the detailed day-wise study plan and timetable of the IIMC entrance exam 2023 prepared by the College Dekho experts. Take a look!

Total Number of Hours for Exam Preparation (Per Day)


Morning Session (3 Hours)

  • Candidates should choose a topic or subtopic to start their  IIMC 2023 entrance examination preparation.
  • Candidates must read and understand the topics thoroughly and note down the important points to be prepared for the entrance examination.
  • Candidates must refer to the best books or study materials for an advanced level of examination preparation.

1 Hour Break/Daily Routine Activities

Afternoon Session (3 Hours)

  • Candidates should first revise the topics that they have studied in the morning session. 
  • Candidates should also choose the next topic or subtopics from the IIMC syllabus.
  • Candidates should highlight the important points that require to be prepared and note them down.
  • Candidates must also start solving various IIMC practice papers for revision purposes.

1.5 Hour Break/Daily Routine Activities

Evening Session (2 Hours)

  • Candidates should take up the next topic or subtopic and understand it thoroughly. 
  • Candidates should cover all the aspects related to the topics or sub-topics they are studying for the entrance examination. 
  • Candidates must also start solving the practice papers to revise whatever they have studied or prepared for the entrance examination. 

Take Rest/Sleep

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