JIPMER MBBS 2025 Cutoff - Check Category-wise (General, OBC, SC, ST) Qualifying Cutoff Score

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JIPMER MBBS Cut-off 2020

The JIPMER 2020 cut-off is completely based on the marks scored by the candidates in the entrance exam. JIPMER 2020 was conducted on June 2, 2020, and the result of JIPMER 2020 was released on June 08, 2020. Jawaharlal Institute Postgraduate Medical Education & Research organizes the JIPMER MBBS examination to offer admission in MBBS programme and based on the JIPMER MBBS score, various campuses of JIPMER institutions provide admissions to the qualified candidates.

JIPMER cut-off is based on the minimum qualifying marks prescribed by JIPMER Puducherry to qualify in the entrance exam. Once the cut-off of JIPMER 2020 is released, candidates will be able to check the JIPMER MBBS cut-off 2020 through online mode. It must be noted that candidates who successfully meet the cut-off list are considered as qualified. Therefore, to clear the entrance exam and become eligible for admissions, candidates have to obtain the category-wise percentile specified by JIPMER Puducherry.

JIPMER MBBS Cut-off 2020 Important Dates



JIPMER MBBS 2020 Exam Date

June 2, 2020

Declaration of JIPMER MBBS 2020 Result

June 08, 2020

JIPMER MBBS 2020 Cut-off Release

June 08, 2020

JIPMER MBBS Cut Off 2020 – Tie-Breaking Criteria

The ranks of the candidates in the merit list will be determined by considering below-mentioned factors to break the tie if two or more candidates score equal percentile in JIPMER MBBS 2020. The same order of priority will be taken into account as mentioned below.

Percentile in Biology:

A candidate scoring more percentile in Biology in the entrance will be placed higher in the order of merit as compared to other candidates.

Percentile in Chemistry:

In case the tie persists even after considering percentile of Biology subject, then, candidates’ percentile in Chemistry will be taken into consideration. Candidate scoring more percentile in Chemistry in JIPMER MBBS entrance will be placed higher in priority compared to those who score lesser percentile.

Percentile in Physics:

Even after considering above two factors, if the tie persists, then the candidate who score more percentile in Physics subject of the entrance exam will be placed higher in the order of merit compared to other candidates.

Percentile in English Language and Comprehension:

Candidates’ percentile of English Language and Comprehension will be considered if the tie still doesn’t get resolved. Candidate having more percentile in English Language and Comprehension subject of JIPMER MBBS entrance, he/she will be placed higher in the order of merit.

Percentile in Logic and Quantitative Reasoning:

Candidates’ percentiles in Logic and Quantitative Reasoning subject of JIPMER MBBS entrance will be considered if the tie persists even after considering the above four factors. Candidate scoring more percentile in Logic and Quantitative Reasoning will be given higher order in merit list than others.


The final factor of age will be considered if all other tie-breaking factors fail to break the tie, candidate who is elder in age will be placed above in the merit list of the entrance exam.

Factors Determining JIPMER MBBS Cut-off

The cut-off of JIPMER 2020 is based on the following factors:

  • Number of seats

  • Total number of applicants

  • Difficulty level of the entrance exam

JIPMER MBBS 2020 Cut Off - Qualifying Criteria 

The below table lists the qualifying percentile of JIPMER exam held in 2020 for different categories:


Minimum Percentile Required

General (UR)/ OCI/ NRI

50th Percentile


40th Percentile


45th Percentile

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