Rajasthan JET 2025 Exam Analysis
Rajasthan JET exam analysis 2025 will be updated on this page immediately after the exam is over. The exam will tentatively be conducted in the first week of June 2025 based on the previous year’s trends in offline mode where students will be allocated a respective testing facility as per their order of preference entered during registration.
The five main disciplines that will be covered in the Rajasthan JET 2025 exam are mathematics, biology, agriculture, chemistry, and physics. Students can evaluate and analyse their performance in the exam by reviewing the comprehensive Rajasthan JET 2025 exam analysis alongside the answer key.
To gain an understanding of the test's difficulty level, primary subjects, topic-wise weighting, and time-consuming components, applicants may also review prior analyses. JET agriculture paper analyses for the years 2024, 2023 and 2022 are available for prospective aspirant's reference in the subsequent sections. Examinees can review the previous year's Rajasthan JET exam analysis and make appropriate preparations for the following year.