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The admit card of AUCET 2020 is now available on the official website of Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. As the AUCET 2020 admit card is an important document, therefore, it is mandatory to carry the same to the examination centre along with any one of the photo ID proof. In case any discrepancies are found in the hall ticket, then the candidates can raise the issue before downloading the AUCET 2020 hall ticket.
In order to access the AUCET 2020 admit card, candidates will have to enter their Application number and Date of Birth. After downloading the admit card of AUCET 2020, candidates will be required to take a printout of the admit card and carry the same at the exam centre. The AUCET 2020 admit card will contain various candidate, exam and exam centre details such as name, roll number, date and time of examination etc.
Candidates must know the important dates of AUCET 2020 hall ticket that have been mentioned in the table given below:
Events | Dates |
AUCET 2020 Admit Card/ Hall ticket | 05th October 2020 (Released) |
AUCET 2020 | 13th October to 15th October 2020 |
Candidates must take a look at the below table to know the important information about the AUCET 2020 hall tickets.
Events | Dates |
Name of Examination | Andhra University Common Entrance Test |
AUCET Exam Conducting Body | Andhra University, Visakhapatnam |
AUCET Exam date | 13th October 2020 (tentative date) |
AUCET hall ticket release | 05th October 2020 |
To access the AUCET 2020 admit card, candidates should follow the steps that have been mentioned below:
Click on the link of AUCET 2020 hall ticket available on this page. The candidates will have to log in using their Application number and Date of Birth to select the examination centre.
Candidates will have to click on the login button to view the AUCET 2020 hall ticket.
After submitting the details, the admit card of AUCET 2020 will be displayed on the screen.
Download and take a print out of the AUCET 2020 hall ticket.
After downloading the AUCET 2020 hall ticket, candidates must cross verify the details mentioned on it. Here are the required fields which must be cross-checked while downloading the AUCET 2020 hall ticket.
Name of the candidate
Date of birth of the candidate
Date of examination
Time of examination
Centre of examination
Address of examination centre
General instructions for the examination
Some of the important instructions which the candidates must keep in mind while appearing for the examination have been listed below: AUCET 2020 admit card is an essential document to be carried to the exam centre for all candidates.
Candidates should carefully read all instructions mentioned on the AUCET admit card 2020.
No hard copies of AUCET 2020 admit card/hall ticket would be sent to the candidates through post or courier service.
The candidates will have to download and carry the admit card/hall ticket to the exam hall. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall without the AUCET 2020 hall ticket.
It is mandatory to bring a photo ID proof to the exam venue along with the AUCET admit card 2020.
The applicants must carry any one of the following documents that have been mentioned below:
Adhaar card
Pan Card
Voter ID card
Driving License
The photograph must be clear in the ID proof provided
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