AUCET 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Sakunth Kumar on 10 May, 2021 17:38

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AUCET 2020 Preparation Strategy

AUCET is an entrance exam conducted by Directorate of Admissions, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam for admission in various postgraduate courses offered at the AUCET participating colleges.AUCET 2020 notification is expected to be released soon and the test is likely to be conducted in the first week of May.

AUCET 2020 test is conducted in offline mode and the test duration is 1 hour 30 minutes. MCQs are asked in the paper and it is available only in English mode.

Candidates who wish to take admission in Postgraduate course in Andhra Pradesh colleges through AUCET must already be preparing for it. As only a few weeks test, the candidates can follow certain preparation guidelines which will help them prepare well for the exam.

Follow the Syllabus

Students who are preparing for  AUCET must follow the syllabus for AUCET and prepare accordingly. The syllabus is designed specifically for the test by experts according to its importance. Preparing well according to the syllabus will help students understand the priority of topics and they can plan and divide the study plan accordingly.

Prepare a Proper Time Table

Students must make a day-wise plan and they should cover all the topics by the end of the day. While preparing the time, they must ensure to give time to all subjects that will be asked in AUCET 2020.

Practice Test Papers

Test papers practice is mandatory for candidates who are preparing for any entrance examination. It helps a lot in improving the speed of attempting questions. Moreover, the student gets an idea of the paper pattern which will help them attempt AUCET 2020 paper with confidence.

Prioritize the Question to Attempt

The level of questions in the entrance examination is distributed throughout the entrance test i.e there is a possibility that you may find difficult questions at the beginning of the paper and easy questions in the end or vice versa.

It is thus recommended that the candidates attempt the easy questions in the first go and then they can attempt rest of the questions in the second go. The same must be practised while attempting mock test papers at home.

This will help candidates to avoid panic and they will avoid skipping easy questions in the paper. 

Analyse Difficulty Level of Topics
A candidate may not be good at all the topics and neither anyone else is. However, the candidate can analyse the topics they are not good at and based on it they can give maximum time in understanding those concepts. Skipping the topics would be the wrong choice as they may expect a good number of questions from all the topics covered in the syllabus.  

Meanwhile, they must also ensure to score maximum marks in the test from the topics they are good at.

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