BVP CET 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Mahima Gupta on 20 Jan, 2022 11:09

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How to Prepare for BVP CET 2022

Before beginning the preparation process, candidates must have a clear understanding of how to prepare for BVP CET 2022. This is an entrance exam conducted every year for candidates seeking admission in undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered at Bharati Vidyapeeth University. 

Candidates are advised to handle the preparation in a planned manner as the exam dates are approaching. BVP CET 2022 is going to be conducted between May and June (tentatively). It is high time for aspirants to come up with a strategy for preparation and execute it effectively. 

To begin the preparation for BVP CET 2022, candidates must be well aware of the syllabus of BVP CET 2022. Once candidates have gone through the syllabus of the exam, candidates must start looking for the best books for BVP CET 2022.

The preparation is a time-consuming process that demands hard work and determination from aspirants. Candidates must be mentally prepared for this and should not take it as a burden. With a perfect strategy, the process can be made fun and easy. To do so, candidates are advised to check out the section-wise preparation tips and other general tricks to handle BVP CET 2022. 

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Section-wise BVP CET 2022 Preparation Tips for B.Tech


  • This section contains 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), which should ideally be completed in 1.5 hours or 90 minutes. This gives candidates less than one minute to solve each question. 

  • Solve those questions first that you know well and save tricky questions for the end.

  • It would make the preparation much easier if candidates prepare using the NCERT books and clear basic concepts of every topic.

  • There is no negative marking for incorrect answers so make sure that you do not leave any question unattended.

  • Candidates should learn tricks to calculate faster. It would be more beneficial to mug up some frequently used and common values of log and antilog, cubes, squares, square roots, etc.

  • Practice mock tests and previous yearsโ€™ question papers of BVP CET. This will help you in coming up with simpler ways of solving numerical. 

  • It is also very helpful to know that certain topics are repeated every year in the examination. Knowing these topics will help in practicing effectively.


  • This section of the exam consists of 100 questions. The ideal time to complete this section is 90 minutes, which gives less than one minute to solve one question. 

  • Calculating quickly should be considered a necessity for this section.

  • Mugging up certain commonly used values would be very helpful in time management. 

  • Do not get hassled while reading questions. 

  • Keep checking if the calculation is correct after every step. 

  • Solve as many previous yearsโ€™ question papers and mock tests as possible. This will help in managing time.

  • Master one topic at a time while preparing. Do not neglect the topics you think are easy and do not require any revision. Revise every topic regularly irrespective of its difficulty level. Needless to say, giving more time to hard topics is important.  

  • At the end of every day, take some time out from your preparation for revision. Make it a habit of revising topics daily. 

  • Candidates must remember formulas by heart. Paste a chart with mathematical formulae written on it, in your bedroom and revise them every day. Make sure you know what the symbols stand for in a formula. 

General Tips and Tricks for BVP CET 2022

Know the BVP CET 2022 Syllabus Well

The most important thing to begin with the preparation for BVP CET 2022 is knowing the syllabus well. The candidate can only begin preparing if she/he knows the syllabus of BVP CET 2022. Through the syllabus, candidates can also segregate difficult topics from easy ones and then practice accordingly. 

Understanding the BVP CET 2022 Exam Pattern Well

Knowing exam pattern well helps in time management during the exam. Exam pattern deals with the time given to each section and the number of questions present in every section of the exam. 

Create a Study Plan

Once aspirants become aware of the exam pattern and syllabus, they should prepare a study plan for effective preparation. The vast syllabus of the exam can be studied easily with the help of a smart plan. 

Make Notes

Keep making notes of every topic you study. Try making brief notes and do not involve long sentences in it as it revises harder. 

Take Tests Regularly

Taking tests regularly will help in clearing all the remaining doubts that a candidate might have regarding the exam pattern and syllabus. It also gives experience and helps build confidence.

Seek Guidance From Experts

When it comes to preparation for this exam, never hesitate in seeking help from experts. Those experts could be your seniors, teachers, parents, siblings, or the ones who have qualified for the exam or have experience in it. 

Stay Healthy

Your body can only concentrate on studies if it is fit. To stay fit and healthy, candidates must take proper rest and eat healthily. While making the study plan, give some time to recreational activities as well. 

Last Minute Tips for BVP CET 2022

  • Do not forget to carry the documents that are required to enter inside the examination hall.

  • It will be more helpful and a smart move if candidates assemble these important documents a night before the exam.

  • Avoid revision on the day of the examination.

  • Do not indulge in conversations that might scare or discourage you.

  • If you are getting anxious, try to calm your mind or try distracting it by listening to songs.

  • Sleep well the night before the exam.

  • Eat well on the exam day so that you do not feel dizzy while giving the exam.

  • Read all the questions thoroughly.

  • Candidates should visit the exam location before the exam day so that they do not reach late on the exam day.

  • Make sure that you reach the exam centre at least an hour before the arrival time. 

BVP CET Preparation Strategy: Experts Speak

In pursuit of achieving the desired marks to qualify for the next round of the BVP CET 2022 admission process, the candidates must also take a look at what the experts have to say regarding how to prepare for BVP CET 2022 in addition to their own preparation strategy. Here are some expert suggestions regarding how to prepare for BVP CET 2022:

  • The famous saying - โ€œEarly Bird Catches the Wormโ€ fits in aptly with the BVP CET 2022 preparation strategy. As per the tentative schedule, the BVP CET 2022 exam is expected to be conducted in the May month. Those who wish to secure a seat in their desired programme, this is the right time to start preparing for the entrance exam and they must at least dedicate 2 hours on a daily basis during the initial preparatory stages

  • To be assured of a seat in their desired programme at Bharti Vidyapeeth, the applicants must be well-versed with the BVP CET 2022 syllabus

  • If required, the aspirants must not hesitate to join a coaching institute known for producing good results in the BVP CET entrance examination 

  • The BVP CET question paper can sometimes spring a surprise or two in the form of long and tricky questions. The candidates, while preparing for the BVP CET 2022 exam, must make a habit of attempting the easy questions before trying their hands on the long and tricky questions

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