KCET 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Soham Mitra on 12 Mar, 2025 10:28

19 days Remaining for the exam

KCET 2025 Preparation Strategy includes understanding the KCET 2025 exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly. Practice KCET mock tests to improve speed and accuracy. Maintain a balanced preparation schedule to cover all the subjects adequately.

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KCET 2025 Preparation Strategy

KCET Preparation Strategy 2025 includes preparing a timetable that covers all the subjects equally and practising regularly with KCET mock tests to get faster and more accurate. Aspirants have time to go through the syllabus and enhance exam preparation. If the candidates are planning to prepare for the KCET 2025 exam, please make sure that the focus should be more on knowing the entire syllabus and covering all the concepts.

Preparation for KCET 2025 can be generally categorized into two main components: studying the syllabus and practising past exam papers. The KCET 2025 Preparation Strategy is lacking if it doesn't include these two fundamental aspects - First, finish the syllabus, and only then proceed to the previous years' papers. The Karnataka CET syllabus comprises topics from the First and Second PUC syllabi as prescribed by the Department of Pre-University Education of Karnataka State. Here is the 30-day study plan for the KCET 2025 exam.


  1. KCET Application Form 2025 can be filled out till February 24, 2025, at kea.kar.nic.in by KEA.
  2. KCET 2025 Exam Dates have been released and the KCET 2025 exam will be conducted on April 16 and 17, 2025 in online mode. 

Upcoming Exams :

KCET 2025 Study Plan & Strategy for 30 Days

Every year, the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) holds the Karnataka Common Entrance Test. It is set up for admission to Engineering, B.Pharma, Architecture, and a variety of other programs.  Here is the 30-day study plan for KCET exam.

KCET Preparation Strategy & Study Plan

Division of Syllabus for KCET Exam Preparation (30 Days)

Before starting the exam preparation, it is important to divide the syllabus so that the revision can be done accordingly. The syllabus coverage in the KCET exam will be equal for PUC first and second-year syllabus.

Total No. Of Days for the Exam Preparation


Total No. Of Topics to be Revised in Physics

18 (Expected)

Total No. Of Topics to be Revised in Chemistry

18 (Expected)

Total No. Of Topics to be Revised in Mathematics


Total No. Of Topics to be Revised across all Subjects


There are 48 chapters that a student must revise within 30 days. Check the detailed subject-wise plan below.

Also, Check - Download KCET Previous Year Question Paper with Solutions PDF

KCET 30-Day Preparation Timetable

The 30-day study plan or timetable for KCET 2025 preparation is as follows -

Total No. Of Days for the Exam

30 Days

Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised Across all Subjects


Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised in Physics Per Day


Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised in Chemistry Per Day


Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised in Mathematics Per Day


Total No. Of Chapters to be Revised in a Day across all Subjects


If you follow the above time-table properly, you can complete the revision of entire syllabus as follows -

Total No. Of Chapters Revised in the First Week (Seven Days)


Total No of Topics Revised in Second Wee (Seven Days)


Total No. Of Topics Revised in the Third Week

06 (Can be covered in two days)

Total No. Of Days taken for Revision


Total No. Of Days Left for Exam


Total No. Of Days to be Allocated for Practicing Mock Tests and Important Formula


The above preparation strategy is practically possible if you focus on the revision majorly. You will have to study at least 6-7 hours in a day to make this plan practically possible.

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KCET 2-Month Preparation Strategy

February is the right time to start the preparation for KCET as per the 60-day preparation strategy. Revising the syllabus of KCET in 60 days will not only help you with exam preparation but also for board exams. Before starting the preparation, you need to prepare a study plan based on which you can start preparing for the exam. The subject-wise study plan can be checked below.

KCET Physics Study Plan for 60 Days

The 60-day study plan for KCET Physics is as follows -

Total No. Of Topics in Physics


Total No. Of Days for the Exam


Total No. Of Topics can be Revised in a Week


Total No. Of Topics Topics to be Revised in a Month


Full Revision of Physics Syllabus to be Completed in

16 Days

KCET Chemistry Study Plan for 60 Days

The 60-day study plan for KCET Chemistry is as follows -

Total No. Of Topics in Chemistry


Total No. Of Days for the Exam

44 Days

Total No. Of Topics can be Revised in a Week


Total No. Of Topics Topics to be Revised in a Month


Full Revision of Physics Syllabus to be Completed in

16 Days

KCET Mathematics Study Plan for 60 Days

The 60-day study plan for KCET Mathematics is as follows -

Total No. Of Topics in Mathematics


Total No. Of Days for the Exam

14 Days

Total No. Of Topics can be Revised in a Week


Total No. Of Topics Topics to be Revised


Full Revision of Chemistry Syllabus to be Completed in

07 Days

After the revision of the entire syllabus, the candidates will be left with one more week for practising mock tests. The candidates can also do the re-revision of the syllabus during this week for better memory of important points of each topic.

KCET 3-Month Preparation Strategy

One of the major advantages of a 90-day or 3-month preparation strategy is that it would help you to revise the syllabus not only for KCET but also for board exams. January is the right time to start your preparation for KCET. Usually, a three-month preparation strategy is something very beneficial for those who are aspiring for admission to Top Engineering Colleges in Karnataka. At the same time, the three-month strategy is very fruitful for students who are average to weak in subjects like Physics and Mathematics. Before starting exam preparation, the division of the syllabus is mandatory so that a timetable or study plan can be prepared accordingly.

Division of Syllabus for KCET 3-Month Preparation

KCET is conducted in various subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Candidates with PCM will not have to appear for Biology, while candidates from PCB need not appear for Mathematics. Firstly, the candidates need to identify the number of topics that he/ she has to revise.

Total No. Of Topics to be Revised in Physics


Total No. Of Topics to be Revised in Chemistry


Total No. Of Topics to be Revised in Mathematics/ Biology

12/ 08

Total No. Of Topics to be Revised in all Subjects

68/ 62

Number of Days Left for Exam

90 Days

Revising 68/ 62 topics in three months is not an easy task for the students. In order to help students, we have come up with a study plan through which the candidates can plan their exam preparation.

KCET Physics Study Plan for 90 Days

The 90-day study plan for KCET Physics is as follows -

Total No. Of Topics in Physics


Total No. Of Days for the Exam


Total No. Of Topics can be Revised in a Week


Total No. Of Topics Topics to be Revised in a Month


Full Revision of Physics Syllabus to be Completed in

34 Days

KCET Chemistry Study Plan for 90 Days Preparation

The 90-day study plan for KCET Chemistry is as follows -

Total No. Of Topics in Chemistry


Total No. Of Days for the Exam

56 Days

Total No. Of Topics can be Revised in a Week


Total No. Of Topics Topics to be Revised in a Month


Full Revision of Chemistry Syllabus to be Completed in

34 Days

KCET Mathematics Study Plan for 90 Days

The 90-day study plan for KCET Mathematics is as follows -

Total No. Of Topics in Mathematics


Total No. Of Days for the Exam

22 Days

Total No. Of Topics can be Revised in a Week


Total No. Of Topics Topics to be Revised in Two Weeks


Full Revision of Chemistry Syllabus to be Completed in

12 Days (Two Weeks)

As per the above strategy, the candidates will have one week after revising the syllabus of all three subjects. This one week can be used for mock tests/ practice tests. The candidates can also re-revise the syllabus or have a glance at the important points of each topic.

Important Tips for KCET 90-Day Preparation Plan

Some of the important tips about the 90-day preparation plan for KCET are listed below -

  • While revising each topic as a part of the exam preparation, make a note of all the important points or major highlights from each topic.

  • The short notes will help you with the last-minute preparation.

  • As per the above preparation plan, regular study is necessary so that you can clear the exam with a better to best rank.

  • Firstly, start with the subject that needs more concentration from your side.

  • It is advisable to practice 2-3 mock tests or practice tests per week.

Subject-wise Preparation Strategy of KCET 2025

While there is no guaranteed way to achieve success, the following subject-wise preparation strategy pointers can at least guide the candidates to give their best shot in the entrance examination. Some of the candidates may already be aware of these methods to boost their preparation. However, for candidates who are still clueless about how to prepare for KCET 2025 for each subject, the following tips can help the candidates to some great extent.

KCET Preparation for Chemistry

Before starting their preparation for the Chemistry section, candidates must keep a copy of the Chemistry syllabus handy with them so that they have an idea of what needs to be prepared for the exam. Having a full-fledged knowledge of the exam syllabus will give you insights into the topics from which questions will be asked in the entrance exam.

For many years, from the Chemistry section, direct questions on the basis of equations and reactions have been asked in the entrance examination.

Some of the major topics that will have to be covered by the candidates for practising Chemistry is Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry

For revision and  time management skills, candidates must practice

various kinds of sample papers and previous papers regularly 

Candidates should also maintain a handbook of Chemistry that contains all the formulas and equations.

Candidates can also seek quality guidance from the best online/offline coaching institutes available around them

KCET Preparation for Physics

Physics is one of the important and tricky subjects to crack in  Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET)

Some of the topics that will have to be covered for practising Physics are Modern Physics, Mechanics 2, Electro-Magnetism, Heat and Thermodynamics, Optics, Mechanical Waves

When you sit down to prepare for the Physics section, candidates must focus on making an exam-taking strategy before actually appearing for the entrance exam.

The candidates need to improve their speed-solving skills while solving the Physics section.

Candidates must make a complete list of formulae, derivations and experiments in your syllabus and keep it handy with themselves during their revision.

Revise all the concepts regularly. Particularly in the case of Physics, one finds that topics like Semiconductors, Interference and Waves have some extra theory that should be prepared separately.

KCET Preparation for Mathematics

One of the most important things while preparing for the Mathematics section is to brush up on your concepts, formulas, and fundamentals. One of the best ways to clear your fundamentals is to solve different types of questions regularly.

For Mathematics, candidates must solve as many questions as possible before appearing for the entrance exam, and ensure to progressively enhance their speed by timing the working time for each problem.

Some of the topics that will have to be covered for practising Mathematics are Integral Calculus, Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry, Differential Calculus, Statistics and Mathematical Reasoning

While practising for KCET, candidates should make it a point to revise the prescribed topics as many times as possible in order to feel confident about their exam preparation.

Preparation Tips and Tricks of KCET 2025

Candidates will be able to crack the Karnataka CET test more effectively if they are aware of KCET 2025 preparation tips. The state-level entrance exam, KCET 2025, will be held for individuals seeking admission to various undergraduate engineering programs offered by Karnataka's government and private colleges. 

Understand the Syllabus and Exam Pattern

The first rule of passing KCET 2025 is to properly understand the KCET 2025 syllabus and exam pattern. It is a key part of how to crack KCET 2025. Knowing the KCET 2025 syllabus and exam format can assist candidates in developing an appropriate study strategy. The previous KCET question paper PDF 2025 will include questions based on the first and second PUC syllabi.

Make a Study Schedule

Create a study plan based on the KCET 2025 syllabus and KCET exam pattern 2025. Divide the plan so that each subject receives equal attention. Also, ensure that the study plan includes a revision schedule.

Prepare Notes and Flashcards

During your preparation, you must make notes and design flashcards for important formulae. This way, you can save time and it will also make your revision a lot easier. Using these short notes, you can quickly go through the formulas and concepts that you feel you need to revise.

Mock Tests and Practice Sample Papers

One of the strategies for success in KCET 2025 is to practice a lot of KCET previous year question papers. Practising KCET sample papers will provide applicants with an idea of the types of questions that may be given throughout the exam. Aside from KCET sample papers, aspirants must take the KCET 2025 mock test. Practising mock tests will help candidates prepare a time management strategy, the KCET exam schedule, and how the question paper will look.

Stay Motivated throughout the Preparation Process

Students tend to start their preparation with intensity but their focus falters after some time. Maintaining focus throughout the preparation process is crucial as consistency is key to optimal preparation. Candidates should dedicate a certain amount of time to the preparation and must dedicate this time consistently. Last-minute preparation and cramming topics will not aid in acing the examination, instead understanding the concepts in-depth and taking the time to create a strong foundation is preferable.

Best Books for KCET 2025 Preparation

While preparing for an entrance exam, candidates should try and choose the best resources or study material available in the market. The study material may include books, sample papers, previous years' question papers, etc. Some of the highly recommended books available for students to prepare for KCET 2025 are:

  • NCERT Textbooks of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology
  • KCET (Karnataka Common Entrance Test): 14 Years Solved Papers (2000 โ€“ 2013) III Edition (Paperback) - Arihant
  • KCET (Karnataka Common Entrance Test): 14 Years Solved Papers (2000 โ€“ 2013) III Edition (Paperback) - Arihant
  • Karnataka CET Explorer for Engineering PB (Paperback) - MTG
  • Principles of Physics - S.Chands (V.K Mehta and Rohit Mehta)
  • Modern ABC Chemistry - S.P. Jauhar
  • New Course Chemistry - Pradeep

Also Check, 

Important Instructions for KCET 2025

The important instructions required to know about the KCET 2025 exam have been provided below. 

  • Use of a calculator or log table etc. is strictly prohibited.

  • The candidates have to appear for KCET 2025 as per the schedule and eligibility for the respective courses, to become eligible for further process of determination of merit/admission.

  • Candidates will not be allowed to carry any Modern Electronic Equipment, Gadgets, Pagers, Mobile Phones, Bluetooth, Markers, White Fluid, Calculator, Wireless sets, bits of paper, books/notes etc. into the exam hall. 

  • There will be no lockers available at the exam hall or the centre to keep the items mentioned above, hence, candidates should avoid carrying them.

  • The candidates are not allowed to wear/carry any type of wristwatch in the exam hall/room. Candidates must stay alert to check the Bell Timings for Caution Bells at different intervals.

  • The candidate should note that appearing in CET 2025 will not confer any right on the candidate for determination of merit/admission.

  • Along with the Karnataka CET 2025 Admission Ticket, the candidate has to carry any valid Identity Card like a Passport/Aadhar Card/PAN Card/College Identity Card, etc. 

  • Any candidate who writes/shades anything other than the required entries on the OMR Answer Sheet, which may result in disclosing the candidate's identity, use of abusive language or employing any other unfair means, such as change of marking answers by scratching or using white fluid, such candidates are liable for disqualification.

Want to know more about KCET

FAQs about KCET Preparation Tips

Can I skip Biology in KCET?

No, you don't have to take Biology in KCET 2025 if you want to study engineering. But if you do take Biology in KCET, you can also study B.Sc (Ag), B Pharmacy, B.Vsc, and other professional courses. It's a good idea to take Biology in KCET because you might change your mind at the last minute.

How to get 150+ in KCET?

To score more than 150 marks in KCET 2025, candidates should give equivalent importance to all three subjects - Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. It is crucial to understand the KCET 2025 exam pattern, syllabus and the dominant topics with high weightage.

Where can I access online mock test paper for KCET?

Candidates interested in practising online mock test can access CollegeDekho portal by entering login details and attempt KCET mock test paper.

Suggest some good books for KCET preparation?

Here is the list of books to prepare for KCET:

  • KCET 14 Years Solved Papers by Arihant
  • New Course Physics/ Chemistry by Pradeep
  • Mathematics by Dinesh
  • Principles of Physics(S. Chand- V.K Mehta and Rohit Mehta)

How much time is required to prepare for KCET?

Candidates are advised to start preparation for KCET at least 3 months before the exam date to score well in the exam. The last 1 month before KCET entrance date can be reserved for revision.

How to prepare for KCET?

It is advisable for candidates to start KCET preparation at least 3 months before the exam date. Make a systematic study plan, give equal importance to all sections, practice mock test, solve previous year question papers to score well in KCET.

Is coaching required to prepare for KCET ?

KCET is a state-level entrance tets and questions asked in the paper is based on the topics studied in Class XI and XII. A candidate who has good fundamental knowledge and concepts of subjects studies in Class XI and XII may not need a coaching institute for preparation. A systematic study plan can help a student score well in KCET.

However, if the basic concepts of the candidate are not clear he/ she can join a coaching centre for preparation.

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