CEE AMPAI WB Subject-wise Syllabus
Questions in CEE AMPAI 2025 are based on the WBJEE syllabus. To prepare for the entrance exam, candidates should be aware of the topics that need to be covered. Candidates must check the detailed syllabus for the entrance exam as mentioned below:
Algebra, Logarithms, Complex Numbers, Quadratic Equations, Matrices, Permutation and combination, Principle of mathematical induction, Binomial theorem, Sets, Relations and Mappings, Statistics and Probability, Trigonometry, Two dimensions Coordinate geometry, Three dimensions Co-ordinate geometry, Vectors, Differential Equations, Integral calculus, Differential calculus
Physical World, Measurements, Units & dimensions: Kinematics, Laws of motion, Gravitation, Bulk properties of matter, Viscosity, Thermodynamics, Kinetic theory of gases, Oscillations & Waves: Periodic motion, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetics, Electromagnetic waves, Optics I (Ray optics), Optics II (Wave Optics), Particle nature of light & wave particle dualism, Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics, Solid state Electronics.
Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic, Atomic Structure, Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry, The Periodic Table and Chemical Families, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Coordination Compounds, Solid State, Liquid State, Gaseous State, Chemical Energetic and Chemical Dynamics, Physical Chemistry of Solutions, Ionic and Redox Equilibria, Hydrogen, Chemistry of Non-Metallic Elements and their Compounds, Chemistry of Metals, Chemistry in Industry, Surface Chemistry, Polymers, Environmental Chemistry, Chemistry of Carbon Compounds, Compounds, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Alcohols, Application Oriented chemistry, Principles of Qualitative Analysis.
Science of Life, Ultra structure and functions of cellular components, Chemical constituents of living cells, Chromosome, Cell division, Genetics and Evolution, Molecular basis of inheritance, Evolution, Morphological variations and structural organization, Physiology and Biochemistry, Animals: Human, Taxonomy, Systematics and Biodiversity, Ecology and Environment, Biodiversity and Conservation, Environmental issues, Microbes and human welfare, Health and diseases, Biotechnology and its applications.