CMAT 2019 Exam Analysis
The detailed CMAT exam analysis 2019 for both Slot I and Slot 2 is available now. The first session of CMAT 2019 ended at 12.30 PM. As per the analysis of CMAT 2019 Slot-1, the test was on predictable lines. According to the CMAT paper analysis 2019, the overall difficulty level of the paper was easy, the Verbal section was slightly more difficult and Data Interpretation turned out to be time-consuming. GK was also quite twisted in terms of the difficulty level. The CMAT cut-offs may go high this year, considering the fact that students found the paper to be easy. In Srinagar, the exam was postponed to 29th January 2019. The CMAT exam analysis 2019 does not only contain the students' reaction after the CMAT 2019 exam but also the opinions of the experts have been included in the detailed CMAT exam analysis for the year 2019.

As compared to other management entrance exams such as CAT, XAT, and IIFT, CMAT was quite easy. The majority of candidates attempted around 75- 90% of questions within a time duration of 120 -150 minutes. Candidates did not face any technical glitches during the exam and most of them are quite confident about scoring high marks.
The CMAT examination comprises four sections including Language Comprehension, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Techniques & Data Interpretation, and General Awareness. All the sections had easy-to-solve questions. The section of Reading Comprehension comprised easy passages, which they were able to solve much ahead of time.
Out of all the sections, the GK section turned out to be a bit tricky because of the out-of-the-box questions.
According to the CMAT paper analysis 2019, candidates did not find any out-of-syllabus questions in the exam. There were 100 questions and each section comprised 25 questions. The paper had to be solved within 180 minutes and it carried 400 marks in total.
The examination conducted in the second slot was similar to that of the first slot. According to the analysis of CMAT 2019 conducted in the second slot from 2.30 PM to 5.30 PM, the exam was easy to moderate in terms of the difficulty level.
CMAT is an online management entrance exam conducted on a national level. As per the directions of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, National Testing Agency (NTA) is responsible for conducting the CMAT from 2019 for management aspirants. The duration of CMAT is three hours and it is being conducted in two slots. NTA successfully conducted the exam in various test cities Pan-India.
CMAT basically tests candidates' knowledge and ability based on sections like Quantitative Technique, Logical Reasoning, Language Comprehension, and General Awareness. On the basis of CMAT scores, suitable graduate students are shortlisted for admission in MBA and PGDM courses offered at various AICTE-approved institutions. There is a long list of AICTE-Approved Institutions/University Departments/Constituent Colleges/Affiliated Colleges that accept CMAT scores. The CMAT paper analysis consists of the overall analysis and the section wise analysis. Go through the detailed section-wise CMAT 2019 exam analysis in the following sections.
Section-wise CMAT 2019 Exam Analysis for Slot I
CMAT 2019 Language Comprehension Analysis
According to the CMAT paper analysis, this section comprised of four passages, out of which three passages were short and had 3 questions each. The questions in these three passages were based on World Trade Organisation and who decides the status of developing countries; Endangered Languages (Eg: Greek and Latin); Parenting and culture-related value system. The passages were of easy difficulty level and consisted of factual questions except for one inference question. The fourth passage had a moderate length and it had 6 questions for the candidates to attempt. The questions were based on Steve Jobs, some little-known facts about him, and his views on life.
As per the CMAT paper analysis, the questions under the Verbal Ability section were easy to moderate in terms of the difficulty level. It comprised of 1 Sentence Correction question, 4 Vocabulary questions, 1 Grammar Part error question, 2 questions on Idioms, 1 Para Jumble (PJ) question, and 1 Sentence Completion question.
A candidate with around 22-24 attempts in this section, with 85-90% accuracy could score well in the exam.

CMAT 2019 Quantitative Techniques & Data Interpretation Analysis
Like all the CMATs conducted in the past, this particular section had no set-based ones. It had all single questions. As per the CMAT paper analysis, in terms of the difficulty level, there were 9 moderate questions, 2 difficult questions while the rest of the questions were easy. There were 13 questions, which were quite easy and just required the candidates to implement simple basic concepts.
As normally is the case, Arithmetic and Geometry based questions dominated this section. Other questions were equally distributed in the areas of Algebra, Modern Math, etc. There were 2 Data Interpretation questions, which were not set based.
A candidate could expect a good score with around 23-25 attempts with 90% accuracy.

CMAT 2019 Logical Reasoning Analysis
According to the CMAT paper analysis, this section had an easy to moderate difficulty level. There were four Verbal Reasoning questions and two Analogy questions. Also, there were questions based on topics like sequence, Coding/Decoding, Blood Relation, etc.
A candidate could expect to score well with around 23-25 attempts in this section, with 90% accuracy.

CMAT 2019 General Awareness Analysis
According to the CMAT paper analysis, this section had around 8 questions based on Current Affairs. Those who read the newspaper daily or those who have a good knowledge of whatโs happening across the world could have easily managed to attempt the questions. The paper was dominated by static GK questions and there were questions based on Science, Awards, Politics, etc.
A candidate could expect to score well with 13 to 15 attempts in this section with 80% accuracy.
Overall, a candidate would fetch around 99+ percentile for attempting around 85 to 87 questions with around 90% accuracy (net score of 305 to 310). Around 95 percentile could be possible with attempts of around 74-76 questions with around 90% accuracy (net score of 260 to 265). Around 90 percentile could be achieved with attempts of around 64-66 questions with around 90% accuracy (net score of 225 to 230).
CMAT was conducted in two slots - the first slot was from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, for which the reporting time was 8:30 am.
The second slot is from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm, for which the reporting time was 1:30 pm.
The CMAT 2019 Result will probably be released by 8th February 2019. Soon after the exam is conducted, test takers can predict their respective percentiles through our CMAT Percentile Predictor tool. There is a specific process to determine the percentile of candidates on the basis of the CMAT score. Check the detailed analysis of CMAT score vs percentile, CMAT rank vs percentile and CMAT scoring mechanism here
Source: IMS India