MAH MBA CET Exam Analysis 2020
MAH MBA CET exam was conducted for admission to the MBA and MMS courses in Maharashtra on 14th and 15th March 2020. The MAH MBA CET exam analysis has been provided here for the 2020 exam. The exam was conducted in 4 slots, with 2 slots conducted on each day. The first slot was conducted from 10 AM to 12.30 PM and the second slot was conducted from 2 PM to 4.30 PM. This year there were a total of 49 centers for the MAH MBA CET exam. 36 of the exam centers were located in Maharashtra and the remaining 13 were located in other states.
The difficulty level of questions in the MAH MBA CET 2020 exam was similar to last year according to the MAH MBA CET exam analysis by experts. The overall difficulty level was found to be moderate to hard. However, candidates who appeared for the exam were faced with a number of new types of questions and hence faced difficulty in attempting the exam. Due to the addition of surprise element to the MAH MBA CET 2020 exam, students found the exam to be lengthy. As per the paper analysis of the MAH MBA CET 2020 exam, a score ranging from 130 to 133 can be considered to get 99 percentile rank in the exam.
The detailed exam analysis of the MAH MBA CET exam conducted on 14th and 15th March 2020 can be found below.
MAH MBA CET Exam Analysis Highlights 2020
Given below are the important highlights of the MAH MBA CET 2020 exam.
The MAH MBA CET 2020 exam was conducted smoothly across all of the centers with only minor glitches at some of the test centres. However, students did not face any major difficulty in saving questions or browsing through the exam portal.
This yearโs exam contained Phrase Replacement questions for the first time.
The exam contained Fill in The Blank questions based on Jumbled Sentences and RC Passages.
The Logical Reasoning section was found to be time-consuming.
Arithmetic questions were found to be more frequent in the Quantitative Ability section. Plus, the section contained over 20 questions from Data Interpretation.
Choose The Correct Sentence questions in the Verbal Ability section had close options, which posed a little difficulty for the aspirants.
Since there was no negative marking in the MAH MBA CET exam, candidates could resort to guesses when attempting the questions. However, candidates had to choose from 5 options in each question, it was better to spend some time on a question and make a calculated guess.
MAH MBA CET Section-Wise Good Attempts and Difficulty 2020
The MAH MBA CET exam analysis mentioned below consists of the number of good attempts in each section of the MAH MBA CET 2020 exam and other highlights which can be found given in the table below.
MAH MBA CET Section-Wise Analysis 2020
The detailed MAH MBA CET exam analysis of each section of the MAH CET exam can be found given below. The MAH CET sectional analysis contains information such as the difficulty level, topic-wise distribution of questions, important highlights and any surprise elements that candidates appearing for the MAH MBA CET 2020 exam had to face.
MAH MBA CET Logical Reasoning Analysis 2020
Containing 75 questions, Logical Reasoning is a very important section in the MAH MBA CET exam. Following are the important highlights from a detailed MAH MBA CET exam analysis of the MAH CET Logical Reasoning section.
The overall difficulty level of Logical Reasoning questions ranged from Medium to Hard.
Candidates found the Logical Reasoning section to be very lengthy and time-consuming.
The section contained questions from a wide spread of topics including Arrangements, Statements & Conclusions, Coding-Decoding, Syllogisms etc.
Questions from Syllogisms, Arrangements, Letter Rearrangement and Family Tree were found to be lengthy and consumed a lot of time in this section.
Arguments and Cause & Effect questions were also time-consuming, although moderate in difficulty.
The surprise element in the Logical Reasoning section were the Sequential Input Output questions. However, not every slot contained questions from this topic.
The MAH MBA CET exam analysis, which consists of topic-wise number of questions in the Logical Reasoning section is given in the table below.
MAH CET Abstract Reasoning Analysis 2020
Given below are the highlights from the MAH MBA CET exam analysis of the Abstract Reasoning section of the MAH MBA CET 2020 exam.
The overall difficulty level of questions in the Abstract Reasoning section was found to be moderate.
Questions in this section were mostly from topics such as Series, Puzzles, Analogy etc.
Since it contained relatively easier questions, candidates could attempt most of the questions in this section. Attempting 19 to 21 questions can be said to be a good attempt in the Abstract Reasoning section of the exam.
Given below is the topic-wise distribution of questions in the Abstract Reasoning section of the MAH MBA CET exam.
MAH CET Quantitative Ability Analysis 2020
Here are the highlights of the MAH MBA CET exam analysis of the Quantitative Ability section of the MAH MBA CET 2020 exam.
Quant section had questions from a wide range of topics including Percentage, Time Speed & Distance, Geometry, Algebra, Number System etc.
The overall difficulty level of questions was found to be moderate but some hard questions posed difficulty for the aspirants.
Overall, candidates required a good knowledge of basic concepts as well as practice with quant solving tricks to solve the questions with speed and accuracy.
There were 20 Data Interpretation questions in the section which were based on Pie Charts, Bar Graphs, Caselets etc. Since a lot of calculation was required in these questions, they consumed time to maintain high accuracy.
The Quant section also contained a lot of Arithmetic questions. However, these were of moderate difficulty.
Attempting 33 to 35 questions in this section can be said to be a good attempt in the exam according to the MAH MBA CET exam analysis.
MAH CET Verbal Ability Analysis 2020
The Verbal Ability section proved to be a very interesting and tricky section in the MAH MBA CET 2020 exam. Addition of a number of surprise elements added to the section increased its overall difficulty level and candidates had to spend some time on the section to attempt a good number of questions. The following highlights emerged from a detailed MAH MBA CET exam analysis of the Verbal Ability section.
Verbal Ability Section had a lot of surprises for the candidates. Phrase Replacement questions were introduced for the first time which proved to be tricky as candidates were not expecting these type of questions. In these questions, candidates had to replace the highlighted phrase in the question with the correct phrase given in the options.
The question paper pattern was found to be similar to those of banking recruitment exams.
The section comprised questions on Grammatical Error Correction, English Usage, Para Jumbles etc.
Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary questions were in majority in this section. The RC passages were short and easy to understand. Questions could be attempted with moderate difficulty.
Grammatical Error Correction questions were found to be difficult and took a lot of time to solve.
Aspirants also found it difficult to attempt the questions based on Finding Errors in Sentences.
Here is the topic-wise distribution of questions in the Verbal Ability section of the exam along with the MAH MBA CET exam analysis of the section.
MAH CET Exam Analysis 2019
Check out the MAH MBA CET exam analysis of the exam that was conducted on the 9th and 10th of March in 2019!
MAH CET 2019 Analysis of Day 1
According to the MAH MBA CET exam analysis 2019, on Day 1, MAH CET 2019 was on the difficult side in both slots. In fact, the exam turned out to be tougher as compared to last year's CET. In both slots, students did not face any glitches in terms of operations at the exam center. As far as the computer interface is concerned, it was a smooth affair.
The exam was, as usual, divided into four sections with a total of 200 questions - Logical Reasoning (75 questions), Abstract Reasoning, (25 questions), Quantitative Aptitude (50 questions), and Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension (50 questions). Each question was followed by 5 options and the total time duration to attempt the exam was 150 minutes.
According to the MAH MBA CET exam analysis 2019, in each section, the question types were different. In the Logical Reasoning section, there were moderate to tough level puzzles and some questions were lengthy. Abstract Reasoning section had an easy to tough difficulty level. The Quantitative Aptitude had DI sets of moderate difficulty level and the QA questions were easy to moderate. The section on Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension had a lower difficulty level if we have to do a comparison of the same section from MAH CET 2018. In the VA section, candidates found some new question types.
Break-up of Logical Reasoning Section
In both the slots, there were 59 questions on Non-Verbal Reasoning and 16 questions on Verbal Reasoning. Questions on Arrangements dominated the Non-Verbal Reasoning part of the Logical Reasoning section. The Verbal Reasoning had 16 questions in both the slots. According to the MAH MBA CET exam analysis 2019, the overall difficulty level of the Verbal Reasoning questions was easy to moderate whereas Non-Verbal Reasoning was a bit on the tougher side.
Take a look at the approximate break-up of this section (based on the two slots):
*For questions that were asked in Slot 1 only
**For questions that were asked in Slot 2 only
Attempting around 44-46 questions would have been considered good in the Logical Reasoning section.
Break-up of Abstract Reasoning Section
As per the MAH MBA CET exam analysis 2019, in both slots, this section was found to be the easiest one. With a total of 25 questions asked in this section, the overall difficulty level was easy to medium. In this section, the questions were very similar to Visual Reasoning questions asked in the CET exams conducted in previous years.
Following is the break-up of the questions in this section:
In the Abstract Reasoning section, a genuine attempt of around 18-20 questions would have been considered a good attempt.
Break-up of Quantitative Aptitude Section
As per the MAH MBA CET exam analysis 2019, in both slots, this section had 50 questions, out of which 24 questions were on Data Interpretation and the remaining 26 questions were on Quantitative Aptitude.
The approximate break-up of this section (for both the slots) is given below:
*For questions that were asked in Slot 1
**For questions that were asked in Slot 2
In the Quantitative Aptitude section, a genuine attempt of around 34-36 questions would've been considered a good attempt.
Break-up of Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section
Just like MAH CET 2018, there were 35 Verbal Ability questions and 15 Reading Comprehension questions in both slots in this section. This section turned out to be easy in terms of the overall difficulty level according to the MAH MBA CET exam analysis by experts.
Following is the approximate break of questions asked in Slot 1:
Following is the approximate break of questions asked in Slot 2:
In both the slots, a genuine attempt of around 38-40 questions would've been considered a good attmept in this section.
With inputs from IMS India
MAH CET 2018 Exam Analysis
The MAH MBA CET exam analysis 2018 is available here. The Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Maharashtra conducted the MAH-CET 2018 over a period of two days, March 10 & 11, 2018. The duration of the exam was 2.5 hours (150 minutes) and the medium of instruction was English. There were a total of 200 multiple choice questions, and every question was followed by 5 answer options out of which aspirants had to choose one. Candidates will get 1 mark for every correct answer, and the best part about MAH CET is that there is no negative marking for wrong answers.
Collegedekho will now provide you a detailed MAH MBA CET exam analysis of the MAH CET 2018 paper, including information on the difficulty level of the exam and expected cut-offs.
MAH-CET is a popular entrance exam, which is conducted in online mode for candidates seeking admission in AICTE approved institutions offering MBA/MMS/ PGDM courses in the state of Maharashtra.
By scoring well in MAH CET 2018, candidates can hope to get admission in 2018-20 batch of popular B-Schools such as Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS), K J Somaiya (K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research), Dy Patil and Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research.
MAH CET 2018 Day 1 Paper Analysis
As per the MAH MBA CET exam analysis 2016, the first day of the two-day examination had some major surprise elements in terms of the type of questions. The Verbal Ability section had many questions that were new and candidates found it a little difficult to solve them. There were also different types of questions on Logical Reasoning, with more questions on blood relations.
The Logical Reasoning section turned out to be lengthy and difficult but Abstract Reasoning was moderate in terms of difficulty level. Quantitative Aptitude section also had a moderate difficulty level, and Verbal Ability section was found to be tough.
Sectional Division of Questions, Marks and Difficulty Level
Section-wise Analysis of MAH CET 2018 - Day 1
Logical Reasoning
Solving 42-44 questions is a good attempt to get a high percentile in this section.
Abstract Reasoning
Solving 18-20 questions is a good attempt to get a high percentile in this section.
Quantitative Aptitude
Solving 34-36 questions is a good attempt to score high in this section.
Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension
Solving 32-34 questions is a good attempt to score high in the exam.
MAH CET 2018 Day 2 Paper Analysis
As per the MAH MBA CET exam analysis 2018, the second day of the two-day examination had few surprises in the Verbal Ability section in comparison with the first day. As expected, the overall difficultly level of the exam was higher. Students gave mixed reactions in terms of how they performed in the paper. Those who had prepared well were still able to score despite the paper being lengthy, but students who weren't thoroughly prepared found it tough to attempt all the questions in the paper. Logical Reasoning turned out to be a scoring section, asking basic questions that were just a little time-consuming. The section on Abstract Reasoning turned out to be interesting and fun.
Sectional Division of Questions, Marks and Difficulty Level
Section-wise Analysis of MAH CET 2018 - Day 2
Logical Reasoning
Solving 48-50 questions is a good attempt to get a high percentile in this section.
Abstract Reasoning
Solving 20 questions is a good attempt to get a high percentile in this section.
Quantitative Aptitude
Solving 32 questions is a good attempt to score high in this section.
Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension
Solving 40 questions is a good attempt to score high in the exam.
Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Maharashtra conducts the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MAH CET) once every year. for admission to the first year of full-time Post Graduate Degree Courses in Management (MBA/MMS) in various institutes in Maharashtra.
Around 40,000 seats are usually offered in various B-schools across Maharashtra state for their full-time Post Graduate Degree Courses in Management (MBA/MMS).