Will COMEDK UGET rank released along with results?
Yes, COMEDK UGET rank and score will be released simultaneously.
What will be my COMEDK UGET rank if my score is 70?
Your rank will be around 1,00,000+ if your COMEDK score is 120-130.
What will be my COMEDK UGET rank if my score is 120-130?
You rank will be 900-1000 if your COMEDK score is 120-130.
What is the best score in COMEDK UGET?
A score above 170 can be treated as the best score in COMEDK UGET.
Will I get admission in top private B.Tech college if my COMEDK rank is 200-250?
The chances of getting admission in to private B.Tech colleges are high if you have a COMEDK rank of 200-250.
What is a good score in COMEDK entrance exam?
The score above 140 can be treated as a good score in COMEDK exam.
What rank will I get if my COMEDK score is 150?
If your COMEDK score is 150 or above, you may get a rank below 100.
Does COMEDK rank predictor give correct rank prediction?
The rank predictor tool of COMEDK is prepared on the basis of previous yearsโ data and it gives almost 90% accurate predictor.
How does COMEDK Rank Predictor calculate rank?
Based on the number of correct responses given by a candidate in the entrance exam, the COMEDK rank predictor calculates the rank of the candidate. Previous yearsโ ranks vs marks shall be taken into consideration to predict the rank.
What is COMEDK Rank Predictor?
COMEDK Rank Predictor is a tool through which you can estimate your rank in the entrance exam.