What is the duration of Chandigarh University CUCET?
The CUCET will be conducted for a duration of 2 hours in online mode. Candidates can attempt the test from their homes.
What is the deadline to submit the CUCET Chandigarh University 2025 application forms?
The deadline to submit the CUCET 2025 application forms for Phase 1 is in the fourth week of March 2025. The application forms have been released on the official website.
Where can I contact if I face issues regarding the CUCET 2025 application form fill-up process?
Candidates can contact the helpline number of Chandigarh University when faced with any issues regarding CUCET application forms. You can call at 8146947000/8146948000 or send mail to cucet@cumail.in.
Can students appear for the multiple CUCET sessions?
Yes, students can appear for multiple phases of CUCET and their best score will be considered.
Is the Chandigarh University CUCET paper available in Hindi?
No, Chandigarh University CUCET exam paper will be available only in English medium.
Can I select my exam centre when filling out the CUCET Chandigarh University application form 2025?
No, students have to appear for CUCET from their respective homes so there wonโt be any exam centers allocated to candidates.
Where can I access the Chandigarh University CUCET offline application form 2025?
Candidates who want to apply through offline mode can download and take a print out of the CUCET Chandigarh University form from the website-cuchd.in.