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डीयू पीजी एडमिशन 2023 (DU PG Admission 2023): डीयू पीजी एडमिशन 2023 कॉमन यूनिवर्सिटी एंट्रेंस टेस्ट (Common University Entrance Test) के माध्यम से होगा। डीयू से संबद्ध कॉलेजों में पीजी कार्यक्रमों में एडमिशन के इच्छुक उम्मीदवारों को सीयूईटी पीजी परीक्षा (CUET PG exam) देनी होगी। डीयू पीजी प्रवेश 2023 प्रक्रिया शुरू हो चुका है। सीयूईटी परीक्षा देने वाले उम्मीदवारों को डीयू कॉमन सीट आवंटन पोर्टल (DU Common Seat Allocation Portal ) पर पर...
DU aspirants must note that the admission to under-graduate courses basis DUET 2020 will begin in the University of Delhi. Some of the UG courses for which the admission process has already been started are:
B.A. Honours (Humanities & Social Sciences) [BA(H&SS])
Five-Year Integrated Programme in Journalism [Journalism]
B.Tech. (Information Technology and Mathematical Innovations)[ BTech (IT&MI)]
For B.Sc. (Physical Education, Health Education & Sports) course, the DUET entrance test result 2020 for admission shall be released by 25 June 2020 on the official portal of the university and the admission process will begin in July 2020.
For B.El.Ed. Course and BMS/BBA(FIA)/BA(H)BE courses, the rank-wise results are likely to be announced on the official portal of DU or on NTA's website. For these courses, the first allotment list will be published in the last week of July 2020.
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