DUET Selection Process 2022: Stages and Steps of Selection Process

Updated By Lam Vijaykanth on 28 Nov, 2022 08:36

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DUET 2022 Selection Process

DUET 2022 Selection Process: The DUET 2022 selection process will start soon as the DUET result is declared. NTA released the DUET PG Final Answer Key on 24, 2022. The DUET PG results were announced on November 21, 2022. The selection process will be conducted after DU releases the admission list. Candidates who have qualified in the DUET PG 2022 exam and who have secured more than the DUET PG cutoff marks will be invited to the counselling process. 

The result of DUET 2022 will help the exam conducting authority to define the list of candidates that will be invited for the selection process. The selection process is a procedure that includes a number of stages to extract the best set of candidates for the various undergraduate programs available at Delhi University.

All the DUET selection stages have been defined well in the paras given below. Apart from these stages, it is also very important for the aspirants to know that the marks secured in the 10+2 or senior secondary examination will play a major role in the DU final selection of candidates for UG courses. 

Selection Process for DUET 2022

  • The selection process for DUET 2022 will be on a merit basis only.
  • Once an aspirant has taken the exam and is shortlisted basis their DUET 2022 scores, s/he will need to apply for the counselling process.
  • For this, aspirants will need to take a printout of their DUET Application Form and visit the DU admission centre along with a list of documents for document verification.
  • After verification of documents, students will need to log in to the official portal of DUET and pay their 2022 DUET admission fee to complete the selection process. 

Candidates aspiring to take up this entrance must know that they also need to fill in their desired DU colleges and choice of courses in the DUET 2022 application form. On the basis of this selection, the final list of allotted courses and colleges will be declared by the University of Delhi. 

DUET 2022 Seat Reallotment

Aspirants will also be given the option of the choice of reallotment. Through this process, each candidate will be given two options that will either include confirming the present allotted seat and college or showing a preference for upgrading the seats. This will also play a determining factor in the selection process of the DUET 2022. Apart from these, a ranking list for the applicants will also be prepared on the basis of the merit and academic performance of the candidates. 

Upcoming Exams :

Schedule of DUET 2022 Admission


Important Dates  

Declaration of First Allotment List

To be Announced

Portal Opens for Candidates to Apply Via Dashboard

To be Announced

Application Gets Approved by Concerned College / Centre/ Department

To be Announced

Payment Deadline for Confirmation of Admission

To be Announced

Declaration of Second Allotment List

To be Announced

Online application for admission & fee payment

To be Announced

Closing for Online application for admission

To be Announced

Declaration of Third Allotment List

To be Announced

Online application for admission and fee payment

To be Announced

Closing for Online application for admission

To be Announced

Closing of fee payment

To be Announced

DUET 2022 Course-wise Selection Process

DUET Selection Process for B.A. (Hons.) Business Economics / BMS / BBA-FIA 2022

  • Selection of the aspirants will depend upon their academic credits combined with the score of the entrance exam and score of the last qualifying exam.

  • The DU UG Entrance Exam will be given a weightage of 65% whereas the last qualifying examination will be given a weightage of 35%.

  • It is compulsory for the aspirants to secure a minimum of 60% aggregate in their 10+2 with major subjects like English and Mathematics combined with the other two subjects. The same shall be thoroughly checked in the selection process.

DUET Selection Process for B.Tech. (Information Technology and Mathematical Innovation) 2022

  • The selection of candidates for this programme will be catered according to the authorized merit list.

  • The merit list will be prepared on the score secured in the DU UG Entrance Exam.

DUET Selection Process for B.A. Hons. (Humanities and Social Sciences) / B.El.Ed / B.A. (Hons.) in Multimedia and Mass Communication / Five Year Integrated Course in Journalism 2022

  • Selection of candidates for this programme will be based on the DUET score 2022.

  • A merit list considering the score of the candidates in the entrance will be prepared.

  • The ones securing a position in this list will be allotted with seats in their desired college.

DUET Selection Process for Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, Health Education and Sports (B.Sc.[PE,HE&S]) 2022

  • The selection process for this programme will include the marks secured by the candidates in different stages comprising of Physical Fitness Entrance Test and Sports Proficiency.

  • All the sections carry divided weightage of marks. The DU UG Entrance Exam carries 50%, 30% has been given to Sports Proficiency Award and 20% to Physical Fitness Test.'

DUET Selection Process for B.A. Music Course 2022

  • Selection of candidates for these programmes will completely be based on the Practical Admission Entrance Test.

  • Apart from this, aspirants with a musical background will be given first preference in the selection process.

Counselling Guidelines for B.El.Ed. Course and BMS/BBA(FIA)/BA(H)BE Courses 2022

  • Candidates will be required to log in to their admission portal for the purpose.

  • The DUET 2022 first seat allotment list for these courses will be released in July 2022.

Schedule of Admission into B.El.Ed and BMS/BBA(FIA)/BA(H) Courses

From the below table, candidates can check the admission schedule for B.El.Ed and BMS/BBA(FIA)/BA(H) courses:



Declaration of First Allotment List


Online application for admission & fee payment


Closing for Online application for admission


Closing of Online fee payment


Declaration of Second Allotment List


Online application for admission & fee payment


Closing for Online application for admission


Closing of Online fee payment


Declaration of the Third Allotment List


Online application for admission & fee payment


Closing for Online application for admission


Closing of fee payment


Admission Schedule for Sports Proficiency Award & Physical Fitness Test 



First Admission List Declaration


Second Admission List Declaration


Third Admission List Declaration


What is the Ranking System of DUET 2022?

The ranking system of the DUET 2022 will help candidates to know their position as per their marks secured in the entrance exam. The merit list is nothing but a replica of the performance of the candidates in the entrance defining their ranks based on their scores. For each of the undergraduate course, a separate merit list will be prepared. The same shall be uploaded on the official site of the institution for the test takers of 2022 DUET Entrance exam. 

The parameters of the rank list will be different for different courses.

DUET 2022 Ranking Metrics for B. Tech

For programmes like B.Tech (IT&MI), BA (H&SS), B.El.Ed. , BA (H) MMC and 5YIPJ in the University of Delhi, the base of the merit list will strictly be basis the marks secured by the test-takers in the DU UG Entrance Exam 2022.

DUET 2022 Ranking Metrics for B.A

For admission to BA (H) BE, BMS, BBA (FIA) programmes in University of Delhi, the weighted mean of the scores secured in the entrance exam and 10+2 or equivalent exam will be considered for the preparation of the merit list. The entrance exam will be given a weightage of 65% whereas the marks of 10+2 will carry 35% weight during the churning of the merit list.

DUET 2022 Ranking Metrics for B.Sc

The merit list for admission to DU for B.Sc (PE, HE&S) and B.A. (Hons.) will be basis aggregate of 45% marks in DUET 2022.

DUET 2022 Ranking Metrics for Music (H)

Music will include the mean marks of written test and the trials and the practical test respectively.

Please note that DUET Exam 2022 will not comprise of any repeated ranks. In case if the situation of a tie arises, then the tie-breaker system will be adopted by the NTA.

How Does Tie-Breaker Work in DUET 2022?

The tie-breaker system of DUET 2022 will evaluate factors while calculating the ranks of the candidates scoring the same score in the entrance exam. The test takers must remember that the rank list of the 2022 DUET will not contain any repeated ranks of any of the test takers. In case if two test-takers secure the same rank, then few parameters will be taken into account to define the segregated rank of the candidates. These parameters will be applied in a defined order. The order has been mentioned for the aspirants to understand the tie-breaker system of the 2022 DU UG Entrance Exam.

  • If two candidates score the same position in the rank list then the first stage for the segregation will be the consideration of the marks of the last qualifying exam. The one with higher marks or percentile in the qualifying exam will be given a higher rank than the other one. The aggregate marks of the best four subjects and one language in the qualifying exam will be considered for defining the percentile of the qualifying exam.

  • The second consideration will be higher marks of DUET 2022. The one with higher marks will be given higher rank and will also be considered first for allotment/ admission in DU.

  • The third consideration will be the higher percentage in 2022 DUET with the best five subjects including one language.

  • Fourth consideration will be the earlier date of birth. The date of birth must be specifically mentioned in the 10th standard certificate. This certificate will serve as the proof of date of birth for admission in DU.

Detailed Admission Process of DUET 2022

Majorly, there are three defining stages that must compulsorily be followed and completed if a candidate aims to take admission into Delhi University colleges. These stages are prepared for the locking and confirmation of seats and courses for the final allotment process. It is very important for the aspirants to justify the minimum eligibility requirement for the courses they wish to take admission in and the DU colleges they aim to choose. Only if the eligibility criteria is justified, the candidates will be allowed to appear for the respective course and colleges of Delhi University.

Once the candidates satisfy the eligibility criteria, they should follow these simple steps to complete the admission process. Let’s check out these stages or steps of the DU admission process basis DUET 2022 that must be completed carefully.

Admission Process Form Filling for DUET 2022

In the first stage, candidates will have to fill the admission process form to confirm their interest in the process of admission. For this, the candidates will have to select and confirm their selection of college and course in the admission form. This form will be available on the official admission portal of the Delhi University. Candidates are required to take a print out of this form and the asked credentials carefully. The form once filled must be cross-checked and then submitted through the procedure described in the form or on the official portal.

Document Verification for DUET 2022

The selection process basis DUET 2022 will start with the verification of the documents that were submitted at the time of form filling process by the candidates. In the document verification, shortlisted candidates will have to report to the allotted DU colleges. Aspirants will have to carry all their required documents along with the DU admission form at the different centres allotted to them. The concerned institution will verify all the submitted documents of the candidates. A list of shortlisted candidates will then be generated by the concerned authorities of these institutions. The ones marking a position in this list will be called for the next round of selection process.

Payment of Admission Fees

After the completion of the document verification round, aspirants will be asked to complete the admission payment process in order to confirm their admission process basis DUET 2022 with the respective institution. Each candidate clearing the document verification round will receive a mail from the University of Delhi. The mail will consist of a link that will re-direct candidates to a new page comprising of the payment module. The payment process then needs to be completed following the procedures defined in the link. This process will complete the admission process and then the applicants will receive a final mail from DU with respect to the confirmation of their candidature in their desired institution. It is important for the aspirants to know that after the completion of the online payment, no refund process can be accessed by the applicants.

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