For how many years is the GPAT score valid?
GPAT score is valid for 3 years.
Where will the GPAT result be released?
The GPAT 2025 results will be released on the official website of NTA.
When will be the GPAT 2025 result released?
The result of GPAT 2025 will be released tentatively in July 2025.
What is the duration of the GPAT exam?
The GPAT exam will be conducted for a total time duration of 3 hours.
When will the GPAT Answer Key 2025 be released?
GPAT 2025 provisional answer key will be released tentatively in June 2025 and final answer key will be released in July 2025.
What is the mode of the GPAT exam?
The GPAT exam will be conducted in online mode.
When will the GPAT 2025 exam be conducted?
As per last year's trends the GPAT 2025 exam is expected to be conducted in June 2025.
When will the application form for GPAT 2025 be released?
The GPAT 2025 application form will be released tentatively in April 2025.
Who conducts the GPAT exam?
The GPAT exam is conducted by the National Testing Agency.
Is the official notification of GPAT 2025 released?
No, the official notification of GPAT 2025 is yet to be released. The National Testing Agency is expected to release the official GPAT notification tentatively in April 2025.