GSIB GET 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Rini Maria on 11 Feb, 2022 10:15

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How to Prepare for GSIB GET 2022

Preparing for GSIB GET is the most essential step. Aspirants need to analyse the entire syllabus and exam pattern of GSIB GET 2022 before starting the preparation. Only with an apt preparation strategy and the right attitude can an applicant crack the entrance exam. To prepare for GSIB GET, one must sketch an apt plan for the same. All the subjects, topics and areas must be evaluated and allotted in a manner that is convenient and addresses the requirements of the candidates. More time and attention should be given to the weak areas and around 3-4 weeks must be kept aside only for revision purposes. Aspirants can solve as many practise papers and problems as possible as they help in bettering the preparation and acing the final exam. Read on to understand how to prepare for GSIB GET 2022. Also, understand the key requirements for preparation of GSIB GET 2022.

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GSIB GET 2022 Preparation Tips

To prepare for the GSIB GET, one must be equipped with the right set of tips and tricks. Provided below are a few preparation tips that can help an individual perform brilliantly in the exam.

Check out the Syllabus: Circle out all the topics that need to be studied. Do not leave any subject unattended as it might crop up in the final exam.

Create a Plan: Coming up with a plan and curating a time table is the foremost step. It helps in easy execution of ideas and better time-management.

Pick up the Right Study Books: Make sure to select the most reliable and recent book for GSIB GET. Often old books contain outdated and incorrect information which might hamper the final performance of a candidate. 

Solve Sample Papers: Solving sample papers of GSIB GET and previous year question paper increases the accuracy, speed and efficiency of the candidate. It also provides an idea of the exam pattern and the nature of questions.

Note Down Important Topics: Keep a notebook and jot down important topics while preparing for GSIB GET so that you can easily revisit them while revising for the exam.

Maintain the Right Sleep Cycle: Taking 8 hours long sleep is highly essential and important. Cutting down on the sleeping hours and expanding the studying hours is not the right way to go. It would only affect the mind of the aspirant and make it restless.

Take Breaks: It is often believed that taking breaks is an excuse to not prepare for the exam. However, taking breaks is an effective way to keep the mind fresh and concentrated. An aspirant must keep taking regular breaks after every hour. It helps in easy understanding of ideas, concepts and theories.

Revision is a Must: At least 3 to 4 weeks must be kept aside by an applicant only for the revision of GSIB GET exam. Go through all the topics that you have already studied and covered. Give more time to weak areas and try to master them.

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Section-wise Preparation Tips for GSIB GET 2022

To know the section-wise preparation tip for the GSIB GET 2022, go through the information given below.

Quantitative Aptitude

While preparing for the Quantitative Aptitude section, aspirants must be aware of the short tricks and formulas clearly. It is important to jot down formulas and revisit them regularly. Memorizing them is the best way to keep them fresh in the mind.

Logical and Data Interpretation

The practice is the best way to ace the Logical and Data Interpretation. Solve as many last yearโ€™s question papers and sample papers as possible. It will help in providing a gist and understanding of the questions which will help in understanding the pattern of the exam better.

Verbal Ability

Picking up the right books and inculcating the reading habit help in performing great in the Verbal Ability section. Go through the English news channels and newspapers every day. Also, try to polish your vocabulary so that you can perform better in the exam.

International Business

Keep a tab on the current affairs and general happenings around the globe. Try to cover important topics such as World business, the Latest summits, Indian trade, Continents leading in trade, Indiaโ€™s association with regional groups, GDP, abbreviations, and related information to crack this section.

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