IBPS CWE RRB 2024 Registration - Application Date, Link, Fees, Documents Required, How to Apply

Updated By Tiyasa Khanra on 05 Aug, 2024 14:52

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IBPS RRB Application Form 2024 (Registration Closed)

The deadline for online registration and payment of fees/intimation charges for IBPS RRB Application Form 2024 for Officers (Scale-I, II & III) and Office Assistants (Multipurpose) in Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) was extended to June 30, 2024, from its previous deadline of June 27, 2024. The IBPS RRB application form was released on June 7, 2024, along with the official notification. Candidates could apply for the IBPS RRB 2024 exam on the official website at ibps.in. Eligible candidates will be able to fill out the application form by entering their Registration Number and Password. Prospective candidates were required to initiate the application for IBPS RRB 2024 by registering for the exam using a valid email ID and mobile number. Subsequently, they were required to upload their photograph and signature according to the specified format and dimensions. The last date for printing the application forms was July 12, 2024. The direct link to fill out the IBPS RRB Application Form 2024 has been provided below:

IBPS RRB PO and clerk prelim examination will be held on August 3, 4, 10, 17, and 18, 2024. The single examination for IBPS RRB Officers Scale II and III will be conducted on September 29, 2024. The IBPS RRB Clerk mains exam will be conducted on October 6, 2024

IBPS RRB 2024 Application Process Highlights

The important highlights of the IBPS RRB 2024 Application Process are added below in the table: 



Mode of IBPS RRB CWE Application 2024


IBPS RRB CWE Registration Fees

  • General/ EWS/ OBC - โ‚น 850

  • SC/ ST/ PWD - โ‚น 175

Mode of IBPS RRB CWE Application Fees Payment


IBPS RRB CWE Official Website


IBPS RRB CWE Contact details

Phone No. 1800 222 366, 1800 103 456

IBPS CWE RRB Application Dates 2024

Given below are the dates of important events related to IBPS CWE RRB 2024:



IBPS RRB Notification 2024

June 7, 2024

Online Application Start

June 7, 2024

Online Applications to End On

June 30, 2024 (Closed)

Closure for Editing Application Details

June 30, 2024 (Closed)

Last Date to Print Application Form

July 12, 2024

Online Fee Payment

June 7 to June 30, 2024 (Closed)

IBPS RRB Clerk and PO Prelims Exam

August 3, 4, 10, 17, and 18, 2024

IBPS RRB Officer Scale I Mains Exam

September 2024

Office Assistant Mains Exam

September 2024

Online Examination โ€“ Main / Single Officers (II & III)

September 29, 2024

IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Date

October 6,2024

Final Result (Provisional Allotment)


How to fill IBPS RRB Application Form 2024

The basic chronology while filling out the IBPS RRB Application form 2024 is as depicted in the following diagram: 

If we elaborate on this in simple steps: 

  1. Applicants have to visit www.ibps.in

  2. Click on the link that says 'CRP for RRBs' and then click on any of the following options to access the online application form โ€“


  4. In order to register, applicants have to click on the tab that says 'CLICK HERE FOR NEW REGISTRATION' and mention the basic details asked in the application form.

  5. After entering the details, the system generates a provisional Registration number and Password, which appear on the computer screen.

  6. Applicants also receive an E-mail and SMS, which displays the Provisional Registration Number and Password.

  7. Now, by using this Provisional Registration number and Password, applicants can reopen the saved data and edit the particulars, (if required).

  8. Applicants also have to upload their Photograph as well as Signature as per the given specifications.

  9. Applicants must verify all their details filled in the online application carefully as no modifications can be done after clicking on the 'FINAL SUBMIT' button.

Note: Applicants also have an option of giving state preferences for provisional allotment on selection, when applying for the posts of Office Assistant (Multipurpose) and Officers Scale I.

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Prerequisites for IBPS RRB Application Form 2024

Applicants can apply for โ€“ Officer (Scale-I or Scale-II or Scale-III) as well as Office Assistant (Multipurpose) posts. For each post, applicants have to apply separately and pay fees/intimation charges. Below are the requirements for filling IBPS RRB application form 2024:

Candidates are required to keep the following details ready before filling out the IBPS RRB 2024 application form:

  • Bank details for the payment of  IBPS RRB 2024 registration fees. 
  • Email ID and mobile number are required mandatorily to complete the initial step of registration. 
  • Scanned photograph and signature as per the prescribed format.
  • Other documents like mark sheet, address proof, etc to enter the valid details in the  IBPS RRB 2024 application form. 

Uploading Photograph and Signature

There are some specific protocols that the candidates have to follow while uploading the scanned documents in the application form or the application forms will be rejected. 

Document (In JPG or JPEG)DimensionSize
Photograph (Must be a colored photo)200*230 pixels20-50 Kb
Signature (Signature must be on white paper with black ink)140*60 pixelsLess than 20 Kb


  • The photograph must be a recent passport-sized picture.
  • Make sure that the picture is coloured and is taken against a light-colored, preferably white background.
  • Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face.
  • If the picture is taken on a sunny day, have the sun behind you, or place yourself in the shade, so that you are not squinting and there are no harsh shadows
  • If you have to use flash, ensure there is no "red-eye"
  • If you wear glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes are clearly visible.
  • Caps, hats, and dark glasses are not acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it must not cover the face.
  • The image file should be in โ€˜JPGโ€™ or โ€˜JPEGโ€™ format.


  • The applicant has to sign on white paper with a black Ink pen.
  • The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.
  • The signature will be used to put on the Call Letter and wherever necessary.
  • If the Applicantโ€™s signature on the answer script, at the time of the examination, does not match the signature on the Call Letter, the Applicant will be disqualified.
  • Signatures in CAPITAL LETTERS shall not be accepted.
  • The image file should be in โ€˜JPGโ€™ or โ€˜JPEGโ€™ format.
  • Credit/Debit card for making the payment of the IBPS RRB application fee.
  • E-mail ID and Mobile number.
  • Scanned copy of the Photograph and Signature.

IBPS RRB 2024 Application Fee

Applicants can make the required fee/intimation charges payment through online mode only. The payment of the IBPS RRB application form can be made through any one of the following mediums:

  • Internet Banking

  • Debit Cards

  • Credit Cards

  • Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets

  • IMPS (Immediate Payment Service)



Application Fee

Officer (Scale I, II & III)


INR 600

Officer (Scale I, II & III)


INR 100

Office Assistant (Multipurpose)


INR 100

Office Assistant (Multipurpose)


INR 600

How to Retrieve IBPS RRB CWE 2024 Password?

In case the candidates forget their IBPS RRB CWE application number or password, they need not worry as they can use some simple steps to retrieve their IBPS RRB CWE 2024 Application No. and Password.

How to Retrieve IBPS RRB CWE Application Number?

If the candidate has lost their IBPS RRB CWE application number, they can retrieve it using the following steps:

  1. Visit the official website.
  2. Below the application form, click on the โ€œForgot Application No?โ€ link.
  3. Enter the candidate's name, Fatherโ€™s Name, Motherโ€™s Name, Date of Birth, and security pin to verify.
  4. After entering the details, click on the โ€œGet Application Numberโ€ button.
  5. Your application number will be displayed on the screen. Note down & save the application number for future reference.

How to Retrieve IBPS RRB CWE Password?

If the candidate has forgotten their IBPS RRB CWEpassword, they can retrieve it using the following steps:

  1. Visit the official website.
  2. Below the application form, click on the โ€œForgot Password?โ€ link.
  3. The candidates can use any of the following 3 options to retrieve their password: 
  • Using Security Question & its Answer you chose during Form filling: You will have to answer the security question as displayed on the screen.
  • Using a verification code sent via text message (SMS) to your Registered Mobile No: You will have to enter the verification code received on SMS to reset your password.
  • Using a reset link sent via Email to your Registered Email address: You will have to click on the link received on the email to reset your password

4. Choose the preferred method and click on โ€œContinueโ€.

5. Reset your password and note it down for future reference.

IBPS RRB Application Form 2024 - Important Points

The aspirants have to apply only through an Online Application. However, before jumping into that, one should remember a few things and cautions to follow for this application form.

The following points should be remembered as per the declaration of the official website.

  • Candidates must meet the Eligibility Criteria.
  • Avoid any misspellings or inaccurate information. This might lead to the cancellation of the candidature. 
  • The Payments can be made via debit card/ credit card/ Internet Banking. No other options or way is applicable.
  • The documents must be visible and unsmudged. 
  • If the documents related to the Date of birth and Signature and Photograph turn out to be incorrect, the candidate will be disqualified in the middle of the IBPS RRB Selection Process 2024.
  • The registered email should be checked regularly. Otherwise, the candidate can lose important notice or updates sent to that particular email id.
  • If multiple applications are submitted, only the last application will be considered valid.

How to apply for Scribe?

The scribe facility will be provided to the candidates who have a disability of 40% or more and if the person desires to have a scribe. This facility is meant for only those persons with disability who have physical limitations to writing including speed. The candidates should keep the following points in mind while applying for the Scribe facility:

  • Candidates who are eligible and wish to use the services of a scribe in the examination should carefully indicate the same in the online application form.  
  • Both the candidate and the scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking, on the  prescribed format at the time of the online examination 
  • Such candidates who are eligible to use a scribe shall be eligible for compensatory time of  20 minutes for every hour of the examination whether availing the facility of scribe or not.
  • Candidate will have to arrange his/ her own scribe at his/ her own cost.
  • Any candidate who is not eligible to use scribe as per guidelines, as referred above,  uses scribe in the online examination shall be disqualified to participate further in the process of recruitment. 
  • Any candidate who is using a scribe should ensure that he/ she is eligible to use a scribe in the examination as per the guidelines. 
  • If it is found that the scribe is solving the papers himself, the candidature of the candidate is liable to be canceled. 
  • Any candidate using scribe in violation of the above guidelines shall stand disqualified and can be removed from the service without notice if already joined Bank.
  • The scribe will be allowed to be used as per the guidelines issued.

The following candidates can apply for a scribe facility:

b. โ€œCerebral palsy" means a Group of non-progressive neurological conditions  affecting body movements and muscle coordination, caused by damage to one or  more specific areas of the brain, usually occurring before, during, or shortly after birth; 

c. "Dwarfism" means a medical or genetic condition resulting in an adult height of  4 feet 10 inches (147 centimeters) or less; 

d. "Muscular dystrophy" means a group of hereditary genetic muscle disease that weakens the muscles that move the human body and persons with multiple dystrophy have incorrect and missing information in their genes, which prevents them from making the proteins they need for healthy muscles. It is characterized by progressive skeletal muscle weakness, defects in muscle proteins, and the  death of muscle cells and tissue; 

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