Best Books for ILICAT 2025 Exam Preparation - Check ILICAT Preparation Books Here

Updated By Debanjalee Sen on 23 Apr, 2024 16:52

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Best Books for ILICAT 2024

Selecting books for ILICAT 2024 is a difficult task as there are plenty of options available in the market. Before starting the preparation for ILICAT 2024, picking up the ILICAT best books 2024 is essential. An aspirant needs to be aware of the updated exam pattern and syllabus of the entrance exam of law before investing in the study materials. ILICAT 2024 is a law entrance exam for admission to a year-long LLM course.

A candidate must always do the research prior to formulating a preparation plan. Investing time in a wrong or misleading study material can cost a lot of money and energy. Also, it leads to a failed result. Therefore, it is always crucial to look out for books that can do justice to your preparation and can help you out in bringing the best result.

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Picking up Best Books for ILICAT 2024

Captured below are the pointers defining how to pick up the best books for ILICAT 2024.

Identifying the original and reliable sources is vital before picking up any book. Study materials from unknown or non-credible sources can result in incorrect information and can hamper the final performance.

  • The book should always be as per the latest developments or updates in the exam. Selecting a book that follows the old exam pattern or syllabus can lead to an undesired result.

  • Aspirants must always listen closely to the professionals and toppers and consider their recommendations.

  • The book should be written in a language that is easy to decode or crack. A candidate does not have time to invest in breaking the complexity of the words. It can cost them a lot of time.

  • Look out for books that withhold sample papers or sample problems. They help the aspirants to build confidence and perform better.

  • As the market is overflowing with lots of options, do not go for any book blindly. Do your research prior to picking up a book for ILICAT 2024.

Colleges Accepting Exam ILICAT :

Best Books for ILICAT 2024: English Language & General Knowledge Section

Check out the best books for English Language & General Knowledge Section below.

Name of the Book


Word Power Made Easy

Norman Lewis

High School English Grammar & Composition

Wren n Martin

Manorama Yearbook Latest Edition (English)

Malayala Manorama Group

General Knowledge (English)


Pratiyogita Darpan

Upkar Prakashan

Best Books for ILICAT 2024: Legal Aptitude

Pick up the books enlisted below to prepare well for the legal aptitude section.

Name of the Book


Bare Acts of Indian Constitution


Chapter-wise Objective Questions Bank for Law

Arihant Experts

Legal GK for Competitive Examinations

Universal Publications

Legal Awareness and Legal Reasoning: For CLAT and LLB Entrance Examinations (English)

AP Bhardwaj

Legal Aptitude for the CLAT and other Law Entrance Examinations

AP Bhardwaj

Best Books for ILICAT 2024: Legal Aspects

Captured below are the name of the books that you must select to prepare for legal aspects section. 

Name of the Book


The Indian Constitution Book

Granville Austin

Introduction to the Constitution of India Book

Durga Das Basu

The Concept of Law

H. L. A. Hart

Human Rights And Duties


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FAQs about ILICAT Books

Are coaching classes needed for ILICAT 2023 preparation?

Coaching classes can be useful for ILICAT 2023 preparation for applicants as these classes can provide support and guidance from teachers and batchmates as well. However, it is not obligatory to join coaching classes for ILICAT. 


Are the online study materials helpful for the ILICAT 2023 exam?

Yes, online study materials can be helpful for the ILICAT 2023 exam, provided they are referred to from trusted sources. Several online study materials, such as mock tests, PDFs with notes and concepts, ebooks, and sample papers, are available.

Should the candidates only depend on books for preparation for the ILICAT 2023 exam?

Candidates should not only depend on books for preparation for the ILICAT 2023 exam. They must practice answering previous year's papers, taking mock tests, and staying updated with the latest events via newspapers and news websites.


Are there any additional books that can be helpful for the ILICAT 2023 exam?

Additional books that can be helpful for the ILICAT 2023 exam include the Hindu newspaper or any other leading national daily, The Complete Guide to Legal Writing by Mary Ray for enhancing legal writing skills, a book on Mercantile Law known as Elements of Mercantile Law by ND Kapoor, on IPR and other laws include A Handbook On Corporate and Other Laws by CA CS Munish Bhandari, A Handbook On Corporate and Other Laws by Sourabh Bindal.


What are some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the Public Crimes and Torts topic of the Legal Aptitude section?

Some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the Public Crimes and Torts topic of the Legal Aptitude section include Law of Torts by Dr RK Bangia and Criminal Law by Dr RK Bangia.


What are some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the Public Labour Law topic of the Legal Aptitude section?

Some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the Public Labour Law topic of the Legal Aptitude section are MCQs in Industrial Relations and Labour Laws by Juli Verma, MCQ'S On Human Resource Management Labour & Social Welfare Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations and Labour Laws by A Vamsi.

What are some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the Public International Law topic of the Legal Aptitude section?

Some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the Public International Law topic of the Legal Aptitude section are An Introduction to Public International Law by SK Verma and Public International Law by SRA Rosedar.


What are some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the Constitutional Law topic of the Legal Aptitude section?

Some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the Constitutional Law topic of the Legal Aptitude section are Introduction to the Constitution of India by Brij Kishore Sharma and Constitution of India by VN Shukla. 


What are some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the Jurisprudence topic of the Legal Aptitude section?

Some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the Jurisprudence topic of the Legal Aptitude section include Jurisprudence I by Garima Tiwari and Jurisprudence and Legal Theory by NV Paranjape.


What are some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the General Knowledge section?

Some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the General Knowledge section are General Knowledge by Arihant, Lucent's Objective GK, Manorama Yearbook 2023, and Pratiyogita Darpan.


What are some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the English Language section?

Some of the ILICAT 2023 best books for the English Language section are Objective English for Competitive Examination by Tata McGraw Hill, Word power made easy by Norman Lewis, and High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin.


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