JIPMAT 2025 Exam Pattern - Check Marking Scheme, Total Marks, Chapter Wise Weightage, Duration

Updated By Intajur Rahaman on 19 Sep, 2024 17:47

33 days Remaining for the exam

The JIPMAT 2025 exam will consist of 100 MCQ questions divided into four sections. The total duration of the exam will be 150 minutes. For every correct answer, 4 marks will be awarded while 1 mark will be deducted for incorrect answers. The exam will be conducted as a Computer Based Test (CBT).

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JIPMAT 2025 Exam Pattern

The JIPMAT 2025 exam pattern is set by the National Testing Agency (NTA), which is the conducting body of the exam. Candidates can find the JIPMAT 2025 exam pattern in the information brochure of the exam. JIPMAT 2025 is a UG-level entrance exam for admission to the five-year Integrated Programme in Management offered by IIM Bodh Gaya and IIM Jammu. The exam pattern is similar to other UG-level management entrance exams. There are a total of 100 questions on the exam in the MCQ format. The total duration for the exam is 150 minutes or 2 hours and 30 minutes. The exam is conducted in a computer-based test format across various test cities in India. The exam is conducted in the English language. The JIPMAT exam is aimed at evaluating a candidate's communication and analytical skills because the course aims to produce competent managers. 

Understanding the JIPMAT exam pattern is crucial if candidates wish to prepare for the exam thoroughly. The exam pattern for JIPMAT will help candidates prioritize different parts of the JIPMAT syllabus and also devise an effective exam strategy. Candidates must also make sure to keep track of any changes in the exam pattern made by the exam conducting body. Aspirants will find all the necessary information related to the JIPMAT exam pattern right here!

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JIPMAT 2025 Exam Pattern Highlights

Given below is the JIPMAT 2025 exam pattern highlights 

Total number of questions 100
Type of questionsMCQs

Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation, and Logical Reasoning & Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension

Exam timing3 to 5:30 pm
Exam duration150 minutes
Medium of question paperEnglish
Exam modeCBT
Total marks400
Marking scheme

+4 for correct attempt

-1 for incorrect attempt

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JIPMAT 2025 Section-wise Exam Pattern

There are a total of three sections on the JIPMAT question paper, including Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude, and Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning. The total number of questions on the JIPMAT question paper is 100 which is divided into these 3 sections. Candidates must know the sectional breakup of questions in the JIPMAT exam to ascertain how much time is required to complete each section. The section-wise breakup of questions along with the total marks per section on the JIPMAT exam is mentioned in the table below:

JIPMAT Sections

Marks Allotted

Number of Questions

Total marks

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning




Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension




Quantitative Aptitude








JIPMAT 2025 Marking Scheme

Candidates who will be appearing for the JIPMAT exam must be familiar with the marking scheme followed by the exam conducting authorities when grading the performance of test takers. Understanding the marking scheme can help candidates assess how to approach the question paper and what kind of examination strategy will fetch them the highest marks possible. Since exams like JIPMAT are competitive in nature and have negative marking, candidates cannot use the standard approach which includes attempting as many questions as possible. Candidates can check out the JIPMAT marking scheme mentioned below:

  • Candidates will be awarded 4 marks for every correct answer on the JIPMAT question paper.
  • Candidates will be penalized for every wrong answer, and 1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect response.
  • Candidates will not suffer any negative marking for unattempted questions in the JIPMAT exam.
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JIPMAT Section-wise Important Topics

It is a well-known fact that some topics are given more importance than others when it comes to competitive exams like JIPMAT. Thus, it is important for candidates to put more effort into preparing these topics to earn more marks on the exam. The important topics from each section of the JIPMAT exam are mentioned below:

JIPMAT Exam Sections

Important Topics

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension

  • Algebra
  • Percentage
  • Geometry
  • Simple Interest and Compound Interest
  • Profit and Loss
  • Square Root and Cube Root
  • Numbers

Quantitative Aptitude

  • Blood Relations
  • Series
  • Direction Sense
  • Clocks and Calendars
  • Statements
  • Data Arrangement
  • Family Tree
  • Syllogism
  • Venn Diagram

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning

  • Grammar
  • Proper Usage of Words
  • Synonyms
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Vocabulary
  • Sentence Corrections
  • Antonyms
  • Articles

JIPMAT Exam Day Instructions

It is of utmost importance that candidates make sure they follow every instruction and guideline on the JIPMAT exam day for a smooth examination experience. Some of the most important JIPMAT exam day instructions are as follows:

  • Candidates must remember to carry their JIPMAT admit card along with a valid ID proof, without which no candidate will be accepted at the examination center.
  • Candidates must make sure they complete the exam within the total time allocated for which is 2 hours 30 minutes(150 minutes).
  • The test-takers will not be permitted to leave the examination room until the examination ends.
  • There will be no provision for breaks during the examination.
  • The examinees will have separate computer desks with plain paper for rough work.
  • It is also important to note that the candidates are not supposed to bring any written or printed material apart from Admit Card and ID Proof.
  • Candidates found with any such document will be debarred from taking the examination.
  • Reporting 45 minutes before the issued timing is also recommended.

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FAQs about JIPMAT Exam Pattern

Is a calculator allowed inside the JIPMAT exam hall?

No, calculators or any type of electronic devices are not allowed inside the JIPMAT exam center. Candidates must make sure they do not carry any such devices along with them to the test center or they will be disqualified from the examination. Candidates who will be appearing for the JIPMAT exam will have to go through a security check at the examination center. If any candidate is found with a prohibited item like a calculator, they will not be allowed inside the examination hall. 

What are the total marks of the JIPMAT exam?

The total marks on the JIPMAT exam is 400, divided into the three sections of the exam. There are a total of 100 questions on the JIPMAT question paper and the Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning sections have 33 questions each. The Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension section of the JIPMAT exam has 34 questions. Each question on the JIPMAT exam carries 4 marks and there is also a negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer. Candidates are not penalized for unattended questions.

What is the mode of examination for the JIPMAT exam?

The JIPMAT exam is conducted in a computer-based test mode, similar to other competitive entrance examinations. The JIPMAT exam is conducted at various test centers across the country. Candidates are required to present their JIPMAT admit cards to verify themselves at the test center before appearing for the exam. Once verification is done, candidates are allotted separate computer systems where the JIPMAt question paper is presented and candidates are required to solve the question paper on the computer system itself.

Is there a provision for negative marking in the JIPMAT exam?

Yes, there is a provision for negative marking in the JIPMAT exam. Candidates must be aware of the JIPMAT marking scheme before appearing for the exam so that they do not make any careless mistakes and lose marks. According to the JIPMAT marking scheme, candidates will face a deduction of 1 mark for every incorrect answer on the JIPMAT exam. Candidates will be awarded 4 marks for every correct answer. Candidates should also note that there will not be any negative marking for unattempted questions in JIPMAT.

How is the marking scheme for the JIPMAT exam?

The marking scheme is one of the most important components of any competitive exam and the same goes for the JIPMAT exam as well. Candidates must be aware of the marking scheme at all times during the exam so that they can accurately judge which questions on the JIPMAT question paper are worth attempting and which question should be left unattended. According to the JIPMAT marking scheme:

  • Candidates will be awarded 4 marks for every correct answer.
  • Candidates will be penalized for every wrong answer, and 1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect response.
  • No negative marking for unattempted questions.

What is the maximum age to apply for the JIPMAT exam?

The National Testing Agency (NTA) which is responsible for conducting the JIPMAT exam has not put an age restriction when it comes to applying for the exam. Candidates can apply for the exam as long as they meet the eligibility criteria for the same. Candidates who wish to apply for JIPMAT are required to meet the following criteria:

  • Candidates must have passed their Class 12 final examination in any stream or equivalent with a minimum of 60 percent aggregate (55 percent for candidates from SC/ST/PwD) or more in the last 3 years or appearing in the current year.

What are the marks allotted against each question in the JIPMAT exam?

According to the JIPMAT marking scheme, each question on the JIPMAT question paper is worth 4 marks. However, candidates will also suffer a 1 mark deduction for each incorrect answer on JIPMAT.

How many sections will be there in the JIPMAT exam?

According to the latest exam pattern, the JIPMAT exam is divided into three sections. The JIPMAT exam sections include Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension. There are a total of 100 questions which are divided into these three sections. Candidates have a total exam duration of 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete the JIPMAT question paper.

What will be the medium of JIPMAT exam?

The JIPMAT exam will be administered in the English language only. All the questions on the JIPMAT question paper will be in English.

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