JNU CEEB 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

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How to Prepare for JNU CEEB 2021

Preparing for a national level examination like JNU CEEB is not an easy task. The ones interested in appearing for this examination must emphasise on the preparation for the examination. It is only through good preparation that achieving the desired marks can be fulfilled. If the candidates are well prepared and aware of the terminology of the examination paper then for such a candidate the paper will not appear to be a tough and tricky one. For this, the candidates can also go through the Exam Pattern and Syllabus of JNU CEEB. Knowing the exam pattern will help the candidates to understand the structure of the paper in a more detailed way which in return will help them to prepare well.

Candidates must know some tips and tricks that can help them in their preparation plan. These tips have been mentioned below for all the interested applicants of JNU CEEB 2021. It is also to note that there are some important pointers that each appearing candidates must keep in mind. These pointers will help them to avoid mistakes while their preparation and while appearing for the examination. Experts also advise test takers to check out the preparation tips given for the different subjects comprising the Syllabus of JNU CEEB 2021

General JNU CEEB Preparation Tips & Tricks

Here, we are providing the best tips and tricks that can be very useful to crack the JNU CEEB Exam.

Make Notes

If you are just going through the information, then you may not be able to retain it for too long. If you try writing down at least the important points, then you will probably be able to remember your lessons a lot better.

Try Color Coding Tricks

When you are studying for an exam, simply going through the lessons means your retention rate will be only 20%. But if you can follow some simple retention strategies, it is possible to have a recall rate of up to 80%. It is believed that colour boosts retention capacity.  You can use different colors, to mark some important points in your books. Research has shown that separating parts of the notes using colours stimulates the creative part of your brain, which can actually help you recall information visually and efficiently.

Try and Manage your Stress Level

Try speaking to the people you trust and tell them how you are currently feeling. You may try some breathing strategies, as it will allow your body to relax. You may also try visualizing your success.  Just imagine yourself writing the exam and then acing it. This will help you stay positive and remove all the negative thoughts related to the exam.

Get Support

Get support from friends, family as well as teachers to be better prepared for the exam. During the exam preparation phase, proper understanding, as well as emotional support, is what you will need. You may speak to your teachers if you are facing any challenges while preparing for the exam. Do not shy or hesitate from asking in case you need help from them.

Sleep Properly

Before writing the exam, getting adequate sleep is important. Hit the bed at your normal bedtime. Donโ€™t even think of pulling in an all-nighter. If you are facing difficulty in dozing off, then you can turn on some soothing music or read something light but avoid reaching out for your textbooks at night, especially if you had been studying the entire day.

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