JNU CEEB 2025 Result - Result Link, Merit List, Cutoff and Download Scorecard/Rankcard

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JNU CEEB Result 2021

JNU CEEB 2021 Result will be released in the second week of July 2021 (tentatively) for the entrance examination that will be organised in May 2021 (tentatively). The result can be checked online on the official website of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). The Result of JNU CEEB 2021 will define the marks obtained by the test takers. It shows the marks scored section-wise and the total marks along with the name and roll number of the candidate. Candidates must know that the Result will not declare the confirmation of the candidature for admission in any of the Participating Colleges of JNU CEEB

Once the results are declared, a Cut-Off List will be released in order to select the candidates for the purpose of Counselling and Admission. The cut-off marks will be determined after the announcement of the result. The merit list will be prepared based on the secured rank of the candidate. The Counselling for JNU CEEB will start post declaration of the merit list. The shortlisted candidates will have to mark their preferred colleges by visiting the JNU official website.

Upcoming Engineering Exams :

JNU CEEB 2021 Result Important Dates

Registration Started FromMarch 2021
Registration Ended OnApril 2021
Date of JNU CEEB ExamLast week of May
Colleges Accepting Exam JNU CEEB :

How to Check JNU CEEB 2021 Result

The candidates should follow the following mentioned steps to download their results:

  • Candidates have to go to the official website of JNU.
  • Click on the link 'JNU CEEB 2021 Result'.
  • After that, a new page will be displayed where candidates can choose whether they want to check the result using the application number/ registration number.
  • After choosing, candidates will have to enter their registration number, date of birth and password and click on 'Submit' tab.
  • Then, candidates will be redirected to a new page where their scorecards will be displayed.
  • Candidates must download their result and also take a printout of the same for future usage.

JNU CEEB Merit List 2021

The merit list for JNU CEEB 2021 will be announced by JNU on its official website. Post announcement of JNU CEEB 2021 results, the merit list will be prepared based on the secured rank of the candidates. The merit list is a deciding factor for admission to the various PG biotechnology-related programmes at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and participating universities. Candidates should regularly check the official website of JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) for the announcement of result.

The following information will be included on the merit list for JNU CEEB 2021:

  • Name of the candidate
  • Registration Number /Application number
  • The rank of the candidate
  • Category wise marks secured

Note: JNU will issue only one merit list for JNU CEEB 2021 and candidates should note that there will be no other merit lists for any programme.

Important Pointers

  • JNU declares just the marks of the participants who successfully appear for the test.
  • The marks obtained by the candidates determine their rank secured.
  • JNU CEEB rank is used to determine the merit list for counselling. This is not the final marks used for the purpose of admission.
  • The rank of the merit list might also differ according to the candidateโ€™s category (Gen/ SC/ ST/ Kashmir Migrants).
Top Engineering Colleges :

Post JNU CEEB 2021 Result

After the declaration of the JNU CEEB 2021 Result, a cut-off list will be released. The list will determine the selected candidates who will be eligible for the round of Counselling. The counselling round will be carried by the concerned institutions opted by the candidates while filling up the application form for JNU CEEB. These Participating Institutions will further conduct rounds to extract the batch of candidates selected for the purpose of admission. The final list of the extracted candidates will then be allowed to take up the seat for their desired course.  

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