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JNU CEEB 2021 admit card will be released by Jawaharlal Nehru University on its official website. The admit card is issued in online mode for the candidates who have filled their JNU CEEB 2021 application form and submitted the same within the stipulated time. The admit card of JNU CEEB 2021 will be issued before the day of the entrance exam scheduled to be conducted in the month of May 2020 (Tentatively). Once the exam has been successfully conducted, candidates will be able to check their JNU CEEB 2021 result on the official website of JNU. Candidates can download their admit card of JNU CEEB 2021 by using the login credentials, i.e. Application Number and Password.
JNU CEEB aspirants must note that JNU CEEB 2021 admit card is an important document and in case any candidate fails to produce the admit card on the day of the exam, he/she will not be allowed to take the entrance exam. The admit card of JNU CEEB 2021 will display candidateโs roll number, exam schedule, name and address of exam centre and other relevant details. All the details mentioned on JNU CEEB admit card must be carefully verified by the candidates and in case they find any discrepancy or error in the admit card, then, they must report the issue to the authorities of the university to get it resolved.
The JNU CEEB 2021 tentative admit card dates are as follows -
Events | Dates |
Date of JNU CEEB Exam | Last week of May 2021 |
JNU CEEB Admit Card Release Date | May 2020 2021 |
Candidates can follow the below step by step procedure to download the admit card/hall ticket of JNU CEEB 2021:
Step 1: Go to the official website of JNU.
Step 2: Click on the link displaying the โJNU CEEB 2021 Admit Cardโ.
Step 3: Enter the login credentials, i.e. Application Number and Password and click on โSubmitโ.
Step 4: The admit card of JNU CEEB 2021 will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Cross-check all the details mentioned on the admit card.
Step 6: Download and take a print out of the JNU CEEB 2021 admit card.
JNU CEEB 2021 admit card is an important document, therefore, candidates should avoid tampering with the same.
The JNU CEEB 2021 admit card will have candidate and exam details like name of the candidate, date of birth, roll number, exam date, time and testing location.
Along with the JNU CEEB 2021 admit card, candidates have to produce a valid ID proof on the day of the exam.
Candidates are advised to cross-check all the details printed on the JNU CEEB 2021 admit card/hall ticket.
Candidates must keep the JNU CEEB 2021 admit card safe for future reference.
The JNU CEEB admit card 2021 will mention the following details:
Name of the candidate
Roll number of the candidate
Duration of entrance examination
JNU CEEB Exam date
Candidateโs Photograph
Candidateโs Photograph
Date of the Birth
Candidateโs JNU CEEB test centre name with complete address
Candidateโs category
Exam day instructions
Candidates must carry any one of the following photo ID proofs, along with JNU CEEB 2021 admit card/hall ticket:
PAN Card
Driving License
Aadhaar Card
Voter ID Card
While downloading the JNU CEEB admit card 2021, candidates must verify all the details mentioned on the admit card. In case, a candidate finds any discrepancy/error in the JNU CEEB admit card 2021, then the same must be immediately informed to the JNU authority well on time.
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