The KCET 2025 sample paper has a duration of 3 hours and is worth a total of 180 marks, covering three subjects: Physics, Mathematics/Biology, and Chemistry. There are 180 multiple choice questions (MCQs) to answer, and students can choose to take the exam in either English or Kannada. Each correct answer is awarded 1 mark, and there is no negative marking.
When you attempt the KCET sample papers 2024 candidates can improve their accuracy and time management. Candidates can assess their performance and study effectively for the exam. You will also gain an understanding of the exam's difficulty level. Attempting the KCET 2024 sample papers helps master solving all types of questions, including easy, difficult, and moderate. Additionally, solving the sample papers will lead to a comprehensive revision of the KCET syllabus. By attempting subject-wise sample papers, candidates can understand each subject and concentrate on areas where they are not performing well and enhance confidence. Candidates also become familiar with the marking scheme and the KCET exam pattern.