How can I check the MAH BHMCT CET 2025 answer key?
Candidates will be able to check the MAH BHMCT CET 2025 answer key on the official website of the Maharashtra State CET Cell. They are required to log in using their roll number and date of birth.
Who will release the MAH BHMCT CET 2025 answer key and in which mode?
The MAH BHMCT CET answer key 2025 will be released by the Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test Cell in online mode on its official website -
When will the MAH BHMCT CET 2025 answer key release and how can we see it?
The MAH BHMCT CET 2025 answer key is said to be released within 1 or 2 weeks of the exam. Students who appear for this entrance exam will be able to view the answer key on the official website.
How can I raise objections regarding any discrepancy in the MAH BHMCT CET answer key?
Students can raise their objections regarding any discrepancy in the MAH BHMCT CET answer key through the objection form. They have to pay a certain amount as prescribed by the conducting body.
Can I download the MAH BHMCT CET answer key PDF?
Yes, students can download the MAH BHMCT CET answer key PDF from the official website and use it to calculate their expected score.
How to calculate expected marks using the MAH BHMCT CET answer key?
Students can calculate their expected marks using the MAH BHMCT CET answer key by allotting themselves one mark for each correct answer. They donโt have to give or deduct any marks for unanswered and wrong answers. It is advised to keep the response sheet and question paper open in different tabs while calculating the marks.
How to prepare for the MAH BHMCT CET exam?
To prepare for the MAH BHMCT CET exam students first need to understand the exam pattern and then plan their strategy based on the prescribed syllabus.
What is the syllabus of MAH BHMCT CET?
The MAH BHMCT CET syllabus includes three sections - English language, Reasoning (Verbal & Arithmetic) and General Knowledge & Current Affairs. These sections also comprise different topics which must be covered to score better in the entrance exam.
What details will be available in the MAH BHMCT CET answer key?
The MAH BHMCT CET answer key will include different details such as question ID, question and right answer. Candidates will be able to calculate their marks using the answer key.
What is the Preliminary answer key of the MAH BHMCT CET exam?
The Preliminary answer key of the MAH BHMCT CET exam will be released a week after the exam. Students who find any discrepancy in this answer key can challenge the same.