MAH M.Ed CET 2025 Choice Filling - Complete Choice Filling Here, Date, Seat Allotment

Updated By Debanjalee Sen on 06 Dec, 2024 16:05

17 days Remaining for the exam

MAH M.Ed CET 2025 choice filling is the process during which candidates can register college choices. To participate in the choice filling, they have to complete the candidate registration and must be on the merit list of MAH M.Ed CET.

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MAH M.Ed CET 2025 Choice Filling

MAH M.Ed CET 2025 Choice Filling: The MAH MEd 2025 choice filling link will be activated during the respective phases of the counselling process. Those who are on the alphabetical or final merit list will be eligible to participate in the choice filling process.

During the option form filling, users can submit their college preferences, which will be considered for seat allotment. Once completed, they have to lock in the college selections and submit the same. Students are advised to exercise maximum college choices to boost their chances of acquiring allocation.

The direct link to MAH M.Ed CET choice filling 2025 will be attached below - 

Direct Link to MAH M.Ed CET 2025 Choice Filling - TBA

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MAH M.Ed CET 2025 Choice Filling Important Dates

Here are the important dates related to MAH M.Ed CET 2025 web options / choice filling -



College Option Form Filling for CAP Round I and II


College Option Form Filling for all aspirants for CAP Round III


Online option filling / college choices for Institute Level Round for ACAP Seats


Cut off Admission Date


Steps to Exercise MAH M.Ed CET 2025 Choice Filling

Below are the significant steps of the MAH M.Ed CET 2025 web options / choice filling process -

Option Form

  • To navigate to the MAH M.Ed CET 2025 choice filling window, candidates must finish the candidate registration process and get the login information.
  • Once logged in to the registration window, they will see the dashboard having the Application / Option Form Status status.
  • They need to fill out the CAP application form and provide the details asked, including the Candidature type, Category, Minority, Social Reservations, Qualification details, Photo and Signature upload, and other required documents to be uploaded and confirm the application form.
  • Once done, they can avail themselves of the Option Form page, where applicants can register their web choices for the CAP and institute-level rounds.
  • On the Option Form page, applicants can access the โ€œShortlist Optionโ€ window. 
  • The Shortlist Option page will allow applicants to select university, medium, district, college type, status, and course type.
  • Per the choices made by the candidates above, they will be presented with a list of colleges, from where they need to choose the preferred colleges and click on โ€œAdd Selected Collegesโ€.
  • The applicant must select the colleges to which they no longer wish to apply, and then click the "Delete Selected College" option.
  • Once the list is complete, the individual should click the "save & Next" button.

Set Preferences

  • On this page, the applicant will see a list of the colleges that have been shortlisted, and they will have the opportunity to select their preferred colleges here.
  • Applicants have the option to reset their preferences at any time by using the "Reset Preferences" button, after which they can move on to the next step by selecting the "Save & next" button.

Lock Option Form: 

  • On the Lock Option form webpage, the applicants will be able to see the summary of their option form.
  • Here, they must click on the declaration tab and then on the โ€œClick Option Formโ€ button.
  • Candidates must make sure before clicking the โ€œLock Applicationโ€ form button, as they cannot alter the college preferences after pressing on the โ€œConfirmโ€ option.

Print Option Form: 

They can take a printout of the option form once they successfully completed the steps.

Unlock option form: 

Go to the menu that says "unlock option form" in case there are any modifications that need to be made to the option form before the deadline. After the modifications have been made, the option form should be locked once more.

MAH M.Ed CET 2025 Choice Filling Instructions for CAP Rounds

The following are some important suggestions that should be followed when carrying out the MAH M.Ed CET 2025 choice filling for CAP rounds -

  • Students must register for the counselling process.
  • Those who will be selected for the alphabetical merit list for the individual CAP rounds, will be able to join the choice filling process.
  • After that, the applicants will be able to exercise their web options following the MAH M.Ed CET 2025 counselling schedule specified by the CET Cell.
  • When completing the web selections, students must exercise extreme caution since the final allocation will be determined based on the priority order in which the candidates submit their applications.
  • Applicants will be able to see the preliminary allocation list as per the schedule and should then report to the college of their choosing to complete the necessary paperwork.

MAH M.Ed CET 2025 Choice Filling Process for Institute-Level Round

Listed below are the important steps for the MAH M.Ed CET 2025 choice filling process for institute-level round -

  • Through the candidate login, one can gain access to the link for selecting their college preferences.
  • They will first need to go to the candidate login page, selecting "Apply for Institutional Round" and "Select Colleges" from the available options.
  • When they select the "Search College Button," a list of schools will come up for them to choose from. They can select the schools in the order that is most important to them, and then click the button that says "Add Selected Options."
  • When they are finished, they will be able to print their chosen options.
  • Applicants can alter their selections at any time up until the deadline that has been set.

MAH M.Ed CET 2025 Choice Filling for Institute-Level Round Important Points

Here are some important points related to the MAH M.Ed CET 2025 choice filling for the institute-level round -

  • All CAP registered applicants who have not yet been approved can participate in the Institute Level Round Enrollment Process.
  • Individuals who have been admitted can participate in the Institute Phase Round if they withdraw their enrollment to round I or round II using the login information provided to them.
  • Candidates who did not successfully register during Rounds I and II will have another chance to do so during the Institutional Level Phase.
  • Regardless of their MAH M.Ed CET marks or academic scores, aspirants who are enrolling for the Institutional level round for the first time through the CAP portal will be placed in a position further down the merit list than candidates from the first and second rounds combined.

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FAQs about MAH M.Ed CET

What is the institute-level choice filling of MAH M.Ed CET?

During the institute-level choice filling of MAH M.Ed CET, aspirants who are registered, yet non-admitted during the prior CAP rounds can pick up their preferred colleges, and find the college status and the medium. Aspirants can open the candidate portal and click on the "Apply for Institutional Round" and the "Select Colleges" options to add their web choices. Once aspirants finish the choice filling process, they can take the printout of the same.


What events take place in the MAH M.Ed CET choice filling process?

During the MAH M.Ed CET choice filling process, aspirants can provide their college preferences which will be considered later on while announcing the seat allocation. However, aspirants must ensure they record their preferences, as well as edit the web selections within the deadline provided.


Is the merit list dependent on the web options provided during the MAH M.Ed CET choice filling process?

Yes, the merit list is dependent on the web options provided during the MAH M.Ed CET choice filling process, apart from the reservation category rules and merit of the applicants.


Do the candidates have to get their documents verified during the MAH M.Ed CET choice filling process?

No, candidates do not have to get their documents verified during the MAH M.Ed CET choice filling process. However, e-verification of the documents is done before the publication of the merit list. Once the final merit list and seat allotment are out, the documents will be checked again during the college reporting period.


Is CAP registration compulsory for participating in the MAH M.Ed CET choice filling process?

Yes, the CAP registration is compulsory for participating in the MAH M.Ed CET choice filling process. Only those candidates who register for the counselling process will be qualified to participate in the MAH M.Ed CET choice filling process.


Is choice filling for MAH M.Ed CET held during the CAP registration process?

The choice filling for MAH M.Ed CET was typically held during the CAP registration process. However, for 2023, the online option form filling window will be open after the release of the final merit lists per the counselling rounds.


Why is the MAH M.Ed CET 2023 choice filling held?

The MAH M.Ed CET 2023 choice filling is held to submit web options for the counselling process. Eligible candidates can exercise their college options during the choice filling window. 


Who will supervise the MAH M.Ed CET 2023 choice filling process?

The MAH M.Ed CET 2023 choice filling process will be supervised by the State CET Cell, Maharashtra.


How many rounds of MAH M.Ed CET 2023 choice filling are organised?

MAH M.Ed CET 2023 choice filling is conducted across the different rounds of the counselling process. For CAP Round I and II, the choice filling is conducted in the same period. While for CAP Round III and the Institute-level Round, it will be held for separate rounds.


Who is eligible for the MAH M.Ed CET 2023 choice filling?

Aspirants chosen for the final merit list released per the counselling rounds are eligible for MAH M.Ed CET 2023 choice filling.


When will the MAH M.Ed CET 2023 choice filling be conducted?

The MAH M.Ed CET 2023 choice filling will be conducted as part of the counselling process. The choice filling process of MAH M.Ed CET is expected to commence soon.


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