MU OET 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Lipi on 11 Mar, 2025 22:36

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MU OET 2025 Exam Preparation Tips

MU OET 2025 exam preparation tips and tricks given on this page can help you in achieving good marks in the examination. The degree of competition for admissions into the available BTech seats is always increasing, and you must ensure that you provide your best performance to have a better chance of being allotted. You are recommended to take a look at MU OET preparation tips and tactics given on this page that you should utilize to improve your studying methods to score well.

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How to Prepare for MET 2025 Exam?

For the MU OET 2025 exam, you should have a good hold on Physics and Mathematics along with English and General Knowledge. To prepare well, you must be well-versed in your class 10 and class 12 subjects. Study material including reference books, sample papers, previous year question papers, and mock tests is also a good source of exam preparation. Mentioned below are some points that can help you in preparing for MET 2025:-

  • Analyze the Exam Pattern and Syllabus: Before commencing preparation for any test, it is vital to thoroughly comprehend its MU OET 2025 exam pattern and syllabus. MET 2025 exam includes 4 subjects, namely Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and English, that you need to study.
  • Time Table: Preparing a timetable at the time of preparation for an examination is important. It helps you to make the best use of time for each subject and topic related to MET. Divide time equally for each subject so that all the topics are covered well. You must split the MU OET 2025 syllabus such that each section and topic receives adequate time. 
  • Practice: Math and Physics questions become easy if practiced well. The more you practice, the easier it goes with the questions. Similarly, for other subjects, practice comes out to be a good option. This also helps in memorizing topics well.
  • Important Books: You should begin your MET preparation with their NCERT books because the test contains questions based on the Class 12th syllabus. Following the NCERT books, you can read additional key books. 
  • Revision: As the saying goes, revision is the key. You must devote additional time to revising all you have learned. It is critical to revise properly. You can also keep track of crucial formulas by making brief notes or flashcards. You should include revision into their everyday study routine. You will be less likely to forget what they have previously learned if they revise on a regular basis.
  • Mock tests and sample papers: You must attempt many MU OET 2025 mock test and sample papers. These mock tests and MU OET Sample Papers are based on the actual exam format which will give an idea about the real-time exam. You will also be able to evaluate their performance by taking the tests.
  • Coaching Centres: There are a number of coaching centers that help in the preparation of examinations like MET. Consult your friends, seniors, teachers, and relatives and get enrolled in the best coaching center around you. These centers will give you an insight on how to face the examination and what probable types of questions can come in the paper. They can also provide you with some reference materials, previous yearsโ€™ question papers, books, or other sources for further reference.
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MET 30-Day Preparation Plan

You can check the MU OET 30-day preparation plan below. The grasping capacity of every student is different. Where a particular chapter can be a cakewalk for a student, the same could be a herculean task for the other. So, the following timetable may or may not suit your preparation strategies. But, you can go through the plan to take ideas from the same. 

Time Table For Week 1


Subject 1

Subject 2

Subject 3

Subject 4

Day 1





Sentence Structure

Elements of Number Theory

Basic Concepts of Chemistry


Day 2

Sentence Structure - Practice

Elements of Number Theory - Continue

Atomic Structure

Atoms and Nuclei and Units and Measurement

Day 3

Sentence Structure - Practice

Elements of Number Theory - Revise

States of Matter

Laws of Motion

Day 4



Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

The motion of System of Rigid Body and Particles

Day 5

Pronouns - Practice

Trigonometry - Revise

Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry

Work and Energy

Day 6

Pronouns - Practice

Matrices and Determinants


Revise All Topics

Day 7

Take Tests

Matrices and Determinants - Revise

Revise All 6 Topics

Take Tests

Time Table For Week 2


Subject 1

Subject 2

Subject 3

Subject 4

Day 1






Group Theory

Chemical Kinetics


Day 2

Tenses  - Continue

Group Theory - Continue 

Chemical Thermodynamics


Day 3

Tenses - Practice

Group Theory - Revise 

Surface Chemistry

Properties of Bulk Matter

Day 4

Tenses - Take Tests


Periodic Properties

The behavior of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases

Day 5

Usages in English: Commands and requests, Statements, Questions

Vectors  - Continue 



Day 6


Vectors  - Revise 

Principles and Processes of Metal Extractions

Revise All Topics

Day 7

Take Tests

Week 1 & 2 Topics - Revise 

Revise All 6 Topics

Take Tests

Time Table For Week 3


Subject 1

Subject 2

Subject 3

Subject 4

Day 1





Subject-Verb Agreement


S-Block Elements

Oscillations and Waves

Day 2


Circles - Continue

D and F-Block Elements

Current Electricity

Day 3


Circles - Continue

P-Block Elements


Day 4


Circles - Continue

Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds

Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

Day 5

Modals - Continue

Circles - Revise

Environmental Chemistry

Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism

Day 6

Modals - Practice

Circles - Revise

Coordination Compound

Revise All Topics

Day 7


Analytical Geometry

Revise All 6 Topics

Take Tests

Time Table For Week 4


Subject 1

Subject 2

Subject 3

Subject 4

Day 1





Clauses - Continue

Analytical Geometry - Revise

Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry

Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Day 2

Clauses - Practice

Week 1, 2, 3 Topics - Revise



Day 3

Vocabulary - Spellings, Synonyms, Antonyms, One-Word Substitution

Mock Tests/ Sample Papers

Organic Compounds Containing Halogens

Electromagnetic Waves

Day 4

Vocabulary - Continue

Mock Tests/ Sample Papers

Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen

Communication Systems and Electronic Devices

Day 5

Vocabulary - Continue

Mock Tests/ Sample Papers

Chemistry in Everyday Life

Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Day 6

Vocabulary - Continue

Mock Tests/ Sample Papers

Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

Revise All Topics

Day 7

Mock Tests/ Sample Papers

Mock Tests/ Sample Papers

Revise All 6 Topics

Mock Tests/ Sample Papers

MET Best Books for Preparation

Yoou should refer to the best books only for their preparation. Check the Best Books for MU OET 2025 exam preparation given below:-

Book Name


Problems in Calculus

S.L. Loney

Waves and Thermodynamics

DC Pandey

Organic Chemistry (G.R. Bathla Publications)-Part 1

O. P. Tandon & A. K. Virmani

Wren n Martin, Revised

Dr.N.D.V.Prasada Rao

Trigonometry, Geometry Books

I.A. Maron

Understanding Physics (Volume-1)

DC Pandey

Organic Chemistry (G.R. Bathla Publications)-Part 2

O. P. Tandon & A. K. Virmani

Concepts of Physics Part 2

H. C. Verma

Objective General English


Concise Inorganic Chemistry

J.D. Lee

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Important Instructions for MET 2025

Check the important instructions for the MET exam 2025 given below:-

  • You must reach the test centre before the reporting time mentioned in the MU OET 2025 admit card because of the pre-test procedure including registration and on-site orientation.
  • You must register their names at the registration counter of the centre where their admit cards will also be verified.
  • You are advised to enter the examination hall at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination.
  • You must remember that you are not allowed to bring any printed or written material or any rough pages, to the exam hall.
  • You are also not permitted to carry slide rules, calculators, electronic watches with facilities of calculators, palmtop computers or laptops, mobile phones, personal stereo systems, walkie-talkie sets, paging devices or any other object/device.
  • Once you start the test, you will not be allowed to go outside the examination hall for the entire test duration.
  • If you leave the hall, you will not be permitted to return, under any circumstances.
  • Smoking in the examination hall is strictly punishable. Coffee, tea, cold drinks or snacks are also not allowed inside the exam hall.
  • During the test, you must maintain proper silence.
  • The examination hall is monitored by web cameras and closed-circuit TV cameras and any disturbance/disruption by any student is treated as misconduct and can result in unwanted consequences.
  • If any student is found using unfair means or impersonating any other you, his/her application will be cancelled and he or she will be banned from taking the examination permanently or for a specified period.
  • At the end of the test, you must sign the attendance sheet in the presence of the invigilator. The invigilator will also put your signature in the given place on the admit card.

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FAQs about MU OET Preparation Tips

How to Pass the Manipal Entrance Exam 2025?

To crack the MET 2025 exam make a study plan, prepare the entire syllabus, practice previous years' papers, and take mock tests to analyze your preparation. Concentrate on time management and properly comprehend the topics.


Are coaching classes required to pass the MET 2025 exam?

Coaching classes can give a systematic study approach, but they are not compulsory to pass the exam. Many students prepare on their own as well, using the best books, and study tools accessible online. Many students have passed the entrance exam on their own without doing any coaching.

Are mock tests important for MET 20255xam preparation?

Yes, you should attempt the MET mock test 2025 to grasp the exam format, improve time management, and identify topics that are weak and require further preparation. Attempting mock test also aid in confidence building.

How can I manage time effectively during MET exam preparation?

To have guaranteed efficient time management during your MET preparation you should make a proper timetable and allocate each topic of the syllabus in it. Make sure to add regular breaks to your study plan so that your mind stays fresh.

How can I do an effective revision for the MET exam 2025?

To revise effectively for MET 2025, focus on a structured timetable, prioritize weak topics, use concise notes, and solve previous year's papers.


What are some of the best MET books for preparation?

Some of the MET best books for preparation include Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma, Objective Mathematics by R.D. Sharma, Chemistry: NCERT Textbook, and Organic Chemistry by O.P. Tandon, etc. 


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