103 days Remaining for the exam
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Applicants of RUPGCET 2020 must have a clear idea about the RUPGCET 2020 exam pattern. RUPGCET is commonly known as the Rayalaseema University Post Graduate Common Entrance Test. The RUPGCET 2020 is held for the eligible candidates who wish to pursue Post Graduation in Arts, Science, Commerce etc.
It is advisable to know the RUPGCET exam pattern well in order to prepare accordingly. Knowing RUPGCET 2020 exam pattern would help the test takers understand how much marks are allotted to each section. The RUPGCET exam has 3 parts to the paper (A, B, C) and all three parts have to be done. While attending one section, the candidates can not afford to skip to some other section. Once part A is completed, then only the test taker can proceed towards part 2.
Since it is an online examination, candidates will have to be extra careful while attempting the answers. Candidates will have to mark the correct answer and recheck whether the circle turned green or not. If only the circle is turned green in colour, the answer is confirmed marked. It is safe to read one question and answer it and then scroll down the screen.
The applicants of RUPGCET 2020 must know the RUPGCET 2020 exam pattern. Here the exam pattern for RUPGCET 2020 is given in the form of a table.
Pattern | Marks and Duration |
Time | 90 min |
No. of Questions | 100 |
Here are the details of RUPGCET exam pattern. The exam pattern of RUPGCET 2020 has certain features. The features have been discussed here with the applicants of RUPGCET 2020.
Marks Division of the paper
Marks allocated to Section A is 30
Marks allocated to Section B is 30
Marks allocated to Section C is 40
Type of questions
RUPGCET has objective type questions
Mode of Examination
This exam is a Computer Based Examination so it is held online.
Marking Scheme
The question paper of RUPGCET 2020 will comprise of 100 questions
Each question carries 1 marks
There will be no negative marking for wrong answers.
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