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RUPGCET 2020 Results

The RUPGCET 2020 result will be declared within a few days after conducting the exam. The results will be given out by the Rayalaseema University Directorate of Admission. There are certain parameters based on which the results would be declared by the RUDOA. 

Candidates will be notified with the exact result dates after the exam is held in the month of May. The result of this examination is important in order to give admission to the candidates in postgraduate courses. Applicants of RUPGCET must choose a subject on which they have not done post-graduation before. Applicants often do double MA, in such case the applicant must take some new subject. 

If a candidate has already done post-graduation in English, then he can not apply for English in RUPGCET 2020. Candidates can keep an eye on to find out all relevant information about the RUPGCET 2020 Result.

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RUPGCET 2020 Result Important Dates (Tentative)

Applicants of RUPGCET 2020 must know the important dates of RUPGCET 2020. Although these dates are given here they are tentative dates. Candidates will have to keep an eye on our website to find out the latest updated date of the examination. 



Entrance Examination

May 2020

Publication of Result 

June 2020

Steps to Check the RUPGCET 2020 Result

It is important to know how to check the RUPGCET 2020 results. In order to facilitate the candidates with the process of checking RUPGCET result, candidates can check the result following the given steps. 

Step 1: The applicants will have to visit the official site of RUPGCET 2020

Step 2: Candidates will have to download the rank card from the official site of 2020

Step 3: Candidates will be redirected to a new page, a new window opens. 

Step 4: Candidates will have to fill in the important details on the page such as roll number and application number.

Step 5: After entering the required details, the candidates will have to click the submit button. 

Step 6: Keep the RUPGCET 2020 result for future use.

Some Important Information about the RUPGCET 2020 Result

The important dates for the RUPGCET 2020 results will be given out soon.  Hence the candidates will be able to check the result from the official site. Applicants must keep in mind certain important information about the RUPGCET 2020 result. 

  • The RUPGCET 2020 results will be declared on the official site of Rayalaseema University 

  • Results of RUPGCET might be declared around June 2020

  • Candidates will have to download the result from the RU DOA website.

  • Rank cards will be published on the official site

  • The minimum marks a candidate must score is 25 marks.

  • All qualified candidates would get admission in any of the affiliated colleges of RU

RUPGCET 2020 Tie Breaking Policy

  • If any two candidate scores the same marks, then the tie would be broken between the two by considering the marks in section 3

  • If the tie persists even after this, then the score of section 2 would be considered.

  • In the case of a further tie, the candidates will be considered as per their age. The older one in age would be considered for the tie-breaking.

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