TS PGLCET 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Debanjalee Sen on 07 Feb, 2025 10:41

87 days Remaining for the exam

The TS PGLCET preparation strategy must include timings for studying new concepts, revising and practising sample questions. Students must create a study routine as it will help them stick to a disciplined approach and enhance their confidence to crack the entrance examination.

Your Ultimate Exam Preparation Guide Awaits!

How to Prepare for TS PGLCET 2025

How to Prepare for TS PGLCET 2025: TS PGLCET 2025 will be held on June 6, 2025. With the exam scheduled in 3 to 4 months, it is ideal to begin preparing for the admission test now. 

For that, students must design a study plan, allocating time to each subject. They must assess their level of knowledge as well as the weightage of the components and accordingly devote time. Further, they are advised to attempt the TS PGLCET mock tests - both official and unofficial (if available). Exam takers must also solve TS PGLCET previous year question papers and assess their performances by comparing their responses with the answer keys. This will boost their confidence and their exam readiness.

The TS PGLCET is conducted by Osmania University, Hyderabad, in collaboration with TSCHE to provide admission to the LLM course offered by the participating colleges. Check out the below sections and find out some practical and useful TS PGLCET 2025 preparation tips.

Upcoming Law Exams :

TS PGLCET 2025 Preparation Tips

To formulate a study plan for the TS PGLCET 2025 syllabus, candidates can follow the tips listed below:

Make a Time Table:

For all the subjects asked in TS PGLCET, make a timetable and divide a fixed number of hours to each subject. Dedicate more time to the subjects in which the candidates feel they are weak. Follow this schedule rigidly and try the best to complete the syllabus in time.

Get Familiar with the Exam Pattern:

Read carefully about the TS PGLCET 2025 exam pattern. Check the usual level of difficulty of the questions asked in the exam and plan the questions per the form and difficulty.

Solve Mock Tests:

Solve as many mock tests as possible. The mock tests and sample papers are planned following the actual pattern of the exam. These tests will help the candidates know where they stand concerning exam preparation and how much more work they can put into their training.

Stay Updated with the Current Affairs:

Applicants must always be up to date with current affairs, new legislation, and all the changes that are being implemented in the legal aspect. Candidates must follow various information sources such as newspapers, news blogs, etc. and stay updated with recent events.

Refer to Previous Year Question Papers:

All applicants must go through the previous years' question papers of TS PGLCET. This is the perfect way to strengthen the preparation and revise the study plan. Candidates will also get an idea of the type of questions that are asked in the exam.

TS PGLCET 2025 Exam Day Tips

Here are some powerful exam day tips for TS PGLCET 2025 -

  • Students must reach the TS PGLCET exam centre per the reporting time or, if possible, well before the scheduled time. 
  • They must bring the exam essentials with them, such as the TS PGLCET admit card, pen, pencils, transparent water bottle, Government-issued photo ID cards, etc.
  • While taking the test, they must check the instructions on the question paper booklet and the admit card as well.
  • If they have any doubts, they must reach out to the officials or the invigilator.
  • During the entrance examination, examinees must not waste much time answering difficult questions. They must first answer the questions they find simpler and later move on to the challenging ones.
  • Candidates must keep a note of the time so that they do not run out of it.

TS PGLCET 2025 Exam Pattern

The TS PGLCET exam pattern indicates the structure of the test, overall marks, number of segments included, marking scheme, etc. There are 2 sections as per the test pattern, and the questions will be MCQ-based. The exam will be organised in online mode/ Computer-Based Test (CBT).

Find more details about the exam pattern of TS PGLCET 2025 from the below table -

TS PGLCET 2025 Syllabus

TS PGLCET syllabus is specified by the conducting body. It is important to check the syllabus so that the students have complete knowledge of what subjects are important for preparation. Part A of the syllabus includes Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law. Part B of the syllabus consists of Public international Law, Mercantile law, Labour Law, Crime and Torts, IPR and other Laws.

Candidates can refer to the below link to discover more about the syllabus for TS PGLCET 2025 -

Want to know more about TS PGLCET

FAQs about TS PGLCET Preparation Tips

Do aspirants need to have a strong General Knowledge to crack the TS PGLCET 2023 exam?

The General Knowledge section is directly not a part of the TS PGLCET syllabus. However, having a comprehensive knowledge of the latest occurrences in the field of Law can be beneficial for the aspirants.


What are some practical tips to crack the TS PGLCET 2023 exam?

Some practical tips to crack the TS PGLCET 2023 exam include starting preparations at least with 6 months at hand, staying updated with current legal developments, and judicial rulings. Additionally a healthy lifestyle will bring a positive mindset and enhance the overall performance.


Is it essential to join a coaching institute for TS PGLCET 2023 preparation?

It is not essential for the aspirants to join a coaching institute for TS PGLCET 2023 preparation. However, coaching institutes may offer additional guidance and assist candidates in their entrance test preparation.


How can TS PGLCET aspirants prepare for the exam?

TS PGLCET aspirants who plan to take the exam, can enhance their preparation by utilising various resources which include joining coaching classes, taking mock tests, solving previous year question papers.


What are the major subtopics that the candidates need to study for the Public International Law section?

The major subtopics that the candidates need to study for the Public International Law section are International Law and Municipal Law, Nationality and Statelessness, Subjects of International Law, State Territory, Air, Sea and Outer Space, Extradition, Asylum, State Jurisdiction, United Nations. 


What topics the aspirants must prepare for the Part B of the TS PGLCET 2023 exam?

The topics the aspirants must prepare for the Part B of the TS PGLCET 2023 exam are PUBLIC International Law, Mercantile Law, Labour Law, Crimes and Torts. Other laws include The Copyright Act, 1957, The Patents Act, 1970,The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, Salient features of The Information Technology Act, 2000, The Right to Information Act 2005, and the The Arbitration and Conciliation Act,1996.


What are the major subtopics that the candidates need to study for the Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law section?

The major subtopics that the candidates need to study for the Jurisprudence section include Schools of Jurisprudence, Sources of Law, Custom, Precedent and Legislation, Rights and Duties, Ownership and Possession, Person's Obligation, Property Liability, and Legal Sanctions. The main topics for the Constitutional Law include Fundamental Rights, Executive Judiciary and Legislature, Centre-State Relations, Directive Principles of State Policy, Emergency provisions, Amendments to the Constitution. 


What topics the aspirants must prepare for the Part A of the TS PGLCET 2023 exam?

The topics the aspirants must prepare for the Part A of the TS PGLCET 2023 exam are Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law.


What is the TS PGLCET 2023 exam pattern?

As per the exam pattern of TS PGLCET 2023, the test duration will be 90 minutes and have 120 total questions of one mark per question. Incorrect answers will not lead to any negative marking. There are two segments of TS PGLCET 2023. Part A will have 40 questions and Part B 80 questions.

When will the TS PGLCET 2023 exam take place?

TS PGLCET 2023 will take place on May 25, 2023.


Why is TS PGLCET 2023 conducted?

TS PGLCET 2023 is a state-level entrance exam conducted in Telangana for candidates aspiring to pursue LLM in the participating colleges. Osmania University on behalf of TSCHE will oversee the TS PGLCET 2023 exam.

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