What is the TS PGLCET 2025 response sheet?
The TS PGLCET 2025 response sheet is the copy that includes the answers submitted by the exam takers on the day of the test. The sheet is issued online.
How can students estimate their rough scores with the TS PGLCET response sheet 2025?
Students can estimate their rough scores with the TS PGLCET response sheet 2025 by following the marking scheme. For every correct answer, they have to +1. No marks are required to be deducted for wrong or unanswered questions.
Is the preliminary answer key provided along with the TS PGLCET response sheet?
Yes, the preliminary answer key is provided along with the TS PGLCET response sheet. Along with it, the official question paper will also be furnished by the conducting body.
Who will issue the TS PGLCET 2025 response sheet?
The TGCHE will issue the TS PGLCET 2025 response sheet in association with Osmania University. The sheet is available only in online mode.
Who is eligible to access the TS PGLCET response sheet?
Applicants of TS PGLCET who appeared for the entrance exam are eligible to access the TS PGLCET response sheet. Please note that only registering for the exam is not enough. To get the sheet, it is mandatory that they sit for the examination.
How many questions will be asked in TS PGLCET 2025?
Overall, 120 questions will be asked in TS PGLCET 2025. There are 2 sections, and the questions are objective in nature. Out of the 4 probable choices given for each question, the exam takers have to select the correct one on the TS PGLCET response sheet.
How can candidates obtain the TS PGLCET response sheet 2025?
Candidates can obtain the TS PGLCET response sheet 2025 from the official website - lawcet.tgche.ac.in. Once the link is activated, they have to type their hall ticket number, registration number, and birth date and hit the submit button. The soft copy will be available on the screen of the laptop/ computer.
What is the TS PGLCET response sheet 2025 release date?
The TS PGLCET response sheet 2025 release date is June 10, 2025, The exam will be held on June 6, 2025.
Can students download the TS PGLCET response sheet free of cost?
Yes, students can download the TS PGLCET response sheet free of cost. They are not required to pay any fee to retrieve the sheet.
What is the significance of the TS PGLCET response sheet 2025?
The TS PGLCET response sheet is crucial as it indicates the answers recorded by the candidates. By cross-checking with the answer key, they can calculate their approximate scores for the admission test.