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Predict RankThe UPESEAT answer key will be declared by the University of Petroleum & Energy Studies. The answer key will be released on the official website of UPESEAT once the entrance exam has been conducted by the exam conducting authority. Candidates will have to fill all the required details in order to view the answer key of UPESEAT 2021. The answer key of UPESEAT will display the correct answers to all the questions asked in the entrance exam.
Once after the UPESEAT 2021 answer key is released, candidates can match their answers with the solutions and probable marks in UPESEAT 2021 entrance exam and on the basis of the estimated marks candidates can get prepared for the further process of UPESEAT 2021 admission.
The tentative UPESEAT 2021 answer key releasing schedule has been given in the table below -
Events | Dates |
UPESEAT 2021 Entrance exam | May 2021 |
UPESEAT 2021 Answer Key | TBA |
Candidates can follow the steps given below to download the answer key of UPESEAT 2021:
Visit the official website of UPESEAT.
After visiting on the website, click on the link that displays the link of the answer key.
Fill all the required details in order to view the answer key of UPESEAT 2021.
The answer key will be displayed on the screen.
Check and download the answer key for further reference.
Below is the marking scheme of UPESEAT 2021 answer key:
For every correct answer, one mark is awarded to the candidates.
There is no negative marking for the incorrect response.
Type of Answer | Marks |
For Correct Answer | +1 Mark |
For the Wrong Answer | No Negative Marking |
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