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WB JEHOM Syllabus 2021

WB JEHOM 2021 syllabus is prescribed by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB), the conducting body of the entrance exam. The syllabus of WB JEHOM 2021 covers all the topics which will be asked in the four sections including the English language, General knowledge, Elementary mathematics and Logical Reasoning. Candidates who are preparing for the West Bengal Joint Entrance for Hospitality (WB JEHOM) must check the WB JEHOM 2019 syllabus in order to prepare for the entrance exam in a better way. With the help of WB JEHOM 2021 syllabus, candidates will not only know the detailed syllabus but also the subject-wise/ sub-topics which will be covered in the WB JEHOM entrance exam.

Apart from this, syllabus of WB JEHOM will also allow the candidates to prepare a proper time table so that they can plan a strategy to crack the WB JEHOM entrance exam effectively. The syllabus also permits the candidates to filter out the topics which need to be concentrated more. All the topics which will be covered in the upcoming WB JEHOM 2021 entrance exam are mentioned below. Candidates may also check the WB JEHOM 2021 exam pattern in order to check the detailed structure of how the sections will be classified in the entrance exam.

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Detailed WB JEHOM Syllabus 2021

By checking the table given below, candidates can check the detailed syllabus of WB JEHOM 2020.




Dictionary usage, Reading comprehension, Antonyms and synonyms, Fill in the Blanks, Sentence Correction, idioms, Jumbled sentences.

Logical Reasoning

Relationship, Finding Patterns, Assessment of Figures and diagrams, Statement/ Conclusion, Family tree/ Blood Relations, Simple Puzzles, Cause and Effect Relationship, Sequence and Series, Clock and Calenders, Direction, Assertion/Reasons, Coding/Decoding, Linear Arrangement.


Law of indices, Ratio and Proportion, Surds, Number and divisibility, L.C.M and G.C.D, Rational Number, Ordering, Percentages, Profit and loss, Partnership, Pipes and Cisterns, Time, Distance and Work Problems, Area and Volumes, Mensuration, Modular Arithmetics, Statements,  Truth Tables, Implication converse and inverse, Tautologies-Sets, Relations and functions, applications โ€“ Equation of a line in different forms, Trigonometry โ€“ Trigonometric ratios, Trigonometric ratios of standard angles, (0ยฐ, 30ยฐ,45ยฐ, 60ยฐ, 90ยฐ, 180ยฐ),, Trigonometric identities, Sample problems on heights and distances, Polynomials, Remainder theorem and consequences, Linear equations and expressions, Progressions, Binomial Theorem, Matrices, Notion of a limit and derivative, Plane geometry โ€“ lines, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Coordinate geometry-distance between points., Frequency Distribution, Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Correlation, Simple problems on Probability

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