What is the eligibility for IIT JAM 2025?
The IIT JAM exam is available to all nationalities and there are no age restrictions. Candidates who will complete their qualifying degrees in 2025 are eligible.
Is there any specific guidance for answering NAT questions on the IIT JAM Exam 2025?
Yes, applicants must submit their answers with a mouse on a virtual numeric keypad because the computer keyboard will be disabled for NAT questions.
How many seats are there at IIT 2025?
Candidates who pass JAM 2025 are eligible to apply for admission to about 3000 seats in IITs for the academic year 2025–26. Admission to studies in Admitting Institutes under JAM 2025 does not require any further review process, such as a suitability exam or an interview.
What is IIT JAM Statistics 2025?
For postgraduate science programs in mathematical statistics, the Indian Institutes of Technology, Delhi, will administer the computer-based IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Exam 2025, a national admission test. It will be administered online on February 2, 2025.
What is the JAM 2025 pattern?
According to the IIT JAM 2025 exam structure, each test paper lasts three hours. Candidates must attempt 60 questions with a weight of 100 marks during the exam. A, B, and C are the three sections into which these 60 questions are separated. English is the language of instruction for JAM test questions.
What are the total marks for IIT JAM exam?
IIT JAM is conducted for a total of 100 marks.
Is there negative marking in IIT JAM?
For section A in IIT JAM, 1/3rd marks will be deduced for 2 marks questions. For section B and C, there is no negative marking.
How many marks will be awarded for correct answers in IIT JAM?
For section A in IIT JAM, 1 or 2 marks will be awarded for each correct answer and for B and C, 2 marks will be awarded for each correct answer.
What type of questions will be asked in IIT JAM?
For IIT JAM, section A will consist of MCQ questions, Section B will consist of MSQ questions and section C will consist of NAT questions.
How many questions are there in each section of IIT JAM?
There are 30 questions in Section A, 20 question in section B and 10 questions for Section C in IIT JAM.
Which sections are there in the IIT JAM exam?
There are three sections in the IIT JAM exam: Section A, B and C.
How many questions are there for IIT JAM exam?
There are a total of 60 questions in IIT JAM.
What is the total duration for the IIT JAM exam?
IIT JAM is conducted for a total of 3 hours duration.
What is the medium of language for IIT JAM exam?
IIT JAM is conducted in English medium.
IIT JAM is conducted in which mode?
IIT JAM is conducted in the online mode.