CGPSC Exam 2025 Syllabus PDF - Download Latest CGPSC Exam Syllabus for All Subjects

Updated By Samia Miraj on 25 Jan, 2023 10:14

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CGPSC 2023 Syllabus

The first and foremost step while preparing for any exam is to know its syllabus. Candidates should understand the Stage wise syllabus before starting the preparation for CGPSC Exam. It is often heard by civil service aspirants that they run after a lot of information. Contrary to this, toppers have always reiterated that sticking strictly to the syllabus will eventually help an aspirant crack this exam. CGPSC syllabus for SSE Prelims and Mains can be checked in this section. The syllabus for CGPSC Prelims and Mains exam has been segregated in a detailed manner for the benefit of candidates. Before checking the syllabus of CGPSC 2023, the candidates are advised to have a look at the exam pattern of the same. 

CGPSC 2023 Prelims Syllabus

CGPSC Prelims Exam is divided into two parts: Paper I and Paper II. While Paper I is for General Studies, Paper II is Aptitude Test. The detailed CGPSC syllabus for both papers can be checked below -



Paper I

History of India and Indian National Movement.

Physical, Social & Economic Geography of India.

Constitution of India & Polity

Indian Economy.

General Science & Technology.

Indian Philosphy, Art, Litereture & Culture.

Current Affairs & Sports.



History of Chhattisgarh, & Contribution of Chhattisgarh in Freedom Movement,

Geography, Climate, Physical status, Census, Archaeological and Tourist Centres of Chhattisgarh.

Literature, Music, Dance, Art, and Culture, Idioms and Proverbs, Puzzle/riddle, Singing of Chhattisgarh.

Tribes, Special Traditions, Teej, and Festivals of Chhattisgarh.

Economy, Forest, and Agriculture of Chhattisgarh.

Administrative Structure, Local Government, and Panchayati raj of Chhattisgarh

Industry in Chhattisgarh, Energy, Water and Mineral Resource of Chhattisgarh.

Current Affairs of Chhattisgarh

Paper II

Interpersonal skills including communication skills

Logical reasoning and analytical ability

Decision-making and problem-solving

General mental ability

Basic Numeracy (Class 10 level), Data Interpretation (Charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc.)

Knowledge of the Hindi Language

Knowledge of the Chhattisgarhi language.

CGPSC 2023 Mains Syllabus

The second stage of the CGPSC exam is the CGPSC Mains exam. The Mains exam is descriptive in nature. CGPSC Mains are divided into seven papers. Being a very comprehensive exam, one needs to understand the syllabus to perform well.  The detailed Paper Wise CGPSC SSE Mains Syllabus is as follows:



Paper-I Language Paper

Part 1: General Hindi:

Hindi Comprehension

Precis writing

Synonyms and Antonyms


One word for several words, etc.

Part B: General English:


Precis Writing




Re-arrangement and Correction of Sentences

Active Voice and Passive voice

Parts of Speech, etc.

Paper- II Essay

Part- 1 International and National Level Issues Part- 2 Chhattisgarh State Level Issues

Paper- III History, Constitution, and Public Administration

Part- 1 History of India

Pre-historic Ages

Vedic Civilization

Major Dynasties in South India

Advent of Europeans

Industrial Revolution

East India Company

Indiaโ€™s Freedom Struggle

Indiaโ€™s Independence

Partition, etc

Part โ€“ 2 Constitution and Public Administration

Constitutional development of India

Basic Structure of Government of Chhattisgarh



The administrative structure of Chhattisgarh, etc.

Part- 3 History of Chhattisgarh

Pre-historic Age

History of Chhattisgarh from the Vedic age

Major Dynasties

Zamindari System

Revolt of 1857

Freedom Movement in Chhattisgarh, etc.

Paper-IV Science, Technology, and Environment

Part-1 General Science

Physics (Class10 level)

Chemistry (Class10 level)

Biology (Class10 level)

Part-2 Aptitude Test, Logical Reasoning, Mental Ability

Rational Numbers

Ratio Proportion

Banking Mathematics


Vedic Mathematics, etc

Part-3 Applied and Behavioural Science

Role of IT in Rural India

Computer Knowledge

Energy Resources

Agricultural Sciences

Bio-diversity, etc.

Paper-V Economics & Geography

Part-1 Economics of India and Chhattisgarh

Indian Economy


Child Labour Problem

Rural Development

State Finance and Budgetary Policy, etc.

Part- 2 Geography of India

Physical Features

Drainage System



Minerals and Mining

Sources of Energy, etc.

Part- 3 Geography of Chhattisgarh

Physical Features of Chhattisgarh






Sources of Energy, etc.

Paper- VI Mathematics & Logical Ability

Part -1 Philosophy

Nature of Philosophy

Its relationship between religion and culture

Gandhiji- Ahinsa, Satyagraha

Dharma theory, etc

Part-2 Sociology

Importance of Sociology

Social Group

Caste and Class

Indian Social Problems, etc.

Part-3 Social Aspects of Chhattisgarh

Tribal Social Organization

Marriage, Family, Clan

Tribal Development

Folk arts of Chhattisgarh

Fairs and Festivals of Chhattisgarh

Tourism in Chhattisgarh, etc,

Paper-VII Welfare and development, Sports

Part-1 Welfare, Development Programme, and Laws

Indian Society

Human Rights Protection Legislation 1993

Protection is granted to Females (CRPC) under Indian Constitution & Criminal Law (Penal Code).

Protection Act 2005 to Females from Domestic Violation,

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Atrocity Protection Law 1989, etc.

Part- 2 International and National Sports, Events, and organization

United Nations and its Associated Organizations.

International Monetary Fund,


World Trade Organization and its impact on India.

National and International Sports and competitions, etc.

Part- 3 Internal and National Institute and their Role in Human Development

Availability of Skilled Human Resources

Employability and Productivity of Human Resources

National Educational Research and Training Council

All India Technical Education Council

Issues related to Girls' Education

Issues related to Disabled People, etc.

CGPSC Mains syllabus for SSE is vast, and the candidates can the same in the PDF format below. The candidates can check the Mains syllabus from Paper I to Paper VII below. Click on the link below to view the syllabus.

CGPSC Mains Syllabus (Paper Wise) for SSE 2023

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