IRMASAT 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

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IRMASAT 2025 Preparation

IRMASAT or IRMA Social Awareness Test is a common entrance exam conducted for admission to the postgraduate program such as Fellow Programme in Rural Management (FPRM) and Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Management (PGDRM). The exam will be conducted for the Institute of Rural Management, Anand (IRMA). Though the difficulty level of the examination is not very high, it requires a good amount of preparation in order to ace the exam.

Candidates who are aiming to appear for this exam must come up with a proper strategy. They should start the preparation as soon as possible. We can not decide the ideal preparation time for the examination as every candidate follows a different approach for the preparation. Candidates can prepare a plan as per their strengths and weaknesses. They can refer to the exam pattern and previous years questions paper of the IRMASAT entrance exam to know the marking scheme and type of questions which can be asked in the exam. Besides this, the syllabus of IRMASAT entrance exam will help the candidates to get an idea of all the topics which will be covered in the exam.

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How to Prepare for IRMASAT 2025

Candidates must prepare a strategy in order to ace the IRMASAT entrance exam. They can also refer to some points listed below.

  • Before starting the preparation, candidates are advised to prepare a schedule so that they can divide the time for all the sections equally. 
  • Candidates should prepare short notes while preparation. These notes will help them to remember the key points, word meanings, important formulae.
  • Current affairs are a significant component of the exam, according to the IRMASAT previous year's question papers. To succeed in the IRMASAT with ease, candidates must read the newspapers and magazines like The Hindu, Times of India, Business Today, and Times, etc daily. It will be highly beneficial to understand government initiatives and programmes if the candidates want to ace the IRMASAT.
  • They should focus on solving the maximum number of mock tests and previous yearsโ€™ question papers of the IRMA SAT entrance exam. This will help them get familiar with the type of questions and marking scheme. 
  • The maximum time which will be allotted to the candidates is 80 minutes so the candidates should focus on solving a maximum number of questions in limited time. 
  • Candidates should note that there will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks so they should not answer the questions which they aren't sure of.
  • While revising, candidates should try to answer the questions which have been left. 

Important Points for IRMASAT 2025

Here are some points to take care of while preparing for IRMASAT 2025 exam.

  • Candidates should reach the examination centre one hour before the examination time. They might not be allowed to enter the examination hall if they get late. 
  • Candidates should carry the admit card along with them and also one ID Proof.
  • They should be confident while answering the questions. 
  • All the candidates are advised to complete the exam in a timely manner so that they get some spare time to revise their answers.
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