MAH MBA CET 2025 Mock Test FREE (Online & PDF) - Practice JEE Mock Papers Here

Updated By Tiyasa Khanra on 07 Aug, 2024 22:40

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MAH MBA CET Mock Test 2025 (Available)

The official MAH MBA CET Mock Test 2025 will be made available on the official website in the last week of February or thefirst week of March 2025, by the State CET Cell, Maharashtra. Candidates will be able to download the MAH MBA CET 2025 Mock Test by entering their Username and Password. MAH MBA CET Mock Test 2025 is a great way to analyze one's performance and have a real-time experience of the actual exam. With the help of MAH MBA CET 2025 mock tests, candidates will be able to understand which type of questions will be asked in the MAH CET MBA 2025 exam. Many test-takers have admitted that some questions in the MAH MBA CET exam were identical to the mock tests they attempted during their preparation. Click on the link below to get access to the official MAH MBA CET mock test 2025:

Candidates will also learn time management by being able to calculate how much time each subject will take in the exam and understand the MAH MBA CET 2025 exam pattern, which is one of the biggest factors in acing the exam. The main purposes of taking the MAH MBA CET mock test 2025 are to identify knowledge gaps and fill them, identify the candidates' strengths and weaknesses, gain insight into their pattern of mistakes and rectify them, and learn smart approaches to ace the exam.

Maharashtra CET does not provide any official MAH MBA CET mock test, however, candidates can avail themselves of MAH MBA CET free mock tests on several web portals. Many coaching institutes also provide MAH MBA CET mock tests 2025 to their students during practice sessions. It is a state-level entrance examination that is conducted by the State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra in online mode. Candidates preparing for MAH MBA CET 2025 must take mock tests to gain experience and knowledge about the actual exam and to assess their overall performance.

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Importance of MAH MBA CET Mock Test 2025

It is imperative for the candidates to take the MAH MBA CET mock test 2025 for the following reasons:

  • MAH MBA CET 2025 practice papers will help in assessing the candidatesโ€™ level of preparation, performance, weak and strong areas. It becomes easier for the candidates to evaluate their performance and judge which areas require more focus. After that, the aspirants can work on the weaker sections to ensure no loss of marks.

  • Candidates can gain insight into the exam pattern of MAH CET MBA 2025 by solving the mock papers. Candidates become well-informed about the number of questions asked, exam-like environment, classification of the whole paper, all major areas from where maximum questions are asked in the exam.

  • Candidates can improve their time management skills to answer maximum possible questions efficiently within a stipulated time without losing accuracy.

  • Solving MAH MBA CET mock tests, candidates can get sufficient exposure to all question types based on previous test experience. 

  • The MAH MBA CET mock tests are followed by extremely helpful analyses after that comprise important tips and pointers for future corrective action. After each MAH MBA CET test, candidates can find an analysis of each test question, how many test-takers got it right or wrong etc. 

  • Candidates can track your own progress with graphs that give them the performance trends. If a candidate solves a MAH MBA CET mock test paper, it provides candidates an insight into their performance versus others'. The scores obtained by attempting an MAH MBA CET mock test under test conditions reflects candidatesโ€™ level of preparation.

  • Since all MAH MBA CET mock test questions are pre-tested for validation and difficulty level, candidates can rest assured about the reliability of the mock papers. 

  • Taking MAH MBA CET Mock Test 2025, students will get familiarized with the actual exam scenario. These practice tests are conducted under-stimulated conditions with an aim to evaluate the knowledge of students. Therefore, students should take this test seriously.

  • While solving the MAH MBA CET mock tests, students can mark questions in which they have doubts and get them cleared from teachers. This ensures by the time students appear for the main exam, he or she does not have any doubt.

  • It also helps students to get rid of their stress and nervousness during the exam and take the test with confidence.

MAH MBA CET 2025 Mock Test Structure

The structure of the MAH MBA CET Mock Test 2025 is analogous to that of the main exam since the MAH MBA CET mock test 2025 is a replica of the main exam. Candidates will find MAH MBA CET free mock tests having questions and pattern the same as the actual MAH CET question paper. Given below is the structure of a MAH MBA CET free mock test 2025:




  • Logical Reasoning
  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension

Number of questions


Total marks


Number of answer choices


Type of questions

Objective-type questions

Exam duration

150 minutes (2:30 hours)

Sectional time-limit

No sectional time-limit

Mode of examination


Medium of examination


Marking scheme

+1 mark for correct answer

No negative marking for incorrect answer

  • The correct number of questions in each slot of the exam is considered for arriving at the corrected score.
  • The Corrected Scores that are obtained in the MAH CET Question Paper 2025 by a candidate are made equivalent to take care of the minor difference in difficulty level. 
  • Scores obtained by candidates on any slot of this exam are equated to the base form by considering the distribution of scores of all the forms.
  • The Test wise scores and scores total is reported with decimal points up to two digits in MBA CET Exam Pattern.

MAH MBA CET Mock Test 2025 Key Points

  • Order of sections: learn which section to answer first.
  • Learn the section-wise distribution of time, i.e., the maximum time that should be dedicated to each section.
  • Learn the type of questions asked in the MAH MBA CET 2025 exam- group or individual
  • Learn from the mistakes committed in the MAH MBA CET Mock Test 2025 and learn from them.
  • Besides knowing the score, candidates also need to analyze their performance to discover your problem areas. Once they have identified the problem, they can take the necessary action to achieve the desired result in future MAH MBA CET mock papers.
  • Stop worrying about:
  1. Difficulty level of the exam
  2. Cutoff/safe score for a particular percentile
  3. Score vs percentile
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MAH MBA CET Mock Test 2025 Sections

The sections from where questions are asked in the MAH MBA CET Mock Test are similar to that of the main exam. Given below are the sections of a MAH MBA CET free mock test:

MAH CET Exam Sections


Quantitative Aptitude


Abstract Reasoning


Logical Reasoning


Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension


MAH MBA CET Mock Test 2025 and its Analysis

  • Treat them like an actual exam

  • Attempt them in timed mode

  • Avoid guesswork

  • Whenever a question is asked in the MAH MBA CET Mock Test 2025, there are three possibilities: correct answer, incorrect answer, and unattempted question. 

  • One must try to answer the question correctly in the appropriate time.

  • If a candidate takes too much time to solve a question, there could be two possibilities. Either the question was too lengthy or difficult, or the candidate does not know any shortcut method to solve the question. In this case, the candidate must learn shortcut methods and tricks to solve questions or leave calculation-intensive Data Interpretation and Quantitative Aptitude questions. Candidates must learn to leave lengthier questions that are difficult to solve and time-consuming,  and solve other questions with accuracy that might fetch them more marks. 

  • Sometimes students can also answer questions correctly through guesswork. However, they must try to fill the knowledge gaps in such cases. 

  • If an answer is incorrect, there could be three reasons for that: wrong method, calculation mistake, and silly mistake. Hence, it is imperative for the MAH MBA CET exam aspirants to learn the concepts thoroughly and focus while answering the questions.

  • If a particular question is left unattempted, there could be two reasons for that: knowledge gap/lack of knowledge, and lack of time. Hence, it is important to learn time management to answer calculation-intensive questions within a short time. 

Section-wise Timing MAH CET Exam Pattern 2025

Although no sectional time limits are imposed in the MAH MBA CET Exam 2025, it is highly recommended to attempt one section completely before moving on to the next one. 


Question-Time Analysis

Logical Reasoning

  • 40 Questions โ€“ 40 seconds to 60 seconds per question. 
  • 35 Questions will consume around 2 minutes each.

Abstract Reasoning

Based primarily on non-verbal reasoning, the section will have around:

  • 10 questions that can be attempted in 40-60 seconds each.
  • 15 questions will consume around 1-1.5 minutes

Quantitative Aptitude

  • 15-20 Questions โ€“ 30 to 40 seconds each. 
  • The remaining questions can consume more than 2 minutes.

Verbal Ability

  • 20 questions โ€“ 30-60 seconds each
  • 30 questions will consume more than 1 minute each.

How to Access MAH MBA CET 2025 Mock Test with Solutions

The steps to access the MAH MBA CET mock tests 2025 are mentioned below:

  • Step 1: Create a Login account at CollegeDekho to take a mock test for MAH MBA CET.

  • Step 2: After successful login, you will be able to access the mock exam.

  • Step 3: After completing your mock test, click on the 'Submitโ€™ tab.

  • Step 4: Once you submit your exam, you can view your score displayed on the screen.

MAH MBA CET Mock Test 2025: Things to Learn

  • Solve more than 35 MAH MBA CET 2025 Mock Tests to ensure effective preparation.

  • Attempt mock questions from multiple institutes.

  • Analyse and learn from each mock test. Identify your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Do not leave any topic. Cover your basics of all the chapters. 

  • Learn smart approaches to approach problems.

  • Based on your strong/weak areas, prepare a strategy for the actual exam.

  • Do not start solving mock tests in the beginning. First cover the MAH MBA CET syllabus, then start practicing mock tests.

  • At the initial stages, you may score less than expected, but do not be demotivated by low scores. Your score will improve as you will solve more MAH MBA CET mock tests 2025.

  • Do not get complacent by high scores.

  • Practice MBA CET mock tests of various difficulty levels. This will help in handling any type of questions in the actual exam

  • Learn to analyse your performance: The analysis requires the candidates to identify both the questions that they got wrong and those which they did right in the MAH MBA CET mock papers. It is crucial to find the right approach to answer questions.

Highlights of MAH MBA CET Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme

Before appearing for the entrance exam, it is important for candidates to have a brief idea about the MAH MBA CET exam pattern and marking scheme. Candidates aiming to crack MAH MBA CET 2025 must take a quick look at the MAH MBA CET exam pattern and marking scheme to be well prepared for the exam.

  • The entrance test is divided into four sections, namely, Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension.

  • The question paper of MAH CET will consist of Multiple Choice Questions, wherein candidates will have to choose one correct answer from the available options.

  • The medium of MAH MBA CET is English.

  • The duration of the exam is two and a half hours.

  • For every correct answer, 1 mark will be awarded to the candidates.

  • There is no negative marking in the exam.

  • No marks will be deducted from the total score for not attempting any question.

MAH MBA CET Exam 2025: How to Answer Questions?

An applicant must understand that a thorough preparation of all the important topics is essential for him/her to score well.

  • Candidates must go through the MAH CET Exam Pattern thoroughly to understand the types of questions, weightage, marking scheme, and difficulty level.

  • It is imperative for the candidates to revise important topics and formulas. 

  • Candidates must attempt questions that are less time-consuming first, then move on to others. They must avoid questions that would fetch negative marks.

  • Candidates must learn proper time management to avoid missing out on an easy question.

  • Candidates are required to take MAH MBA CET Mock tests 2025 to get an idea of how the paper is going to be set. Mock tests also help aspirants revise every topic thoroughly.

  • Taking frequent breaks while studying is important to avoid stressing out.

Want to know more about MAH MBA CET

FAQs about MAH MBA CET Mock Test

In which language are the mock tests of MAH MBA CET provided?

The mock tests and the main exam of MAH MBA CET 2025 will be administered in the English language. Despite being a state-level examination of the state of Maharashtra, MAH MBA CET 2025 is not administered in Marathi but the medium of the exam is English.

Can I download the mock tests of MAH MBA CET?

Candidates and aspirants can practice free online MAH MBA CET 2025 mock tests from the official website of Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test Cell or various other sources or websites. 

Are MAH MBA CET mock tests free?

Yes, most of the mock tests of MAH MBA CET are free. However, some coaching institutes may charge a certain amount for each exam.

Are MAH MBA CET mock tests available online?

Yes, the mock tests of MAH MBA CET are available in online mode. If you wish to get a hard copy of them, you can download the mock tests and get them printed.

Is it mandatory to take MAH MBA CET mock tests?

No, it is not mandatory to take the mock tests of MAH MBA CET. However, every MAH MBA CET aspirant must take as many mocks as possible because it enhances the preparation and performance. And helps the student do better time management during the exam.

Are official MAH MBA CET mock tests provided?

Yes, the official mock tests of MAH MBA CET are published a few months prior to the exam date every year. These tests are designed to make candidates comfortable with the MAH MBA CET exam pattern and questions.

Can I take MAH MBA CET mock tests from home?

As comparative performance indicators, the All Maharashtra Mock examinations provide a platform for assessing your preparation on a state level. The candidate can compare their results to those of other test takers throughout the state. Students have the option of taking the test at a T.I.M.E centre or home. If you choose 'At home' as your test location, you can take the Mock tests at your leisure.

How can I get the official MAH MBA CET mock tests?

The official MAH MBA CET mock tests are released on the official website of the exam. The candidates can also refer to the MAH MBA CET mock tests provided on the CollegeDekho website.

When should I solve the MAH MBA CET mock tests?

When to solve MAH MBA CET mock tests depends entirely on the candidate and his/her preparation. It is advised that you take one mock at the beginning of your preparation so that you know where you stand. After that, you should keep taking mocks at least once a week.

Is it important to take MAH MBA CET mock tests?

Taking mock tests for MAH MBA CET is an integral part of any candidate's MAH MBA CET preparation. Only when you take MAH MBA CET mock tests, you will be able to understand the exam pattern properly. It also helps you in managing your time during the exam.

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