MAH MBA CET 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Subhashri Roy on 06 Mar, 2025 10:59

21 days Remaining for the exam

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How to Prepare for MAH MBA CET 2025

How to prepare for MAH MBA CET 2025 exam is one of the most common queries if you are seeking admission into MBA colleges in Maharashtra. The best preparation tips for MAH MBA CET 2025 include studying the important topics, solving previous year and sample question papers, taking mock tests, and staying motivated throughout the course. In order to perform effectively in the MAH MBA CET exam, you must start preparing at least 6 months before the exam is conducted. It is easy to crack MAH MBA CET 2025 if you're already preparing for national-level MBA entrance exams like XAT, CAT, MAT, etc. 

Before starting the MAH MBA CET 2025 exam preparation, it is necessary to refer to the MAH MBA CET 2025 syllabus, exam pattern, and previous years' questions. Based on your understanding of the syllabus, prepare a timetable so that you can proceed with a systematic way of exam preparation. Practice enough MAH MBA CET mock tests and practice tests for effective preparation. Solve as many previous year question papers within a specific time limit to enhance your time management skills and gain proficiency in answering maximum questions accurately within the stipulated exam duration.

Upcoming Management Exams :

Section-wise Preparation Strategy for MAH MBA CET 2025

MAH MBA CET 2025 exam covers three subjects that include Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and Verbal Ability. It is necessary to give emphasis on all the subjects so that you can achieve a higher score in the entrance exam. Check some of the important preparation tips here.

MAH MBA CET 2025 Preparation Tips for Logical Reasoning Section

The Logical Reasoning section of the MAH MBA CET 2025 exam is easy to crack if you understand the basics better and practice enough mock tests. Some of the preparation tips for effective preparation are –

  • Relationship questions are easy to crack in MAH MBA CET 2025 exam. However, it is very important to read the question twice or thrice, understand the logic carefully and solve it.

  • In order to improve accuracy in this section, you must understand the basics. Refer to the syllabus prescribed for the Logical Reasoning section of the MAH MBA CET 2025 exam.

  • Understand the prescribed topics, and practice mock tests for each concept.

  • Try to practice a mock test regularly to improve the accuracy of solving problems.

  • Better practice and understanding of concepts will help you to solve complex problems.

  • As far as arrangement questions are concerned, it is significant to find the statement that has more data. It will help you to reach the arrangement faster.

  • The pie-chart-based solving technique is the best way to solve statement-based questions.

  • Practice separate mock tests for each model or give emphasis to practicing mock tests that have questions with different difficulty levels.

Also Read: How to Crack Logical & Abstract Reasoning in MAH MBA CET 2025

MAH MBA CET 2025 Preparation Tips for Quantitative Aptitude Section

Quantitative Aptitude section of the MAH MBA CET 2025 exam deals mostly with basics. If you are aware of the concept, you can solve the problems accurately. Some of the important tips are –

  • All that you must do is learn tricks and formulas. Build a strong base in these so that you can solve complex problems without any confusion. Note down important formulas and tricks for future reference.

  • Observe the previous years' question papers and try to solve those questions.

  • As far as the calculation part is concerned, learn tables until 25, the square root of at least 10 natural numbers, and score & cubes up to 30.

  • Practice as many mock tests as possible and analyze your performance.

Also Read: How to Prepare for MAH MBA CET 2025 Quantitative Aptitude Section

MAH MBA CET 2025 Preparation Tips for Verbal Ability Section

Verbal Ability section of MAH MBA CET 2025 is a blend of verbal and non-verbal questions. Therefore, you need to concentrate on both types of questions.

  • Wren & Martin High School English Grammar and Composition is the best book to practice reading compression, jumbled sentences, vocabulary, antonyms, and synonyms.

  • It is also advisable to learn at least five new words a day along with their meaning, synonym, and antonym.

  • Read a piece of news or article in the newspaper and pick up the complex words. Learn the meaning of these complex words.

  • Revise the learned words regularly so that you do not forget them.

  • Practice mock tests to test your ability.

Also Read: Tips to Crack the Verbal Ability Section of MAH MBA CET 2025

General Tips & Trick to Crack MAH CET 2025

Here are some general tips and tricks to crack MAH MBA CET 2025 exam successfully.

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Make a Proper Time Table

It is very important that you make a proper timetable for yourself and stick to it so that you have an exact idea of what you are required to study and the time required for it.

Concept Clarity Rather Than Rote Learning

It is essential for you to have a clear idea of all the formulas and concepts rather than rote learning for the entrance exam. Having thorough concept clarity will help you in memorizing the formulas while studying and will clear your basics a before moving on.

Prepare Notes

It is indeed important for you to make small notes or prepare a comprehensive list of the formulas on each of the topic/chapters, as these notes will come in handy at the time of revision. Also, this will require you to be regular with your work, which will surely make things easy at the time of revision.

Seek Guidance

It is not possible for you to know everything in your syllabus, at least not at the time of your exam preparation. Sooner or later you will run into a concept/ topic which will give you trouble later. Therefore, it is best for you to seek guidance from an instructor or a teacher. It is necessary that you clear your doubts at regular intervals and do not keep your doubts pending for long.

Sample Papers

Even though there may be a complete change in the exam pattern or the expected questions altogether, it is important that you practice on the sample and previous years question papers. By solving sample papers, you will know the existing pattern and have a fair idea of the type of questions that come in the paper along with the time constraint.

Mock Tests

The paper pattern, duration of the paper and the number of questions to be attempted in the given amount of time is not something you will be able to pick up on the day of the examination. A mock test judges student’s abilities as it not only provides a similar feel of the real exam but also helps in building speed and confidence to face the exam. Furthermore, mock tests will improve your performance in the exam, which will give you an extra edge in the actual exam. You can go through the previous year's.

Time Management

Time management can be learned through thorough practice and regular test-taking. So it is important that you manage your time and manage it well.

Related Links:

What is a Good Score in MAH MBA CET 2025?

How to Crack MAH MBA CET 2025 on the First Attempt?

MAH MBA CET 2025 Important Topics

MAH MBA CET 2025 Predicted Question Paper

Daily Study Plan for the Preparation of MAH MBA CET 2025

It is imperative for the MAH MBA CET 2025 aspirants to give equal time for every section daily during the preparation. For every section candidates need to learn more and more shortcut tricks. Students need to identify their strengths and weaknesses so that they can work on them and improve them. 


Number of Questions

Time Spent

Reading Comprehension

2 sets

20 minutes

English Grammar

15 questions

10-15 minutes

Analytical Puzzles

2 sets

20 minutes

Reasoning Misc. 

10-15 questions

15-20 minutes

Non-Verbal Reasoning

10 questions

10 minutes

Data Interpretation

2 sets

20 minutes

Quant Word Problems

15 questions

15-20 minutes

Reading Newspaper 


1 hour



3 hours

Top Management Colleges :

Best Books for MAH MBA CET Preparation 2025

Good study material shall be preferred for preparation. Students can refer to the following MAH CET books and study material:


Book and Author

Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension

  • Verbal Ability by R.S.Aggarwal
  • How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Arun Sharma
  • How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Arun Sharma

Quantitative Ability

  • How to prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT by Arun Sharma
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R.S. Aggarwal
  • Data Interpretation for the CAT by Arun Sharma

Analytical and Logical Reasoning

  • How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT by Arun Sharma
  • A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by R.S.Aggarwal

MAH MBA CET Mock Tests and Previous Year’s Question Paper

It is mandatory for the candidates aspiring to take the MAH MBA CET exam to appear for mock tests or solve previous years’ MAH MBA CET question papers to evaluate their preparation level for the exam. Candidates can assess their weak areas by solving MAH MBA CET mock test series. Also, solving previous years question papers will provide the candidates practice for the actual exam. The key tips about the MAH MBA CET mock test have been provided below:

  • Solving one mock test every day helps to evaluate one’s progress and revision.

  • It is imperative to evaluate one’s performance after completing every mock test. This will enable the candidates to pay extra attention to weak areas. Candidates must even modify their MAH CET preparation plan, if required.

  • Candidates are required to take mock tests as seriously as the actual MAH MBA CET exam. Candidates must try to complete each section within a stipulated time. This helps the test-takers to analyse how much time they are taking for solving each section and how they can reduce it.

  • In order to improve accuracy, candidates must practice sectional mock tests of MAH MBA CET. Although there is no sectional time limit in MAH MBA CET, it is imperative for the test-takers to develop proper time-management skills to solve more questions with greater accuracy.

  • The last one month of MAH MBA CET preparation must be dedicated to revision and practicing mock tests.

MAH MBA CET 2025: Last Month Preparation

Candidates must opt for an extremely focused way of preparation in the last month of MAH MBA CET preparation.

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  • Revise important concepts and theorems everyday to evaluate your preparation level

  • Make a list of topics that are your weak areas

  • Brush up your stronger areas as well

  • Start with the topic which is comparatively less tough than others and move in that order to reach the toughest one.

  • Do not start a new topic in the last month

  • Make short notes for quick revisions

  • Solve sample questions and assess your performance

How to Prepare for MAH MBA CET in 1 Month

Candidates who are aiming to complete the preparation for MAH MBA CET 2025 do not have a lot of time since they have to complete many topics in just one month. Here we have provided some of the important strategies that can help the candidates to prepare for MAH MBA CET in one month.

  • Go through the syllabus of MAH MBA CET and note all the important topics that will be covered in the exam

  • Check the exam pattern of MAH MBA CET and understand the marking scheme

  • Solve at least 1-2 mock test papers as well as sample papers daily

  • Read magazines, novels, and articles regularly. This will help the candidates to improve their communication as well as verbal skills.

  • Candidates should prepare notes alongside their preparation so that they can revise them before going for the exam.

  • Practice the previous years’ papers to get an idea about what type of questions they can expect in the exam.

  • Candidates should learn shortcut formulas. This will help them complete the calculation part quickly.

MAH MBA CET 2025 One-Month Study Plan

We have also provided a one-month study plan for MAH MBA CET 2025 below. Candidates who are preparing for the exam may either follow this preparation plan or they can prepare their own plan for preparation.

No. of Days for Study


Recommended Time for Study Each Day

At least 5-6 Hours

No. of Chapters in a Week


Days to Complete the Syllabus

Maximum 23-24

Days Dedicated to Practice Every Week


Days for Solving Mock Test Papers

30 Days(Daily)

Important Tasks to be performed daily

  • Learn 5-6 new words and understand their usage in a sentence

  • Practice 1 section-wise sample paper

  • Revise all the topics you have learned

  • Prepare notes

  • Tick mark all the topics you have covered and what is remaining

Last-Minute Preparation and Revision

2-3 Days

Also ReadTips to Crack MAH MBA CET 2025 in 30 Days

How to Prepare for MAH MBA CET in 60 Days

With just 60 days left for the MAH MBA CET exam, candidates should focus on solving the maximum number of sample papers and mock test papers. They can start their MAH MBA CET preparation by checking the syllabus and exam pattern. The exam pattern of MAH MBA CET will help the candidates to understand the marking scheme and exam structure. Besides this, the syllabus of the exam will help you know what topics will be covered in the MAH MBA CET. After checking the syllabus, candidates can proceed to prepare a preparation plan. The preparation plan should be prepared in a way that enough time is allotted to all the sections of the MAH MBA CET exam. 

60-Day Study Plan for MAH MBA CET

We have provided a 60 days study plan for MAH MBA CET in the table below. Candidates may either follow the preparation plan prepared by our experts or they can prepare their own preparation schedule.

No. of Days for Exam Preparation

60 days

No. of hours to study in a day

At least 6

No. of days to complete the syllabus

38-40 Days

No. of sample papers/ mock test papers in a week

At least 3-4

Days Dedicated to Practice Every Week


Daily Routine for MAH MBA CET Preparation

  • Check the syllabus and pick up any topic

  • Start answering beginner-level questions from that topic. Once done, proceed to the mid & high-level difficulty questions

  • Solve the questions asked from that topic in the previous years’ exams

  • Learn all the important formulas and shortcut techniques 

  • Read at least 7-8 new words daily 

  • Solve 3-4 exercises from Sentence Correction, Jumbled Paragraphs, and other important topics of English

  • Read newspapers to improve the communication skills

  • Complete one exercise from the Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning

  • Make notes of important points and formulas from the topic you have prepared on that day

No. of days for last-minute preparation

15-20 Days

Also Read: 60-Day Preparation Plan and Study Time Table for MAH MBA CET 2025

How to Prepare for MAH MBA CET in 3 Months

Candidates who are are targeting to clear the MAH MBA CET exam in three months do not have a lot of time on their hands. They should have a preparation plan in place before starting to prepare for the exam. We have provided some of the important tips below that can help the candidates to prepare for MHMCT within three months.

  • Candidates should check the syllabus to know what important topics will be covered in the exam

  • They should check the exam pattern of MAH MBA CET to know the marking scheme and exam structure

  • Candidates should learn shortcuts and formulas for mathematical problems. This will help them solve mathematical problems quickly

  • Candidates should solve a maximum number of previous years papers/ mock test papers to know what type of questions were asked in the exam

  • Candidates should prepare notes alongside their preparation. They can revise the notes prepared by them before going for the exam

  • Candidates are advised to read newspapers and magazines on a daily basis to improve their communication skills and reading speed

  • Candidates are advised to choose the preparation books that contain sample questions for each topic. They can also refer to the books recommended by the experts

MAH MBA CET 2025 3-Month Study Plan

We have provided a three months preparation plan for the MAH MBA CET in the table below. Candidates may follow the 3 months MAH MBA CET preparation plan provided below. 

No. of Days for Exam Preparation


Recommended Time for Study Each Day

5-6 hours

No. of Chapters to Complete in a Week

At least 4-6

Days Taken Complete the Syllabus

60-70 days

Days Dedicated to Practice Every Week


Daily Routine for MAH MBA CET Preparation

  • Check the syllabus and pick any topic as per your interest

  • Read all the important concepts of the selected topic and solve the sample questions from that topic

  • Pick up one topic from Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension section and solve the questions asked in the previous years’ papers

  • Learn 4-5 new words and check their usage in different kinds of sentences

  • Solve at least 5-6 problems from each DI problems

  • Revise all the important topics you have learnt and make notes from all the topics

Total Practice Days

15-20 days

No. of Days for Last Minute Preparation and Revision

10-15 days

How to Crack MAH MBA CET 2025 Exam in First Attempt?

MAH CET 2025 entrance exam is a state-level Management entrance exam conducted by the Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra for admission into popular management courses like MMS, MBA, PGDM and PGDBM. Although a popular management entrance exam, MAH CET 2025 exam is quite difficult to crack in the first attempt as there are over lakhs of applicants eyeing to secure a seat in the top Management Institutes. However, with the right approach, the students can definitely crack the MAH CET 2025 entrance exam on the first go. CollegeDekho shares certain trips and tricks which might be useful for aspirants who are trying to get their names etched in the elite list of students who cracked MAH CET exam in their very first attempt. 

In pursuit of clearing the MAH CET 2025 exam in their inaugural attempt, the students must take note of these following things:

  • There is no substitute for hard work and practice which will help the applicants to polish their question-solving skills and speed

  • The applicants must not waste their precious time in finding shortcuts. Instead, increasing the study hours will be a much preferable option

  • Practising more and more MAH CET mock test papers will only bring the applicants closer to their goal of clearing the exam in the very first attempt

  • The aspirants must ensure that they are high on confidence which will only boost the chances of qualifying the entrance exam in their maiden attempt

  • “Looks can be deceptive” and this statement is aptly applicable to the questions asked in the MAH CET entrance exam. The test-takers must go through the question at least thrice before attempting them    

The pointers mentioned above also matches with the topper’s point of view of scoring the desired marks and all those who confidently say that they have ticked all the boxes might most probably do the unthinkable - cracking MAH CET 2025 exam in the first attempt.

Coaching Institutes for MAH MBA CET Preparation 2025

Candidates need to know about the success rate of the institute before registering in the coaching institute. Given below are some of the top coaching institutes in India for MAH CET Preparation 2025:


MBA Guru



Career Launcher

PT Education

Prudence Academy

Bulls Eye

BYJU’s classes

Endeavor Careers

MAH MBA CET Exam Pattern 2025

MAH MBA CET Exam 2025 will be conducted in online mode. THE MAH MBA CET 2025 Exam Pattern is identical to other MBA entrance exams. There are 200 questions that candidates need to solve in 150 minutes. Candidates will get 5 options for each question out of which only one option is correct. For every correct response, one mark is awarded. There is no negative marking for any incorrect response. 



Number of sections

Logical Reasoning 

Abstract Reasoning 

Quantitative Aptitude 

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension

Total number of questions


Total marks


Number of options in each question


Exam duration

150 minutes (2:30 hours)

Mode of examination


Medium of examination


MAH CET marking scheme

  • One mark for each correct answer
  • There is no negative marking for incorrect answer

MAH MBA CET 2025 Marking Scheme

The MAH CET MBA 2025 syllabus will be divided into four major sections. The medium of instruction will be English for MAH CET MBA 2025. 


Number of Questions

Maximum Marks

Logical Reasoning



Quantitative Aptitude



Abstract Reasoning



Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension



Total Marks



MAH MBA CET 2025 Syllabus

As prescribed by Maharashtra CET, the MAH CET syllabus includes topics from Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension.



Preparation Tips

Logical/Abstract Ability

  • Direction
  • Sequential Output
  • Series Completion
  • Conditional Coding
  • Selection Criteria
  • Venn Diagram
  • Verbal Ability
  • Input/Output
  • Blood Relations
  • Coding/Decoding
  • Syllogisms
  • Symbol-based Comparison
  • Linear and Circular Arrangement
  • Practice 15-20 questions every day.
  • Practice a variety of questions and find out shortcuts, in that process.
  • Increase speed and accuracy
  • Practice at least 20 questions from Arrangements daily as around 20 questions are asked from this topic alone.
  • Try to visualize the problem and solve the questions with the help of tables and grids.
  • Use the process of elimination, wherever necessary.
  • Observe previous years’ MAH MBA CET question papers

Quantitative Aptitude

  • Arithmetic
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Mensuration
  • Probability
  • Ratio & Proportion
  • Numbers
  • Percentage
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Data Interpretation - Graphs, Charts, Tables
  • Go back to basics, revise each and every formula and practice sample questions.  
  • Get the timing correct while practicing mock tests. 
  • Practice sectional mocks and identify your weak areas
  • Learn tricks and formulas
  • Practice at least 20-25 questions every day in the given sequence:
  • Arithmetic - Monday
  • Algebra - Tuesday
  • Geometry - Wednesday
  • Mensuration - Thursday
  • DI - Friday
  • Miscellaneous - Saturday
  • Mock Test - Sunday

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension

  • Antonyms
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Para Jumbles
  • Synonyms
  • Sentence completion
  • Sentence arrangement
  • Sentence Correction
  • Spelling/Inappropriate usage
  • Phrase replacement
  • Odd Sentence Para Jumble
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Comprehension of passages
  • Read newspapers daily
  • Learn new words daily along with their meaning, synonym, and antonym
  • Practice as many mock tests as possible

Want to know more about MAH MBA CET

FAQs about MAH MBA CET Preparation Tips

Can I prepare for MAH MBA CET 2025 without coaching?

Yes, candidates can prepare for MAH MBA CET 2025 without coaching and even score well. To ace your exam, you must be focused and inspired by yourself. For this, make sure to take notes and write all the important formulas, techniques, and shortcuts. You should give as many Mock CETs as you can as they are the finest and fastest learning tool. With the help of this, you can learn about your strengths and weaknesses and work on them either to polish or improve or both.

Which section is considered the toughest in the MAH MBA CET 2025 exam?

The Logical Reasoning section is considered the toughest in the MAH MBA CET 2025 exam as it covers the maximum number of questions. The section has the maximum weightage with 75 questions to be answered, carrying 75 marks in total (one mark for each question) out of 200 marks. This section is considered the toughest as it involves topics like data interpretation, arithmetic, geometry, data sufficiency, etc.  Hence, it can be said that 37.5% weightage of the exam is taken care of by the Logical Reasoning section.

Is it easy to crack MAH MBA CET 2025?

Yes, it can be said that it is easy to crack MAH MBA CET 2025 if a student follows the section-wise MAH MBA CET 2025 preparation tips and strategies provided in the article above. The MAH CET exam has a medium level of difficulty. Applicants find the exam to be simple to manage since there is no negative marking even if any wrong answers are attempted. Anyone can easily pass the exam with confidence if they devote around six months to thorough preparation. If you want a good study plan for one month, two months, or three months, check out the article above.

What are the MAH MBA CET 2025 preparation tips and study plans if I have only 3 months to prepare?

The MAH MBA CET 2025 preparation tips and study plans if you have only 3 months to prepare, is that you should solve as many mock tests as you can and keep revising all the important formulas regularly. Gather the recommended MAH MBA CET 2025 books. To understand the format of the MAH CET exam, review the exam pattern. Then, analyse the MAH CET syllabus to identify which topics you are familiar with and which you are not. Consider giving each section of the MBA CET 2025 one week. Divide your study time in the second month between mock tests, analysis, and topic-by-topic revision.

What is the best time to prepare for MAH MBA CET 2025?

As such, there is no definite or best time to prepare for MAH MBA CET 2025 since it depends on the IQ level of the applicant. One student can easily prepare in one or two months while the other student might take six to eight months. However, one of the finest MAH MBA CET 2025 preparation tips is that a student should start their preparation at least three to four months before the exam to obtain a decent score. MAH MBA CET 2025 preparation involves examining the exam pattern, understanding the syllabus, and analyzing the previous year's papers.

How important is it to understand the exam pattern for MAH MBA CET 2025 preparation?

It is very important to understand the exam pattern for MAH MBA CET 2025 preparation. This is because it will help you note down the areas in which you are stronger and the other areas in which you need to improve. It will also help you know how the marking scheme is designed and the sections carrying more weight. By doing this, you will be more organised in your preparation and will be able to pay more attention to concepts which will lead to better scores.

What are the MAH MBA CET 2025 preparation tips for the Verbal Ability section?

The following are the MAH MBA CET 2025 preparation tips for the Verbal Ability section:

  • Understand the types of questions asked

  • Design a focused study plan

  • Practise sample question papers regularly

  • Handle RC passages with care

  • Strengthen your vocabulary to solve the VARC section in 30 minutes

  • Choose the easy questions to solve first

What are the important topics to prepare for MAH MBA CET 2025?

As such there are no specific or fixed important topics to prepare for MAH MBA CET 2025 that are mandatorily included in the exam. All the questions will be asked depending on the section-wise weightage. If a candidate wants to know the important topics for MAH MBA CET 2025 to prepare in less time, they can analyse some previous year question papers to get an exact idea about it. It is, however, recommended that an applicant should sieve at least preceding five years of question papers.

Can I prepare for MAH MBA CET 2025 in four months?

Yes, students can prepare for MAH MBA CET 2025 in four months only if they study aggressively. Study the Maharashtra State Board textbooks first, and then move on to NCERT; this will aid you in comprehending important fundamental concepts. Find a book that has good information and MAH MBA CET 2025 preparation tips and study plan after you have finished this. Once you receive your syllabus and materials, you should carefully design your timetable to correlate with the number of preparation days left.

Can I crack MAH MBA CET 2025 in one month?

Although not impossible, it can be said that an aspirant can crack MAH MBA CET 2025 in one month provided they are familiar with the majority of basic mathematical concepts and lay a strong hold on vocabulary and grammar. Further, this necessitates a clever revision strategy because it is likely impossible to cover the full MAH MBA CET 2025 syllabus in one month. For this, you should set aside an hour each day to go through all the key mathematical formulas and reasoning concepts.

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