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NBE FET 2021 Result

Candidates must note that the result of NBE FET 2021 will display the overall marks scored by the candidates in the entrance exam. The result of NBE FET will also consist of the candidateโ€™s name, roll number, gender, and other details, etc. Candidates can download their NBE FET score card through online mode and the validity of the same will be only for one year. Additionally, the candidates will get the NBE FET 2021 scorecard and then they can apply for the scholarship rewards. NBE FET 2021 Result is expected to be released by 31st March 2021.

For the selection of the candidates in the fellowship programmes provided by the authority, the result of NBE FET 2020 will be taken into consideration by the authority. At the time of counselling sessions conducted by the authority, the score of NBE FET 2020 will be taken into consideration. It must be also noted by the candidates that once the result of NBE FET 2020 is declared, the candidates will get the result specification, and then they can proceed with their fellowship process. The candidates will have to have to check all specifications and merit lists before proceeding to claim for fellowship.

Note: The scorecard of NBE FET 2021 is not sent to the candidates via post/courier.

NBE FET 2021 Result Date



NBE FET 2021 Exam Date

14th March 2021

NBE FET 2021 Result Date

by 31st March 2021

How to Check NBE FET 2021 Result?

The results of NBE FET 2021 will be available on the official website of the National Board of Examinations (NBE). The candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to view the results of NBE FET 2021:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the National Board of Examinations (NBE).

Step 2: To access the result, click on the link, 'Download NBE FET 2021 Result'.

Step 3: Enter your login credentials such as Roll Number and Date of Birth and submit the details.

Step 4: The result of NBE FET 2021 will be displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Download and take a print out of the NBE FET 2021 scorecard for future reference. 

What is NBE FET Result 2021 / Score Card?

Candidates must read the below pointers to know what exactly the NBE FET scorecard is:

  • The scorecard of NBE FET is an important document which displays the marks obtained by the candidate in the exam conducted by any authority.

  • The scorecard of NBE FET 2021 will be issued by the exam conducting authority once the results have been declared.

  • Candidates can access their respective scorecards in online mode and the scorecard will be provided by the authority of the official website. 

What are the Details Mentioned on NBE FET Result 2021?

In the scorecard of NBE FET 2021, the following details will be mentioned:

  • Candidateโ€™s Name

  • Candidateโ€™s Roll number

  • Gender

  • Important details regarding the qualifying status  

What is the Qualifying Criteria of NBE FET 2021?

  • In order to be qualified for NBE FET 2020, it is mandatory for the candidates who obtain a minimum of 50th percentile in their respective question paper or specialty.

  • By qualifying the specified criteria, candidates shall be declared as โ€œQualifiedโ€ in FET 2021 and will be issued a Pass or qualifying certificate.

What is the Validity of NBE FET 2021 Result?

It is essential for the candidates to know about the validity period of the NBE FET 2021 result. The NBE FET 2021 result shall be only valid for the current admission session i.e. 2021 admission session and will not be valid for the next session of FET. Candidates must note that there will be no provision for Re-evaluation or re-checking of the results.

Is there a Tie Breaker Criteria of NBE FET 2021 Result?

Candidates appearing for the entrance examination must note that there is an NBE FET 2021 tie-breaker criteria for this entrance examination. In case candidates obtain the same score for a particular super specialty course, then, tie-breaking criteria will be applied for the candidates in order to determine inter-se-merit in descending order of application till a unique inter-se-merit is determined for all such candidates. The tie-breaker criteria of NBE FET 2021 is as follows:

  • Candidates who have lesser number of negative answers or responses in the overall examination will be placed at higher merit position.

  • Candidates who will have higher score in Part B of the question paper will be placed at higher merit position.

  • In Part B of the question paper, candidates having lesser number of negative answers/ responses will be placed at higher merit position.

  • To break the tie, older candidate will be placed at a higher merit position.

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