Best Books for PAF Entrance Exam 2025 Exam Preparation - Check PAF Entrance Exam Preparation Books Here

The best books for Peral Academy Entrance Exam preparation include Wiley's ExamXpert Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension by Captain A K Kalia, Arun Sharma's How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency by Ananta Ashisha, and more!

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Best Books for Pearl Academy Entrance Exam 2025

The best books for the Pearl Academy Entrance Exam 2025 are the ones that have been consistent every year for preparation. Books being one of the most important study materials should be selected considering multiple factors such as the relevance in the current year, the prescribed syllabus and exam pattern, publication year, publishing house, easy-to-understand language and others which will be discussed on this page. 

Candidates must also check out the Pearl Academy exam pattern to get familiar with the question paper pattern, format of questions and syllabus. It will also help in selecting the best books for preparation. 

Pearl Academy Entrance Exam 2024 selects candidates for bachelor-level and other courses in the fields of fashion and design, fashion, new-age business, and contemporary media. It includes three parts - the General Proficiency Test (GPT), the Design Aptitude Test (DAT) and the Media Aptitude Test (MAT). GPT is common for all the courses offered at the academy and DAT & MAT are specifically only for design and media programmes. Along with the written entrance test, the selection also includes a personal interview round.

Upcoming Design Exams :

How to Pick up Best Books for Pearl Academy Entrance Exam 2025?

Candidates must pick up the best books for the Pearl Academy entrance exam 2025 keeping in mind different factors. From carrying out your research to segregating the best ones as per advice from experts, we are here with the steps to help you select the best books: 

  • Pick the latest edition books: The edition of the book determines the relevancy of the content it carries and the current syllabus coverage. If a book is of old edition it may have outdated information, so students are advised to always select the books which are recently published. 
  • Look for the publisherโ€™s name: Before selecting the books, students must research the publisher or authorโ€™s name or publication house name to get clarity of the book. Students are suggested to go for books which are written by renowned or familiar authors. 
  • Go through the language of the book: The language of the book describes how easy it is to grasp the basic concepts. The book with easy-to-go language will help students better understand the topics or concepts. 
  • Check for sample questions: Students must go for books that consist of sample questions, practice questions or past year repeated questions to get an understanding of the question paper pattern.  
  • Take advice from toppers regarding book selection: Take advice from someone who has knowledge of this field or the ones who were part of this Pearl Academy entrance exam. Students are advised to refer to books and study materials which are recommended by the toppers as they are also tried and tested. They must also carry out their research and look out for feedback and review before making the selection or final purchase.
Colleges Accepting Exam PAF Entrance Exam :

Best Books for Pearl Academy General Proficiency Test (GPT)

Candidates are advised to check out the section-wise best books for the General Proficiency Test (GPT) test below:

Name of the Section 

Name of the Book

Name of the Author/Publisher

English Comprehension and English Language Ability

Wiley's ExamXpert Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension 

Captain A K Kalia

Wren & Martin High School English Grammar and Composition Book (Regular Edition)


Quantitative Ability

How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude

Arun Sharma

Logical Reasoning

How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning

Arun Sharma

Data Interpretation


Arun Sharma

Best Books for Pearl Academy Design Aptitude Test (DAT)

Refer to the best books for the DAT section of the Pearl Academy entrance exam below: 

Name of the Book

Name of the Author/Publisher

Guide for NIFT/NID/IIFT 2021

Arihant Experts

NIFT Mock Test Series 2021-22

NIFT Alumni

The Ultimate Guide for NIFT NID IIFT Entrance Examination 2021 With Solved Papers 2019-15 and 3 Crack Sets in English



Academy of Fashion and Art

NIFT, NID PG & CEED PG Study Pack Entrance Exam 2021: 20 books with Previous year Question Paper

Furkan Mirza

Best Books for Pearl Academy Media Aptitude Test (MAT)

Candidates can refer to the best books for the Pearl Academy entrance examโ€™s MAT section:

Name of the Book

Name of the Author/Publisher

Journalism & Mass Communication Entrance Exam Guide

RPH Editorial Board

Journalism and Mass Communication 2021

Arihant Experts

Want to know more about PAF Entrance Exam

FAQs about PAF Entrance Exam Books

Should I study from multiple books for the Pearl Academy Entrance Exam?

It is advised that students refer to limited books for the Pearl Academy entrance exam. As with multiple books, there are chances of confusion between sections.

Where can I find the best books for the Pearl Academy entrance exam?

Candidates can find the best books for the Pearl Academy entrance exam either on online retailers such as Amazon, Flipkart, etc or in physical bookstores. They are advised to look for the current syllabus, easy language and other factors for deciding the book.

Is there any negative marking in the Pearl Academy entrance exam?

There is no negative marking in the Pearl Academy entrance exam, so students can easily attempt all the questions without worrying about the mark deductions.

Do the books include the previous year's questions of the Pearl Academy entrance exam?

Yes, some of the preparation books include the previous year's questions for the Pearl Academy entrance exam. However, if students are not able to find the question papers in the books, they can search on the official website.

Should I check for the Pearl Academy entrance exam syllabus before selecting a book?

Yes, candidates must check for the relevant Pearl Academy entrance exam syllabus before finalising a book for preparation. They can check out the books for each section above on this page.

What is the Pearl Academy admission process?

The Pearl Academy admission process is divided into two parts, first the written entrance exam followed by the personal interview round. Students have to qualify for both the selection rounds to be eligible for admission.

Do I need a portfolio for the Pearl Academy interview?

Yes, students will have to present their portfolio for the Pearl Academy interview round. The PI round comprises a portfolio review and studio test depending on the course the student is applying for.

Are books important for Pearl Academy entrance exam preparation?

Yes, books are the most important study materials for Pearl Academy entrance exam preparation. Candidates must select and refer to books which not only include the relevant syllabus but also easy language.

Are the best books for the Pearl Academy entrance exam 2024 free?

Candidates have to look for the best books for Pearl Academy entrance exam 2024 which are available free on websites. However, if one is not able to find the free version of books, one can select the physical books for preparation.

Do the books consist of the Pearl Academy sample papers?

Yes, some books consist of the Pearl Academy sample papers. Students are advised to select the books which have sample papers as it will help them to get familiar with the question paper pattern, exam pattern and other factors.

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