How many marks can I score in RIE CEE with good preparation?
With good preparation, you can score 140+ out of 160 in RIE CEE exam.
What can be the cost of RIE CEE preparation books?
A combined preparation book for RIE CEE exam will cost you around Rs. 300.
Can I get a book with RIE CEE practice papers?
You can get a book with RIE CEE practice papers on all leading e-commerce platforms.
Can I prepare for RIE CEE exam in 30 days?
With proper revision and practice of mock tests, you can prepare for RIE CEE exam in 30 days.
Are preparation books of other B.Ed entrance exams useful for RIE CEE?
Books of other B.Ed entrance exams are useful for RIE CEE preparation. However, you will have to crosscheck the syllabus. If the syllabus matches, then you can use those books for preparation.
Should I buy separate books for each section of RIE CEE exam?
Usually, one combined preparation book is available for RIE CEE exam on different e-commerce platforms. If you cannot find a combined book, you will have to buy separate books for each section.
Where I can get preparation books for RIE CEE exam?
You can get preparation books for RIE CEE exam on popular e-commerce stores or bookstores available in your city.
Is it advisable to refer Wren & Martin High School English Grammar & Composition to achieve 20/20 in RIE CEE English Proficiency section?
Wren & Martin High School English Grammar & Composition is the best book for English grammar and RIE CEE aspirants can refer the same.
Can I refer Class 12th NCERT books for RIE CEE exam preparation?
NCERT books related to English grammar will help you in preparing for English Proficiency section of RIE CEE exam.
Can I prepare for RIE CEE exam without coaching?
You can prepare for RIE CEE exam individually without coaching. However, regular study/ preparation are important.